Title: The Negatives of Foreclosure Purchase with Terry Baltes
1The Negatives of Foreclosure Purchase with Terry
The real estate investor hopes for the best. But
in the case of the foreclosure purchase, should
be prepared for the worst. The negative side of
a foreclosure purchase can be the propertys
condition. Catching the property in the
pre-foreclosure stage could mean the structures
exterior and interior are in reasonably good
condition. Such properties could be sold as-is
so that issues such as mold growth, plumbing
deterioration, biological infestations,
vandalized appliances and heat systems may exist.
If the property is sold as-is, no repairs can be
requested as a contingency of the sale.
2The Positives of Foreclosure Purchase with Terry
A major motivator in buying a foreclosed
property, or a property on the verge of
foreclosure, is the possibility of acquiring a
great financial deal. The lender who is holding
the bag on the property may be willing to unload
it at a significant discount. However, the
potential purchaser needs the right real estate
professionals to guide the process, helping to
ensure the purchaser is getting maximum value,
with full disclosure of the positives and
negatives of the property being considered.
3To Rent or To Buy Commercial Broker Terry Baltes
Considers The Dilemma
The commercial retail property user must consider
the dilemma of the business space to own or to
rent. Terry Baltes Commercial Realty has helped a
brace of retail and service business owners weigh
this question. The risks of owning the business
venue can include the threat of a dip in sales,
or even a spike in demand that the current
physical plant cannot handle. However, the
advantages the business owner can gain through
ownership of his physical location are
substantial. The commercial retail buyer gets
greater control over his businesss overhead, and
eliminates the danger of being victimized for
higher rent costs by the leasor.
4Terry Baltes Helps With Commercial Land Listings
and Purchase
Baltes Commercial Realty specializes in
commercial realty in all its ramifications,
including listings for both purchase of, and the
sale of, land for retail and industrial
commercial use. Land can be an excellent
investment for the commercial buyer, for a
variety of reasons.
5Thank You..!!