Title: 1st Annual 2001 SDM Alumni Conference!
1Come join us for the.
1st Annual 2001 SDM Alumni Conference! October 25
26, 2001, Cambridge, MA
" Leadership in a Complex and Changing Business
- Featuring
- Prominent industry speakers
- MIT academic experts
- Networking with SDM alumni and current students
- Alumni presentations at Fall 2001 SDM Business
Trip - Participating in 2001 Sloan Leadership Conference
For More Information Visit http//sdm.mit.edu/sdm
2SDS Alumni Conference Theme
" Leadership in a Complex and Changing Business
Environment" Leadership in today's complex ,
global, and rapidly changing business environment
requires a multiplicity of skills. An effective
leader must ensure that the work of the
organization is producing positive value
throughout the entire process to maximize
shareholder wealth. Leaders help to identify the
organizational goals and create a shared vision
of what is at the core of their organization.
Leaders develop and maintain collaborative
relationships, develop the skills groups and
individuals need, and create an environment where
people willingly and enthusiastically rally
around the shared vision and goals. The 1st
annual SDM Alumni Conference SDM alumni
conference will explore the characteristics of
leadership from multiple business perspectives.
3MIT SDM Conference Strategy
- Integrate with SDM Business Trip
- Coordinate with SDM Leadership Team
- SDM Front Office to help with logistics
- Theme (Leadership Through Complexity)
- Leverage Sloan Leadership Conference
- Leadership presentation focus for alumni (Thur)
- SDM Learning Experience to current students (Fri)
- Attend Sloan Leadership Conference (Sat)
SDM Business Trip (Fall 01) Cambridge, MA
SDM Conference Cambridge, MA
Sloan Leadership Conference
Thursday (Alumni) Friday (Current Students
Alumni) Saturday (Sloan Leadership Alumni)
4Examples of Potential Conference Speakers
- Peter Senge, MIT, Sloan School of Management
- Don Davis, MIT, Senior Lecturer and Former CEO
- of Stanley Works (confirmed)
- Peter Stern, CTO, Datek Online (confimed)
- Tom Magnanti, Dean, MIT School of Engineering
- Sam Liggero, VP, Polaroid Corporation (confirmed)
5Overview of Conference Agenda
- Thursday October 25, 2001
- 800 AM - 530 PM
- Presentations from prominent industry speakers,
MIT academic experts, and SDM alumni - 600 PM - 900 PM
- SDM Dinner and networking with current SDM
students at University Park Hotel - Friday October 27, 2001
- 800 AM - 500 PM SDM
- Alumni participate in Fall 2001 Business Trip
- SDM Alumni presentations and round table
discussions - Saturday October 28, 2001
- 900 AM - 500 PM Attend Sloan Leadership
6Overview of Sloan Leadership Conference Saturday,
October 27, 2001
- This years Conference, Critical Choices
Defining Moments of Leadership, addresses the
difficult decisions that leaders face in an
evolving environment, and the development of
organizational leadership to successfully manage
these decisions. - As the business environment has been transformed
in the last decade become increasingly
networked, blurring the lines between traditional
business boundaries organizations have been
forced to develop new and innovative ways of
leadership. Additionally, the pace of change has
been frenetic, meaning that often critical
decisions have to be made quickly and without
full information. - In this kind of environment, the critical choices
and defining moments that affect the companys
future are more often occurring in the day-to-day
operations and decisions of the managers
throughout the organization, as well as in the
CEOs office. Thus it has become even more
critical for top executives to impart good
leadership skills to people at all levels of the
organization, making leadership a team effort. - To explore leadership in this evolving
environment, the conference will discuss topics
such as - Leaders guide others through adversity, but what
guides a leader in his/her actions when faced
with a defining moment? - How do you develop and inspire leadership within
your organization? - How has the globalization of the economy and the
various cultural issues involved affected
business decision-making? Are there differences
in how these situations are handled in various
industry contexts? - What are the key leadership capabilities that
emerge as successful?
For more information visit http//sloanleader.com
7Registration and Hotel Information
SDM Alumni Conference October 25 26,
Cambridge, MA Registration The SDM Alumni
Conference registration fee is 225. You can
register by mail (registration form to be
provided) or electronically through the SDM
Alumni Conference web site at http//sdm.mit.edu/s
dm/alumni/conf01/ Hotel Rooms We have a block
of rooms at a discounted rate of 199/night.
Contact The University Park Hotel before October
3, 2001 to get this special price and ensure a
room will be available. More Information For
more information, visit our SDM Alumni Conference
Web Site at http//sdm.mit.edu/sdm/alumni/conf01/