Title: A New Approach to Fusion Energy
1A New Approach to Fusion Energy
- D. C. Barnes
- coronadocon_at_msn.com
- FPA Pathways to the Future
- September 28, 2006
- Ultimate fusion neutronless
- Two new ideas (both for rotating plasmas)
- Use high T to make efficient heat engine
- Use rotation to make waves from static field
(Doppler effect) - Summary and plans
3The challenge of aneutronic fusion
- p-11B is 1000 times more difficult than D-T
- T is 6 x and 3 electrons/ion ? n is 0. 05 x , and
yield is 1/2 ? P' is 0.001 ? V is 1000 x - Thermonuclear p-11B tokamak wont work (physics
or economics) - What alternatives might exist?
- Apply to D-T reduced size and field
4How to lower the fusion threshold?
- Beam-target fusion
- 100 keV D beam into T plasma
- More heat than fusion
16 bar
5New idea 1 Heat engine power flow
Beam-target fusion gives this Qphys 10-20
Plant engineers see this Qeng 10
6Plasma Centrifuge Heat Engine for Colliding Beam
Fusion Reactor
Plasma Centrifuge Heat Engine for Continuous Beam
Fusion Reactor
Plasma Centrifuge Heat Engine Beam Fusion
Patent Pending, App. No. 60/596567, USPTO
(2005). Patent Pending, App. No. 60/766791,
USPTO (2006). Patent Pending, App. No.
1153471, USPTO (2006).
7How to make plasma heat engine?
- Several ways
- Make potential field force on plasma
- Plasma does work against field, giving mechanical
energy to source of field - Barnes Nebel POPS (1998)
- Collisionless plasma can oscillate without
entropy generation - Chacón et al. work (2000)
- Thermonuclear plasma in equilibrium with low T
particle replacement - Continuous or oscillating
- Continuous trap (Pastukov 1974)
This result can be understood if one bears in
mind that all the energy of an escaping particle
consists of transverse motion,
If make B ? 0 at outflow, get low T exhaust!
8How to make plasma heat engine?
- Centrifugal well created in rotating plasma
- Make B and r small at ends where particles escape
- Open field is that outside a field reversed
configuration (FRC)
9Supersonic rotating plasmas exist
Maryland Centrifugal eXperiment (MCX) From Ellis,
et al.
PSP-2 ½ MV Experiment at Novosibirsk From
Abdrashitov, et al.
10P-CHES D-T reactor
- High-b and beam-target operation implies low B
operation 33 W/cm3 ? 400 MW
11P-CHES D-T reactor (cartoon approximation)
- Beam formed by electrostatic acceleration of
injected, low-energy particles - e.g. Ftrapped 0.45 W ? Vtrapped 200 kV
- Toroidal current driven by rotating magnetic
field (RMF) with stationary dipole
12P-CHES on the path to fusion energy
- Form supersonically rotating FRC
- Study Tloss/Tcentral show small and dependencies
to minimize - Raise applied and induced voltage and inject beam
to get fusion conditions - D-T fusion system
- p-11B fusion system
13Forming rotating FRC
- New idea 2 Make and use waves with plasma
rotation e.g. RMF
From Slough and Miller
From Hoffman, et al.
14Forming rotating FRC
- Firing end anodes produces rotating plasma
Rotating plasma sees RMF, producing FRC
15Summary and future
- A new paradigm is proposed
- Beam-target fusion with heat recovered to
rotation - High efficiency of beam formation from rotation
- Many advantages
- Very high power density
- Required T reduced (500 eV for D-T)
- Required confinement reduced (lt 1 ms for D-T)
- Static fields, DC operation
- Extensible to aneutronic systems
- 2 new ideas suggest a modest experiment
- Demonstrate formation of rotating FRC
- Heat engine physics diagnosed if warm FRC
produced - Propose future study
- Theory and design
- Small experiment