Title: High Viscous Flow in Silk Spinneret
1High Viscous Flow in Silk Spinneret
Tetso Asakura Ayano Ino Toshiyuki Suzuki
Tokyo University of Agriculture and
Technology CHAM Japan
- For create silk artificially, it is important to
application of process of silk spinning.
3Silkworm spinneret
43D structure silkworm spinneret
Silk Press part
chitin plate
Silk tube
5Process of Silk spinning
- Silk spinning
- ? a to ß transition by shear Stress
6Shear rate of Silk fibroin
- Experiment of critical shear rate
- Kataoka at.al
- transition shear rate is
- 1E021E-3 sec-1
Critical shear rate
7Molecular Dynamics simulations
Tensile stress 0.1GPa Shear stress 0.3,0.5,0.7
Conformational probability
8Geometry from Biology
- ? Dont need BFC meshing Easy to Use
- Complex Geometry
- ?facet data converted from STL format
- Wall friction added automatically on Object face
10STL(Stereo Lithograph) file
- STL file
- Solid model ? triangle patches
- It accepts the un-closed and twist surface
- Many tools can be used to make it
11Graphical tools to Object(Make STL file from
12Repair STL
- What is required before importing PHOENICS ?
- No Hole or Gap
- Surface vector is the same direction(twist)
- Cut small parts
- Smoothing
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14Model (meshing)
152µm (ny78)
156µm (nx78)
15Properties of Silk fibroin
- Density
- 75water 1.075g/cm3
- Viscosity
- Neuton Fluid 6.5E4P
- Ref Water0.01P,Glycerin7.982P
16Boundary Conditions
- Inlet Velocity 0.178cm/sec
- (spinneret velocity1.0cm/s)
- Outlet P0
- Wall Non-Slip
17High Viscosity Flows
- Transport Equations
- ??u0
- ??uu ??p/? µ?2u
- Finite volume equations
- FP(aNFNaSFSetc.)/aP
18Continuity Equations
- Error of continuity
- RcN-cSetc.
- c convective flux
- Pressure correction equation
- aPpP aNpNaSpSetc.R
- by default adc/dp
19Convergence acceleration
- Pressure correction equation at ADDDIF option for
High Viscosity flow - aPpPaNpNaSpSetc.R
- ad(cd)/dp
- Diffusion Flux
20Corresponding in MIGAL
- MIGAL Solver ? Velocity-Pressure Coupling
- ApFpSAnbFnbb
- Matrix A included convection and diffusion fluxes
21Convergent test
- Use cut model near chitin plate
- No. of cells
- 94x114x63
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25Pressure and Velocity
26Slip velocities(shear rate)
- In PHOENICS, the magnitude of the total rate of
strain GEN1 is given as, - GEN12(du/dx)2(dv/dy)2(dw/dz)2
- (du/dydv/dx)2
- (dv/dzdw/dy)2
- (dw/dxdu/dz)2
- Slip velocity is VsSQRT(GEN1)
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29Summary Conclusion
- About Simulation Result
- The maximum shear velocities is 451/s at silk
press part. Where is provided the transition from
liquid protein to fiber. - Static Pressure loss is Giga Pascal order in
spinner. It is as same as the transition stress
with the molecular dynamics simulation.
30Summary Conclusion 2
- About CFD technique
- With some graphical tools, we can calculate
easily the case with complex biology geometry by
PHOENICS. - A better convergence has been gotten by adding
the diffusion velocity into pressure correction
equation for High Viscous Flow, If we desire
much better performance, we can use MIGAL.
31Summary Conclusion 3
- Future and next step
- PARSOL (Cut cell)
- Pressing at chitin plate (use Moving Grid or
MOFER). - Survey for the fibroin properties.