Title: Wishbone 3 in 1 Bike Review
1Wishbone 3 in 1 Bike Review
2Design? Some Photos
Design Verdict The design of Wishbone 3 in 1
Bike is really beautiful. Worth? I must say,
- Made from sustainably-harvested birch and
eucalyptus wood. - Non-toxic glues and finishes, and recycled
packaging. - Transforms from baby walker push velocipede to
little balance bike to massive balance bike. - Described as best-in-category - winner of 2009
TIME Magazine.
- Weight 13.8 pounds.
- Product Dimensions 42 x 19 x 18 inches
- Recommended age 1 to 5 years.
- Brand Wishbone
5The Positives
- Eco friendly.
- High durability.
- Soft cushion air tires.
- Smooth to ride.
6The Negatives
- The back bar on the bike sometimes catches the
back of your childs shoes, in the three wheel
7Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Q. How high is the seat? Is it adjustable?
- A My daughter is around 30" tall, and at its
lowest she can ride it. A few months ago, she
could ride it, but using her tiptoes. It IS
adjustable. - Q. What is the width of the back wheel frame? I
want to know if this can fit in the door frame. - A About 19" our son rides his all around the
house and through doorways without a problem.
8What Customers Say About It?
- I initially learned about this product on the
mothering.com forums and put the purchase off for
awhile. Recently I happened to go to a boutique
store and my daughter, 2.5, jumped right on the
tricycle and started moving it right away.
Anything my daughter loves, I love, so I ordered
it right away and I am confident it will last
much longer than any other balance bike. - Our 11 month old son LOVES his Wishbone bike. He
isn't walking yet, but already has this bike
moving! It was easy to put together and we
anticipate stress free adaptations to the other
configurations (3-wheeler gt 2-wheeler).No
negative feedback.
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