Title: Department of Veterans Affairs
1Department of Veterans Affairs
- Executive Board, National Veterans Affairs
- Frank Denny
- Director, VA Office of Occupational Safety and
- March 21, 2008
2Executive Board, National Veterans Affairs Council
- Designated Agency Safety and Health Official
- The Honorable Michael W. Hager - was sworn in as
Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and
Administration on November 27, 2007
- Office of Occupational Safety and Health
- Administrations (VHA, NCA, VBA) and Other Key
- Networks
- Facilities
3- VA Occupational Safety and Health Web Page
- http//www1.va.gov/vasafety/
4Executive Board, National Veterans Affairs Council
MISSION STATEMENT - To provide safe and
healthful places and conditions of employment.
VISION STATEMENT - VAs Occupational Safety and
Health (OSH) community is a dynamic, innovative,
flexible organization that understands the
causes, types, and nature of incidents that
result in injuries and illnesses and thus is able
to institute prevention systems."
5Executive Board, National Veterans Affairs Council
- SHARE Initiative - Safety, Health and Return to
Employment calls for a reduction in the number of
injuries and illnesses, and a reduction in lost
production days. - These will be used as measurement tools by VA to
help evaluate the success of the Safety Strategic
- Responsibilities
- Reduce the total claim rates by 3 percent per
- Reduce the lost time claim rates by 3 percent per
- Increase the timely filing of claim notices by 5
percent per year and
- Reduce the lost production days by 1 percent per
6Executive Board, National Veterans Affairs Council
- Metrics We are very interested in measuring our
progress and there are four metrics related to
safety of particular interest. These are
- Total Cases Rates (TCR)
- Lost-Time Cases Rates (LTCR)
- Top Three Most Frequent Types/Sources of
Injuries and
- Top Three Most Frequent Causes of Injuries.
7Executive Board, National Veterans Affairs Council
- We will be monitoring the new cases as they are
one of the base elements along with employee
employment figures that compose the two
Presidential safety goals under SHARE - total and
lost-time claim rate rates. I am committed to
meeting the Presidential goals under SHARE. - VA has been meeting one of the two safety goals.
- Met the Presidents lost-time claim rate and
- Though we had a decline in the total claim rate,
we did not meet this goal.
8Total Case Rate VA
- Presidential Safety, Health and Return to
Employment Initiative is to have a reduction of
total case rates for injuries and illnesses by at
least 3 per year. The 3 is based on FY 2003
Baseline provided by Department of Labor, so no
goal is evident in 2003. Total Case Rate is
defined as rate of all injury/illness cases per
100 employees. Data is based on Office of
Personnel Management (OPM) employment numbers.
NOTE The projected goals were derived from
09.xls. VA for FY 2007 is above the National
Government Total claim rate of 3.32.
9Lost-Time Case Rate VA
- Presidential Safety, Health and Return to
Employment Initiative is to have a reduction of
lost-time case rates for injuries and illnesses
by at least 3 per year. The 3 is based on FY
2003 Baseline provided by Department of Labor, so
no goal is evident in 2003. Lost-time Case Rate
is defined as rate of all injury/illness cases
with lost time per 100 employees. Data is based
on Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
employment numbers. NOTE The projected goals
were derived from http//www.dol.gov/esa/owcp/dfec
/share/Goals2007-09.xls VA for FY 2007 is
above the National Government Lost-time claim
rate of 1.61.
10Executive Board, National Veterans Affairs Council
11Executive Board, National Veterans Affairs Council
- Three Major Types of Injuries.
- Just as with the most frequent causes and sources
of injuries, the Safety Strategic Plan commits us
to identifying the types of the most frequent
lost-time injuries, again with the objective of
analyzing the program and the effectiveness of
our efforts to prevent lost-time injuries.
12Goals Presidential Safety Health and Return to
Employment Goal to have a reduction of total case
rates for injuries and illnesses by at least 3
per year. The 3 is based on FY 2003 Baseline
provided by Department of Labor. Total Case Rate
is defined as rate of all injury/illness cases
per 100 employees. Data is based on Office of
Personnel Management (OPM) employment numbers.
13Top Injury TypesVA
Description Data obtained from Department of
Labor through the Workers Compensation-Occupation
al Safety Health Management Information System
(WC-OSH/MIS). Injuries by Fiscal Year Oct 1
Sept 30 Goals Presidential Safety Health and Re
turn to Employment Goal to have a reduction of
total case rates for injuries and illnesses by at
least 3 per year. The 3 is based on FY 2003
Baseline provided by Department of Labor, So no
goal is evident in 2003. If we are to reduce the
rate of injuries the prominent locations and
causes of the most frequent injuries need to be
addressed. Action/Milestone As contained in the
details of the Workers Compensation and Safety
Strategic Plans there will be increased
awareness, analysis, and management of these
programs to improve program administration and
14Executive Board, National Veterans Affairs Council
- Three Major Causes of Injuries.
- In the Safety Strategic Plan we have committed to
identifying the causes of the three most frequent
injuries, with the goal of analyzing program
focus and effectiveness in preventing these
15Top Injury Causes VA
16Executive Board, National Veterans Affairs Council
- Investigations of every incident are critical to
developing a means of identifying the causes and
addressing corrective actions of the incident.
- Safety is of critical concern to our Department
and is definitely a concern to everyone here.
- Employees should be encouraged to report
incidents, and in fact have the responsibility to
do so.
- Organizations are encouraged to establish
procedures for reporting incidents, including
- Bottom line, the more information we have about
how and why an incident has occurred, the better
we are able to address the cause and prevent
further incidents. - In addition, we will be better able to focus our
efforts on the major causes, thus making a more
safe work environment for all our employees.
17Executive Board, National Veterans Affairs Council
- Currently, over 6,000 injured VA employees are
away from work due to injuries and illnesses
suffered while performing their assignments. The
cost to VA was more than 166 million in 2007 and
long-term obligations are estimated to exceed 2
billion. - At the same time, VA is experiencing shortages in
occupations such as patient care nursing and
disabled veterans claims processing.
- Returning partially disabled employees to duty
where, medically feasible, would help our
overburdened and understaffed work force, while
meeting our responsibility of gainful employment
to these individuals. - In addition, we can maximize the availability
and utilization of highly skilled, mission
critical employees.