Title: Distributed Ontological Reasoning
1Distributed Ontological Reasoning
International Doctorate School in Information and
Communication Technologies DIT - University of
PhD Dissertation Presentation
Andrei Tamilin
- Advisor
- Dr. Luciano Serafini, ITC-irst
1500 Thursday, February 1, 2007
- Part I Preliminaries
- Context, Problem, State of the Art, Thesis
Approach - Part II Theory
- Distributed Description Logics Framework
- Part III Algorithms
- Distributed Tableaux Algorithms, DRAGO Reasoner
- Part IV Applications
- Modular Ontology Representation and Reasoning
- Semantic Mapping Analysis Diagnosis and
Repairing - Semantic Mapping Analysis Entailment and
Minimality - PART V Conclusions
- Results, Future Directions
3Part I Preliminaries
4Semantic Web Context the Story so far
- 1992 world wide web (WWW) by Tim Berners-Lee
- Continuously grows
- Marked up for human consumption only
- Difficult to delegate processing to machines
- 2001 - the semantic web (SW), by Tim Berners-Lee,
James Hendler and Ora Lassila - Enrich the content with semantic metadata
- Common understanding of metadata via description
of tags in a shared ontology - Interoperability
5Semantic Web Context the Story so far cont.
- 2003 SW is possible
- Representational languages RDF, RDFS, DAML, OIL,
DAML-OIL, OWL - Theory Description Logics (DL)
- Effective reasoning algorithms Tableau reasoning
- Practical inference systems FaCT, RACER, Pellet,
- Management tools plenty
- 2003 SW can work
- Ready to be applied to range of practical
scenarios, when a single ontology is kept in mind
6Problem Ontology Multiplicity
- SW Reality
- Everyone has own ontology
- Ontologies are heterogeneous
- Challenge
- How to interoperate?
- Solution
- Semantic mappings
- Reasoning support
7SoA approach I Global Reasoning
- Construct an integrated global ontology for
reasoning with available DL tools - Benefits
- Stable theory and
- tools support from DL
- Drawbacks
- (i) unlikely to scale
- (ii) losing language and reasoning specificity
- (iii) losing privacy and autonomy of ontological
8SoA approach II Distributed Query Answering
- Querying P2p network of local ontologies by
applying query rewriting techniques - Benefits
- Really distributed practical implementations
- Drawbacks
- (i) Not really full-fledged reasoning
- (ii) Difficult to evaluate soundness and
completeness of algorithms
9Thesis Approach Distributed Reasoning
- Logical reasoning through a combination, via
mappings, of distributed local reasoners - Benefits
- (i) scalable
- (ii) respects language specificity
- (iii) supports information hiding
- Revisited thesis problem
- Enable a distributed reasoning for multiple
ontologies coupled by semantic mappings
10Addressed Research Questions
- How do construct a logical theory to adequatly
represent ontologies and mappings? - How semantic mappings affect reasoning with
multiple onotlogies? - How to correctly and completely formalize the
affection? - How to construct and implement truly distributed
reasoning procedure aware of mapping effects? - How to demonstrate the feasibility of the theory
and reasoning procedure? - Requirement
- Compatibility with the current ontology
11Thesis Contributions
- Elaboration of Distributed Description Logics
framework (DDL) - Extends DL
- Sound and complete characterization of reasoning
in DDL in terms of operator - Truly distributed tableaux decision algorithm
- Extends standard DL tableau
- Distributed prototype reasoner DRAGO
- Extends standard DL reasoner Pellet
- Evaluation of feasibility and adequateness
through several semantic web working scenarios
12Check Point
- What we have?
- Step forward
- How to logically formalize the setting of
multiple ontologies interrelated by semantic
mappings? (Part II - Theory)
13Intuitions and Design Rationale
Theory desiderata
- multiple local representational languages
- local heterogeneous domains
- local semantics
- relations between objects of heterogeneous local
domains - subjectivity and directionality of mapping
14DDL in 3 Passages
- Captures the case of multiple ontologies pairwise
linked by directional semantic mappings - Local ontologies correspond to DL knowledge bases
- Mappings correspond to bridge rules and
individual correspondences
15DDL Syntax
- A family of knowledge bases Kii?I, Ki in DLi
16Example 1
17DDL Syntax cont.
