Title: The Achiever National Delta Tau Alpha Newsletter November 2006
1The Achiever National Delta Tau Alpha Newsletter
November 2006
Finals Week is Here
Study Much Study Smart GOOD LUCK!
The bitterness of studying is preferable to the
bitterness of ignorance -Unknown
2Guess Who?
My Name is Chase Kizziah. I grew up in what used
to be the small town of Richmond, Texas. I was
raised around agriculture but, I was never
directly involved. It wasnt until my sophomore
year in high school that I became active in the
FFA and raised a steer for the county fair. From
there, I worked to be more active and became the
FFA chapter president. During my high school
years I was also in PALS, varsity track, and on
the varsity football team. After high school, I
attended Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas
studying Civil Engineering. It didnt take long
for me to realize that I was not where I wanted
to be, or studying what I enjoyed most. After a
year at Texas Tech, I transferred to Sam Houston
State University in Huntsville, Texas to study
Agriculture Mechanization. At the current time, I
am still at Sam Houston with a major in
Agriculture Mechanics and a minor in Construction
Management. I plan to graduate in the fall of
2007. I am an active member of the
Ag Mech club, Block and Bridle, DTA
Chapter Treasurer, and
happy to be your 2006-2007 DTA
Southern Region Vice
3In The Loop!
- National Council
- Fall Meeting Review
- Discussed Recruitment Possibilities
- T-shirt Fundraiser (Coming Soon)
- Corbus Books can be Electronic
- Planning Continues for Convention
Convention _at_ EKU March 23-25
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
4Whats Happenin
Check out the website!!! _at_ www.fhsu.edu/agricultur
e/natdta To submit Form 40s after every meeting
to Chase07_at_missouristate.edu (ASAP) so that your
chapter can be included in the newsletter.
-Adopted a family for Christmas -Making fresh
Christmas wreaths for our fundraiser
-Participating in the Angel Tree Program -Selling
Christmas goodies for a fundraiser
Your Form 40 Info Here
Your Logo Here