Title: Marketing Today
1Marketing Today
- What type of marketing activities do you see
everyday? - Are you involved in marketing? If so, how? If
not, why not?
3Why Study Marketing?
- To learn how businesses use marketing to increase
their effectiveness and profits - Improve personal marketing skills
4All Businesses Use Marketing
Businesses Directly Involved in Marketing Businesses with Major Marketing Activity Businesses with Limited Marketing Roles
Advertising Agencies Retailers Law Offices
Sales Reps. Manufacturers Physicians
Marketing Research Firms Banks Government Agencies
Trucking Companies Auto dealers Universities
5Marketing Functions
Info. Mgt.
6Seven Functions of Marketing
- Product Management
- Design/development of products
- Distribution
- Getting product from manufacturer to final
customer - Selling
- Direct personal communication with customer
- Information Management
- Obtaining information to improve performance
7Seven Marketing Functions
- Financing
- Budgeting for marketing activities or providing
financing to customers - Pricing
- Communicating the value of products
- Promotion
- Communicating information about product to
consumers through advertising or other
promotional methods
8Warm - Up
- Use complete sentences to answer the following
- What does it mean to be self sufficient?
- What is bartering? Give an example.
9What is Marketing?
- The creation and maintenance of satisfying
exchange relationships
10The Marketing Concept
- Using the needs of customers as the primary focus
during the planning, production, distribution,
and promotion of a product
11The Marketing Concept
- Elements of the Marketing Concept
- Identify customer needs
- Develop and market products or services
- Operate a business profitability
- Read the definition of marketing on page 9, then
answer the following - What is the key attribute of the exchange
relationship that marketers seek to create and
13The Need for Marketing
- First businesses developed marketing to improve
exchange - What if a company has a great product? Is there a
need for marketing? - Yes if customers do not know about the product
then they cannot buy the product
14Marketing and the Development of Business
- Self Sufficient
- Do not rely on others for the things needed in
order to survive - Bartering
- Exchanging products
- Specialization of Labor
- Concentrating on one or a few activities
15Marketing and the Development of Business
- Money Systems
- Use of currency as a recognized medium for
exchange - Central Markets
- Location where people bring products to be
conveniently exchanged
- Write an example of a business implementing the
marketing concept.
17The Functions of Business
- Production
- Creates or obtains products for sale
- Raw Materials
- Processing
- Merchandising
- Offering products produced by others for sale to
customers - Wholesalers
- Retailers
18The Functions of Business
- Operations
- Makes sure that business is running
- Takes care of the facility
- Accounting/Finance
- Creates budget and maintains financial well-being
of company
19The Functions of Business
- Management/Administration
- Sets objectives and goals for business
- Marketing
- Ensures effective exchange
- Coordination of Business Functions
- You must have all functions working together to
have a profitable and successful business
- For the following Business functions give an
examples of specific businesses using each
function - Production
- Operations
- Accounting/finance
- If a business is the sole producer of a product
that its customers need, why should it bother
with implementing the marketing concept?
22Implementing the Marketing Concept
- Identify the Market
- Develop a Marketing Mix
- Product
- Distribution
- Price
- Promotion
- Answer questions 1 8 pages 26 27 in the
Marketing Textbook
- In groups of 2 - 3
- Select a product or service that you buy
frequently (select one for your group) - Write down ways to improve the product or
services marketing mix - Explain how the suggested improvements would
increase the satisfaction of both the consumers
and business (or businesses that market the