- A family of description logics DLii?I
- A bridge rule from i to j is an expression of the
form - where X and Y are concepts of i-th and j-th
- An individual correspondence from i to j is an
expression of the form - where x and y are individuals of i-th and j-th
18Example 2
19DDL Syntax cont.
- A distributed knowledge base is a triple
- DKB ?Kii?I, Biji?j?I, Ciji?j?I?
20DDL Semantics
Each local ontology Ki is locally interpreted on
a local interpretation domain
- family of local interpretations
- K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, K7
- I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6, I7
- family of domain relations rij from i to j
- rij? ?Ii x ?Ij
A distributed interpretation (DI) of a DKB
?Iii?I, riji?j?I?
21DDL Semantics with Holes
Problem if some of local ontologies are
inconsistent (no classical interpretation) then
automatically distributed interpretation does not
exist and thus the whole system is
inconsistent Solution introduce a special
interpretation, called a hole (H), which provides
a model even for classically inconsistent local
ontologies Distributed interpretation revisited
consists of family of local (classical DL)
interpretations or holes
22Satisfiability of Distributed Knowledge Base
- DI?Iii?I,riji?j?I? satisfies
DKB?Kii?I,Biji?j?I,Ciji?j?I? - DI DKB
- If
- all Ki are satisfied (according to standard DLs
approach), i.e., Ii Ki - all bridge rules Bij and
- all individual correspondences Cij are
23Into-bridge rule Satisfiability
rij(XIi) ? YIj
iX jY if
24Onto-bridge rule Satisfiability
rij(XIi) ? YIj
iX jY if
25Individual correspondence Satisfiability
ix jy if
26Reasoning in DDL
Inference tasks are the same as in classical DL.
Difference not only local knowledge bases but
also mappings should be satisfied
- Satisfiability iX is satisfiable wrt DKB
- if there exist a DI such that DI DKB and
- Subsumption iX is subsumed by iY wrt DKB, iC
D, - if for every DI of DKB and XIi ? YIj
- Instantiation ia is instance of iC wrt DKB,
iC(a), - if there exist a DI such that DI DKB and
27Check Point
- What we have?
- DDL logic for representation of ontologies and
semantic mappings - Reasoning in DDL - depends not only on local
ontologies, but also on mappings - Step forward
- What are the possible effects of mappings on
281) Subsumption Propagation
DKB ??T1, Ø?, ?T2, Ø ?, B12, Ø ?
GI2 ? r12(AI1)
r12(BI1) ? HI2
292) Assertion propagation
DKB ??T1,A1?, ?T2,A2?, B12,C12?
hI2 r12(bI1)
r12(BI1) ? HI2
30Effects of Mappings
- Knowledge propagation
- Mappings from a source ontology i to a target
ontology j constitute a semantic channel from i
to j which allows ontology j to access and import
knowledge from ontology i in form of subsumption
axioms and concept membership assertions - Directionality
- Mappings from i to j support knowledge
propagation only in such a direction from i
towards j
31Check Point
- What we have?
- DDL logic for representation of ontologies and
semantic mappings - Reasoning in DDL - depends not only on local
ontologies, but also on mappings - Mappings result in propagating knowledge across
local ontologies - Step forward
- How to correctly and completely characterize
effects of mappings? Are these the only effects
possible? (Part III - Algorithms)
32Characterizing Subsumption Propagation
Given DKB12 ??T1, Ø?, ?T2, Ø ?, B12, Ø
? Bridge operator B12T1?T2 adsorbs
essentially all inferences (subsumption axioms)
possible from interactions in B12
Theorem (soundness and completeness)
33Characterizing Assertion Propagation
Given DKB12 ?K1, K2, B12, C12? Individual
correspondence operator C12(A1) encapsulates
propagated assertion axioms Combined propagation
operator BC12(K1) ?B12, C12?
Theorem (Soundness and Completeness)
34Check Point
- What we have?
