Title: Life Histories
1Life Histories
- Offspring Number Versus Size
- Animals
- Plants
- Life History Variation Among Species
- Life History Classification
- R - Selected
- K - Selected
- New Models
3Offspring Number Versus Size
- Principle of Allocation If organisms use energy
for one function such as growth, the amount of
energy available for other functions is reduced. - Leads to trade-offs between functions such as
number and size of offspring.
4Egg Size and Number in Fish
- Fish show more variation in life-history than any
other group of animals. - Turner and Trexter found darter populations that
produce many small eggs showed less difference in
allelic frequencies than populations producing
fewer, larger eggs. - Proposed larvae from larger eggs hatch earlier,
feed earlier, do not drift as far, and thus do
not disperse great distances. - Greater isolation leads to rapid gene
5Seed Size and Number in Plants
- Many families produce small number of larger
seeds. - Dispersal mode might influence seed size.
6Seed Size and Number in Plants
- Westoby et.al. recognized four plant forms
- Graminoids Grass and grass-like plants.
- Forbs Herbaceous, non-graminoids.
- Woody Plants Woody thickening of tissues.
- Climbers Climbing plants and vines.
- Woody plant and climbers produced 10x the mass of
seeds than either graminoids or forbs.
7Seed Size and Number in Plants
- Westoby et.al. recognized six seed dispersal
strategies - Unassisted No specialized structures.
- Adhesion Hooks, spines, or barbs.
- Wind Wings, hair, (resistance structures).
- Ant Oil surface coating (elaisome).
- Vertebrate Fleshy coating (aril).
- Scatterhoarded Gathered,stored in caches.
8Seed Size and Number in Plants
- Small plants producing large number of small
seeds appear to have an advantage in areas of
high disturbance. - Plants producing large seeds are constrained to
producing fewer seedlings more capable of
surviving environmental hazards.
9Seed Size and Number in Plants
- Jakobsson and Eriksson found seed size variation
explained many differences in recruitment
success. - Larger seeds produce larger seedlings and were
associated with increased recruitment.
10Seed Size and Number in Plants
- Seiwa and Kikuzana found larger seeds produced
taller seedlings. - Energy reserve boosts seedling growth.
- Rapid growth helps seedling penetrate thick
litter layer.
11Life History Variation Among Species
- Shine and Charnov pointed out vertebrate energy
budgets are different before and after sexual
maturity. - Before - maintenance or growth.
- After - maintenance, growth, or reproduction.
- Individuals delaying reproduction will grow
faster and reach a larger size. - Increased reproduction rate.
12Life History Variation Among Species
- Gunderson found clear relationship between adult
fish mortality and age of reproductive maturity. - Species with higher mortality show higher
relative reproductive rate.
13Life History Variation Within Species
- Bertschy and Fox studied the influence of adult
survival on pumpkinseed sunfish life histories. - Findings supported theory that when adult
survival is lower relative to juvenile survival,
natural selection will favor allocating greater
resources to reproduction.
14Life History Classification
- MacArthur and Wilson
- r selection (per capita rate of increase)
- Characteristic high population growth rate.
- K selection (carrying capacity)
- Characteristic efficient resource use.
- Pianka r and K are ends of a continuum, while
most organisms are in-between. - r selection Unpredictable environments.
- K selection Predictable environments.
15r and K Fundamental Contrasts
- Intrinsic Rate of Increase
- Highest in r selected species.
- Competitive Ability
- Highest in K selected species.
- Reproduction
- r Numerous individuals rapidly produced.
- K Fewer larger individuals slowly produced.
16Plant Life Histories
- Grime proposed two most important variables
exerting selective pressures in plants - Intensity of disturbance
- Any process limiting plants by destroying
biomass. - Intensity of stress
- External constraints limiting rate of dry matter
17Plant Life Histories
- Four Environmental Extremes
- Low Disturbance Low Stress
- Low Disturbance High Stress
- High Disturbance Low Stress
- High Disturbance High Stress
18Plant Life Histories
- Ruderals (highly disturbed habitats)
- Grow rapidly and produce seeds quickly.
- Stress-Tolerant (high stress - no disturbance)
- Grow slowly - conserve resources.
- Competitive (low disturbance low stress)
- Grow well, but eventually compete with others for
19Plant Life Histories
20Opportunistic, Equilibrium,and Periodic Life
- Winemiller and Rose proposed new classification
scheme based on age of reproductive maturity (?),
juvenile survivorship (lx) and fecundity (mx). - Opportunistic low lx - low mx - early ?
- Equilibrium high lx - low mx - late ?
- Periodic low lx - high mx - late ?
21Opportunistic, Equilibrium,and Periodic Life
22Reproductive Effort, Offspring Size, and
Benefit-Cost Ratios
- Charnov developed a new approach to life history
classification. - Took a few key life history features and
converted them to dimensionless numbers. - By removing the influences of time and size,
similarities and differences between groups are
easier to identify.
23Reproductive Effort, Offspring Size, and
Benefit-Cost Ratios
- Offspring Number Versus Size
- Animals
- Plants
- Life History Variation Among Species
- Life History Classification
- R - Selected
- K - Selected
- New Models
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