Title: Economics of Regulation
1Economics of Regulation
2Tie-In Sale
- Definition
- Sale of good X is conditional on the buyers
promise to buy good Y. (IBMs selling punch
cards with computers).
3Tie-In Sale
- A. Antitrust Objections
- 1. Can be used to exclude or foreclose small
sellers from a particular market. (Cable company
requiring wiring done by them.)
- 2. Monopolist is able to extent its power into
another market. (Kodak selling film wit
processing FREE.)
- continue
4Tie-In Sale
- 3. Creates barriers to entry, since entrant would
have to sell both products.
- 4. Aids cartel discipline. One way to cheat is
to discount a related product. If products are
bundled, this option is not available.
- 5. Aids price discrimination by metering. (IBM
with punch cards XEROX with paper and toner.)
5Tie-In Sale
- B. Legal Treatment
- 1. Section 1 prohibits it but is not explicit.
- 2. Section 3 of Clayton Act...It shall be
unlawful ... to lease or sell goods...on the
condition, agreement or understanding that the
lessee or purchaser thereof shall not use or deal
in the goods...of a competitor or competitors of
the lessor or seller, where the effect...may be
to substantially lessen competition or tend to
create a monopoly in any line of commerce. - 3. Tie-ins are almost illegal per se
6Exclusive Dealing - firm X sells to Y on the
condition that it accepts no goods from Xs
- A. Antitrust Objections
- 1. Market foreclosure
- 2. Inhibit entry
- B. Legal Treatment
- 1. Rule of Reason - same Section 3 of Clayton
7Vertical Restraints
- A. Resale Price Maintenance - producer specifies
the prices that wholesalers or retailers may
charge when reselling the producers product.
- B. Exclusive Territory - wholesaler or retailer
is granted a certain geographic region where only
s/he can resell.
8Vertical Restraints
- C. Anti-efficiency motives - cartel of retailers
or manufacturers
- D. Pro-efficiency motives - expert sales staff -
dont want people going across the street after
salesperson at another store spent 3 hours
helping a person decide which model to buy.
9Baldwin article
- Structure, Conduct, Performance are not three
independent measures. We all recognize that
structure can lead to some conduct problems, but
Baldwin argues that there is a feedback effects
such that certain conduct can lead to certain
structure, i.e. tie-in sales may need monopoly
power but the conduct itself will lead to more
monopolization in structure.