Title: MAT 4830 Mathematical Modeling
1MAT 4830Mathematical Modeling
2Dr. Wai W. Lau
3Dr. Wai W. Lau
4Dr. Wai W. Lau
5Course Web Page
- http//myhome.spu.edu/lauw
- Link to this document and other course
6Office Hours
- See course web page
- By Appointment
8This course
- Focuses on construction and analysis of
mathematical models of problems in the real world.
9This course
- Focuses on construction and analysis of
mathematical models of problems in the real
world. - Challenging, Demanding, Exciting, and Rewarding
- Individual works (Traditional lecture /HW)
- Team works (Case Studies and Modeling Contests)
- Appropriate technology (Maple) will be utilized
to provide a more convenient way to solve real
world problems.
- Appropriate technology (Maple) will be utilized
to provide a more convenient way to solve real
world problems. - Students will learn and master basic Maple
programming techniques.
- If you have not use Maple before, you probably
need to spend sometime to learn the basic today. - If you have already programmed Maple before, it
is a good time to review.
- If you have not use Maple before, you probably
need to spend sometime to learn the basic today. - If you have already programmed Maple before, it
is a good time to review. - Student version can be purchased at discounted
price (??, code ???)
14Case Studies
- Students will study problems as a group.
- Each group will prepare presentations and
reports. - Students will practice work sharing, time
management, and possibly interdisciplinary
15Case Studies
- Students will study problems as a group.
- Each group will prepare presentations and
reports. - Students will practice work sharing, time
management, and possibly interdisciplinary
16Case Studies
- Students will study problems as a group.
- Each group will prepare presentations and
reports. - Students will practice work sharing, time
management, and possibly interdisciplinary
17Case Studies
- Specific case studies may include (but not limit
to) - Airline Overbooking
- Tollbooths Modeling
- Sprinkler Systems for Irrigation
- Probability Models for Finger Prints
- The Airport Security problem
- The Exhaustible Resource Problem
18Case Studies Typical Timeline
Read the material
Group Discussion
PPT Production
Report Production
19Case Studies Typical Timeline
Read the material
Group Discussion
PPT Production
Report Production
20Case Studies Typical Timeline
Read the material
Group Discussion
PPT Production
Report Production
21Case Studies Typical Timeline
Read the material
Group Discussion
Electronic copies of reports and PPT due 4 p.m.
The day before prepsentation
PPT Production
Report Production
22Case Studies Typical Timeline
Read the material
Group Discussion
PPT Production
Report Production
One member will present.
23Case Studies Typical Timeline
Read the material
Group Discussion
PPT Production
Report Production
Hard copies of reports and PPT due at the
beginning of your presentation.
24Case Studies
- All reports must be typed.
- All presentations must use PowerPoint Slides.
- Electronic copies of reports and PPT due 4 p.m.
on the day before presentation. - Hard copies of reports and PPT due at the
beginning of your presentation.
25Case Studies
- Each report is around 2 pages (not counting the
cover sheet). It should consist of - A short summary
- Analysis and Critique
- You may use the diagrams from the files.
- Retype all formula. Do not copy-and paste from
the files.
26Case Studies
- Each presentation is about 15 min.
- Other groups need to pay attention and ask
questions. Part of your grade is assigned
according to your participation. - Being nice or ignorant or lack of interest will
result in lower grades. - Attentive and actively involve in discussion will
get you bonus points.
27Case Studies
- Members should commit to share the workload.
- Members of the same group will get grades
according to their involvements.
28Modeling Contests
- Each group will enter into one of the following
modeling contests (2/5-2/9) - MCM The Mathematical Contest in Modeling
- ICM The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling
29Modeling Contests
- Case Studies are selected from past contest
problems - Registration Fee 100 per team
- Part of the mid-term exam
30Modeling Contests
- A N grade will be given at the end of the
quarter. - Grades for the MCM will be assigned as follows
Results Points (/60)
Unsuccessful 0
Honorable Mention
31Models and Topics
- Various continuous and discrete models will be
discussed in this class. - Substantial weight will be placed on applications
to biological modeling. - However, the modeling techniques learned will be
applicable to other areas of application.
32Models and Topics
- Specific concepts, models and techniques students
learn in this course include - Discrete and Continuous Probability Models
- Monte Carlo Simulation
- Mean Time Between Failures
- Simple Queuing Theory
- Modeling Molecular Evolution
- Matrix Models of Base Substitution
33Models and Topics
- Phylogenetic Distances
- Phylogenetic Trees
- Tree Construction Distance Methods
- Maximum Parsimony
- Probability Distributions in Genetics
- Linkage
- Gene Frequency in Populations
- Other interesting topics if time permits.
- 1. Allman and Rhodes, Mathematical Models in
Biology - 2. Zeng, Scientific Computing with Maple
Programming (Manuscript, Chapter 1) - 3. Other supplemental Materials
- Able to provide written explanations of the ideas
behind key concepts. - Able to clearly present and explain solutions to
problems in both written and verbal form. - Read and write proofs appropriate at this level.
- Able to work as a team to solve problems.
- Able to use Maple to write short programs.
37Expectations - Handouts
- You are expected to print and bring your handout
to class. - Fail to have your HO repeatedly will negatively
impact your grade.
- Homework problem sets will be assigned.
- All work must be typed.
- The ONLY references you can use are the textbooks
and the lecture note. You cannot use any other
resources such as other books, software, and the
internet. Â
40Group Homework
- You are required to work together in a group of 2
or 3.
41Individual Homework
- No discussion with any other person, except may
be the instructor. - Discussing or copying homework is considered as
an act of academic dishonesty
- Your homework must be neat and easy to read. Â
Otherwise, no points will be given. The
instructor may make you redo your homework sets
(again and again) until the presentations are
acceptable. - Homework must be written with proper logical
- Staple your Homework. Points will be taken off
if you fail to do so. - Homework is due at the beginning of the
class.  Absolutely no late homework.
- Homework must be written with proper logical
format. - Pay attention to the notations and format used in
the lecture. You need to follow the notations and
format of the class notes in the case that they
are different from the textbook and supplemental
45Class Participation
- 1. There are reading assignments. I will ask
questions during the class period to check your
reading progress - 2. There are classwork in some class sessions.
- At the end of the quarter, your grades on
class participation will be determined by the
above activities and other observations by the
- 1 mid-term exam and a final
47Points Distribution
Exam 1 120 points
Final 120 points
Homework 80 points
Class Participation 20 points
Case Studies 60 points
48Final Class Grade
90 A Range
80 B Range
70 C Range
60 D Range
Below 60 E
- Talk to me. I am available during office hours
and other times.
50If Maple is new to you..
- Finish tonight the
- Maple Essential Tutorials 1-3
51Maple Tutorials
- Log into your account
- Download the Maple Essential Tutorials from the
course webpage - Run the Tutorials to learn the basic commands
- Read Zeng 1.1, 1.2
- (Some commands may not work properly!)
53Consultant Groups
- Each group should have 3 members.
- Commit to work with each other.
- A mixed talents is a good idea.
- Create a name for you consulting company.