Title: Tactical Recommendations
1Tactical Recommendations
2CAPM does not work
- Higher vol generally lower return
- ? avoid high volatility/beta stocks!
3Minimum Variance Portfolios
- Minimize the variance of subsets of popular
indices - Lower vol, dont lower return
- Robeco, Unigestion, MSCI have minimum variance
products - Haugen and Baker (1991), Jagannathan and Ma
(2003), Schwarz (2000), Clarke, DeSilva and
Thorley (2006), Blitz and van Vliet (2007)
4Minimum Volatility Portfolios
- Take subset of popular stock indices
- Find minimum variance weightings
- TT covariance matrix
- Use Jones heteroskedasticity consistent
principle components algorithm (Jones 2002) to
get factors - This produces the TK set of factors, F
- regress each security against these factors to
get the factor sensitivities for each security, - Create new covariance matrix
5MVP Construction
- Find weights with added constraints
- No shorts
- Cap on weight of 2 for SP500, 4 for other
indices - Stocks found generally at max limit for longs
- Redo each 6 months based on daily data from prior
6Indexes are not near 'Efficient'
7Total Return for MVPs vs. Indices
8Beta Arbitrage
- If CAPM does not work, and equity premium is
positive - Long 3 units 0.5 Beta stock, Short 1 unit 1.5
beta stock - Zero Beta, long 2 units of stock!
- Better if long beta has lower returns
9Beta Strategies
Data from 1962-2009, monthly returns, annualized
used top 80 of NYSE market cap (about 1500
stocks today)
10Tracking Error to Beta Portfolios
11Beta Arbitrage Beta0 Strats
Each strategy has a beta of 0, and is dollar long
12Tracking Error to Beta Arb Portfolios
13Tracking Error to Beta Arb Portfolios
14Beta Arb Summary
- Benchmark SP500
- Sharpe 0.27
- Beta 1.0
- Return 10.3
- For retail investors Beta 1.0 portfolio
- Sharpe 0.37
- Beta 1.0
- Return 12.6
- For business school grads Beta 0.5 portfolio
- Sharpe 0.51
- Beta 0.57
- Return 11.5
- MVPs have similar dominance to low beta focus
- For finance professor Long Beta 0.5 short SP500
index - Sharpe Information Ratio 0.39
- Beta 0.0
- Return 3.3risk free rate
15Investment Advisor
- Assume people want to do what everyone else is
doing - Appealing asset allocation based on consensus,
not volatility - Sell idea of trading envy for greed
- MVPs
- Beta Arbitrage
- Will deviate from the benchmark
16Seeking Alpha
- If your investments success is unaffected by
anything skill you have, you are gambling - Eg, lottery tickets
- Sharpegt1 strategies are not sold in mass
- People only sell to a general audience
- Low alpha (eg, index funds, MVPs)
- Negative alpha (Sturgeons law)
- High Alpha takes moderate intelligence, high
initiative - Hate, but dont fear, failure.
- Optimal search for ones niche implies failure
17Finance is mainly about people, not math
- Most value-add in finance about brand, scope,
scale, relationshipsnot trenchant forecasting
ability - Realize people are engaging in a repeated game,
looking for a niche - Dont be too cynical
- Liars Poker everyones a fraud, investing is a
scam - Must accept a certain level of alpha duplicity
- Big company standard politics, need to be
popular with customers and colleagues, not right