1PSY 260 Behavioral Neuroscience 1030 1120 AM
MWF Wheatley 2nd Flr Rm 158 Professor Jane
Adams, Ph.D.
2Name Major Prerequisite course college biol
advanced placement in college biol Psy 105
permission from Adams Email Phone
3Office Hours Mon and Fri right after class
until 100 Office Location Room 270 - 4th
floor of the McCormack building. Email
contact jane.adams_at_umb.edu
4- Class webpage
- contains syllabus
- contains lecture notes from Power Point slides
- assigned articles
- instructions for other assignments (papers
extra credit) - links to other resources, etc
5- Resources
- Text Biological Psychology (4th Edition), 2005,
by Rosensweig, Breedlove, Watson Also Assigned
Readings - Course Requirements
- 4 exams 100 pts each multiple choice,
fill-in-the-blank, listing, short answer, essay - Makeups only with medical excuse all makeups are
essay format. - 2 papers 25 pts each
- Papers based on 3-5 articles that I assign.
- 3 sets to choose from 1st 2 have a re-write
option. Dates on syllabus.
6- Papers must be written in APA format
- applies to article citations in text
- applies to format of the reference list
- webpage has a link describing format
7Grading system 450 pts total need 270 to
pass. A 93-100 C 78-79 A- 90-92 C 72-77 B 8
8-89 C- 70-71 F lt60 B 82-87 D 68-69 B- 80-81 D
62-67 D- 60-61
8- Extra Credit Option
- may earn up to 8 extra pts (no more) by
completing individual assignments valued at up to
3 pts (quality determines pts earned) - explanatory paragraphs related to class content
- may help you on the essay questions or other
exam content - can increase your grade at end by 1 step
9Disability Services Through the Lillian Semper
Ross Center for Disability Services various aids
such as sign language interpreting, readers,
testing accommodations, counseling, etc. are
available to special needs students. For more
info., contact the Ross Center on the second
floor of the Campus Center (287-7430) as soon as
10Academic Integrity Academic Dishonesty includes
cheating in any form on an exam or any
assignment. Ex plagiarizing a paper (copying
from any source without quotes and referencing is
plagiarizing), paraphrasing other students work,
copying during an exam, etc. A grade of 0 will
be given for the exam or assignment. Bathroom
breaks during exams are chaperoned.
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15- In your lifetime you may expect
- treatments that facilitate growth of new brain
tissue or bodily nerves - real treatments for neurological diseases and
injuries that replace dysfunctional tissue with
healthy tissues - immunotherapies that prevent addiction
- gene insertion/deletion therapies