Title: Neoclassical Growth Model
1Michaelmas Term 2010
Part IIB. Paper 2
Economic Growth
Lecture 2 Neo-Classical Growth Model
Dr. Tiago Cavalcanti
2Readings and Refs
Main Text ()Jones ch.2 Advanced Texts BX
chs.1,10 Romer ch.1.
Original Articles Solow R. (1956) A
contribution to the theory of economic growth
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 70, 65-94. Solow
R. (1957) Technical change and the aggregate
production function Review of Economics and
Statistics, 39, 312-320. Swan T. (1956) Economic
growth and capital accumulation Economic Record,
32, 334-361.
3The Neoclassical Growth modelSolow (1956) and
Swan (1956)
- Simple dynamic general equilibrium model of
4Neoclassical Production Function
Output produced using aggregate production
function Y F (K , L ), satisfying A1.
positive, but diminishing returns FK gt0, FKKlt0
and FLgt0, FLLlt0 A2. constant returns to scale
5Production Function in Intensive Form
- Under CRS, can write production function
- Alternatively, can write in intensive form
- y f ( k )
- - where per capita y Y/L and k K/L
Exercise Given that YL? f(k), show FK
f(k) and FKK f(k)/L .
6Competitive Economy
- Representative firm maximises profits and take
price as given (perfect competition) - Inputs paid by their marginal products
- r FK and w FL
- inputs (factor payments) exhaust all output
- wL rK Y
- general property of CRS functions (Eulers THM)
7A3 The Production Function F(K,L) satisfies the
Inada Conditions
Note As f(k)FK have that
Production Functions satisfying A1, A2 and A3
often called Neo-Classical Production Functions
8Technological Progress
change in the production function Ft
Hicks-Neutral T.P.
Labour augmenting (Harrod-Neutral) T.P.
Capital augmenting (Solow-Neutral) T.P.
9A4 Technical progress is labour augmenting
Note For Cobb-Douglas case three forms of
technical progress equivalent
10Under CRS, can rewrite production function in
intensive form in terms of effective labour units
- note drop time subscript to for notational ease
- Exercise Show that
11Model Dynamics
A5 Labour force grows at a constant rate n
A6 Dynamics of capital stock
- net investment gross investment - depreciation
- capital depreciates at constant rate ?
12 closing the model
- National Income Identity
- Y C I G NX
- Assume no government (G 0) and closed economy
(NX 0) - Simplifying assumption households save constant
fraction of income with savings rate 0 ? s ? 1 - I S sY
- Substitute in equation of motion of capital
13Fundamental Equation of Solow-Swan model
14Steady State
Definition Variables of interest grow at
constant rate (balanced growth path or BGP)
15Solow Diagram
16Existence of Steady State
- From previous diagram, existence of a (non-zero)
steady state can only be guaranteed for all
values of n,g and d if
- satisfied from Inada Conditions (A3).
17Transitional Dynamics
- If , then savings/investment exceeds
depreciation, thus - If , then savings/investment lower than
depreciation, thus - By continuity, concavity, and given that f(k)
satisfies the INADA conditions, there must exists
an unique
18Transitional Dynamics
19Properties of Steady State
1. In steady state, per capita variables grow at
the rate g, and aggregate variables grow at rate
(g n)
202. Changes in s, n, or d will affect the levels
of y and k, but not the growth rates of these
- Specifically, y and k will increase as s
increases, and decrease as either n or d increase
Prediction In Steady State, GDP per worker will
be higher in countries where the rate of
investment is high and where the population
growth rate is low - but neither factor should
explain differences in the growth rate of GDP per
21Golden Rule and Dynamic Inefficiency
- Definition (Golden Rule) It is the saving rate
that maximises consumption in the steady-state. - Given we can use
- to find .
22Golden Rule and Dynamic Inefficiency
23Changes in the savings rate
- Suppose that initially the economy is in the
steady state - If s increases, then
- Capital stock per efficiency unit of labour grows
until it reaches a new steady-state - Along the transition growth in output per capita
is higher than g.
24Linear versus log scales
25Changes in the savings rate
26Next lecture
- Testing the neo-classical model
- Convergence
- Growth Regressions
- Evidence from factor prices