Title: Pappardelle Pantry Services - Australia
1Pappardelle Pantry
Gourmet Food and Hampers Shop
2 Our Products
We offer top quality pantry product which include
gifts, baskets, hampers, sauces, sweets, truffles
and gourmet foods in Sydney.
- Gifts and Hampers
- Oil and Vinegar
- Pantry
- Pasta, Rice Grains
- Truffles
- Sweets
- Biscotti
- Salts
- Vegetable
- Wines
- Sauces
3Pappardelle Ristorante
With over 25 years of experience in creating
fresh and delicious Italian food, Pappardelle
Pantry, a contemporary twist on classic Italian
ristorante, aims to produce and provide you with
fresh and finest ingredients, which include
wines, truffles, sauces, sweets, pantry, and much
4Catering Services
- Specialising in
- Pizza by the Slab
- Arrancini in a variery of different flavours
- Pasta Trays
- Lasagna
- Antipasto, Salumi and Cheese plates
- Panini
5Pantry of Pappardelle Addrss 217 Ramsay St,
Haberfield, 2045 Phone No. 028959 1460 ABN No.
68 003 786 810 Hours Online 24/7 via
email Email ciao_at_pappardellepantry.com.au