Title: Men's Fashion Tips and Style Guide
1Men's Fashion Tips and Style Guide
2Men's Fashion Tips and Style Guide
Fashion is an escape, not an imprisonment
. Fashion, thus should make one happy and help
one explore the hidden creativity in him. There
are only a few Fashion Tips to be kept in mind,
will dressing up, to look like a Fashionista
3Men's Fashion Tips and Style Guide
Style Guide Rules Rule 1 Simple is the Key
The rule of thumb to being fashionable with
Menswear, is to keep it simple. Dont overdo any
look as Menswear Fashion is about toning things
down. However, simple does not mean that you
cant experiment, but just be careful not to go
for an over kill.
4Men's Fashion Tips and Style Guide
Rule 2 Fit is Class At the end of the day if
something fits you well, you feel comfortable,
which makes you happy and feel classy. There, is
not rocket science to feeling classy and looking
a class apart, just look out for silhouettes that
suit your body type and make you look thin at
heavier portions.
5Men's Fashion Tips and Style Guide
Rule 3 Pep it up Keep a simple look all over,
but then again pep it up a little with a cool
waistband, watch, or shades or shoes. You could
also try contrasts. If you choose to wear a plain
white shirt you could pair it with orange shorts.
6Men's Fashion Tips and Style Guide
Rule 4 Floral and Stripes Mixing a Floral with
a Stripe is a complete Faux Pas and one should
completely try to avoid merging the two together.
Remember, if you are wearing a Hawaiian Floral
Shirt, never wear striped shorts with it , try
pairing it with plain bottoms instead.
7Men's Fashion Tips and Style Guide
Rule 5 Smell Good Smell is one of our
strongest senses, which can break and make ones
mood. If you smell good, you would automatically
feel happy cheerful and confident. Stay tuned,
for more Fashion Tips!!!
8Men's Fashion Tips and Style Guide
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