- DDL logic for representation of ontologies and
semantic mappings - Reasoning in DDL - depends not only on local
ontologies, but also on mappings - Mappings result in propagating knowledge across
local ontologies - Propagation can be correctly and completely
captured by propagation operators - Step forward
- How to define the (distributed) decision
DTabi Tabi computation of propagation
36Distributed SHIQ-T-box Tableaux
- DTabj
- SHIQ-tableau expansion rules
- bridge expansion rule
- Intuition
- Compute a backward version of bridge operator
37Intuitive Run
Is jD is satisfiable wrt DKB?
x L(x) D
Standard tableau expansion rules
L(y) G,
38Algorithms Properties
- Theorem (Termination) For any distributed T-box
and for any SHIQ concept X, DTabj(X) terminates
(in a cyclical knowledge bases a blocking is
used satisfiability request never generates
itself). - Theorem (Soundness and completeness) jX is
satisfiable in a distributed T-box if and only if
DTabj(X) can generate a complete and clash-free
completion tree. - Generalization (Application to parallelization)
Each request to foreign tableaux procedures is
independent from others and thus can run
independently in parallel
39Distributed SHIQ-A-box tabelaux
- DTabj
- SHIQ-tableau expansion rules
- bridge expansion rule
- Individual correspondence expansion rule
- Intuition backward versions of bridge and
individual correspondence operators
40Check Point
- What we have?
- DDL logic for representation of ontologies and
semantic mappings - Reasoning in DDL - depends not only on local
ontologies, but also on mappings - Mappings result in propagating knowledge across
local ontologies - Propagation can be correctly and completely
captured by propagation operators - Inference procedure can be implemented on top of
standard DL tableau - Step forward
- Implementation
41DRAGO Vision
42DRAGO Architecture
- OWL ontologies
- C-OWL semantic mappings
- Distributed Reasoner is an extension to open
source OWL Reasoner Pellet
44Check Point
- What we have?
- DDL logic for representation of ontologies and
semantic mappings - Reasoning in DDL - depends not only on local
ontologies, but also on mappings - Mappings result in propagating knowledge across
local ontologies - Propagation can be correctly and completely
captured by propagation operators - Inference procedure can be implemented on top of
standard DL tableau - DRAGO - implementation of DDL inference engine
- Step forward
- Applications (Part IV)
451) Modular Ontology
- Addressed the problem of enabling modular
ontology construction from existing ontological
modules - Basic idea
- view available ontologies as modules
- use bridge rules and individual correspondences
as means for accessing and importing knowledge
from ontological modules - use distributed reasoning for composing modular
46Modular Ontology Example
47Modular Ontology Evaluation
48Modular Ontology Evaluation
- Does it scales?
- What about performance?
492) Mapping Debugging
- Addressed the problem of errors in semantic
mappings and developed automatic method for
diagnosis and repairing errors - Basic idea
- encode semantic mappings in DDL and further see
the affect of mappings on ontologies they connect - detect changes in subsumption hierarchies of
mapped ontologies using distributed reasoning - treat changes as symptoms caused by incorrect
mappings - Claim
- correct mapping should not cause changes in
mapped ontologies
502) Mapping Debugging Example
? r12(Regular_PaperI1)
PaperI2 r12(PaperI1)
512) Mapping Debugging Evaluation
- Applied to sets of semantic mappings generated by
real matching systems - Evaluation demonstrated a high precision of
repairing (70-100), although keeping the space
for improving recall (20-50) - DDL adequately captures semantic mappings
523) Mapping Minimization
- Addressed the problem of filtering redundant
(entailed) parts of mappings to construct compact
(minimal) representation - Basic idea
- encode semantic mappings in DDL
- similarly to subsumption and entailment in DL
define entailment of bridge rules - one by one pick a bridge rule and if remaining
mapping entails it remove it - proceed until all rules verified.
533) Mapping Minimization Example of Entailment
r12(ReviewerI1) ? PersonI2
r12(External_ReviewerI1) ?
543) Evaluation To minimize or not to minimize?
55Final Check Point
- What we have?
- DDL logic for representation of ontologies and
semantic mappings - Reasoning in DDL - depends not only on local
ontologies, but also on mappings - Mappings result in propagating knowledge across
local ontologies - Propagation can be correctly and completely
captured by propagation operators - Inference procedure can be implemented on top of
standard DL tableau - DRAGO - implementation of DDL inference engine
- DDL and DRAGO applied to several working scenarios
56Future Works
- Extensions, optimizations, applications
- support of heterogeneous mappings
- role-to-concept mappings
- concept-to-individual
- looking for optimizations in distributed tableaux
algorithm and in its DRAGO implementation - improving the results of already started