Title: Stage 13 Derivatives
1Stage 13 Derivatives
2advenio, advenire, adveni - arrive
- Advent, adventure, avenue
3 aedificium, aedificii, n. - building
4aeger, aegra, aegrum-sick, ill
5 alter, altera, alterum- another, other
- Adulterate, adultery, alter, alteration,
altercation, alternate, altruism, altruist,
subaltern, unalterable
6canto, cantare, cantavi-sing
- Cant, cantata, canticle, canto, cantor, chant,
chanticleer, chantry, descant, disenchant,
enchant, incantation, incentive, recant
7ceteri, ceterae, cetera -the others, the rest
8 coniuratio, coniurationis, m.- plot
- Abjure, adjust, conjuration, conjure, conjurer,
injure, judge, jury, just, justice,
justification, prejudice
9 custos, custodis, m. guard
10decido, decidere, decidi- fall down
- Decide, deciduous, decision, decisive
11 dico, dicere, dixi- speak, say
- Addict, benedict, condition, contradict, diction,
dictum, edict, indict, indite, jurisdiction,
preach, predict, valedictory, verdict
12 excito, excitare, excitavi wake up
13fessus, fessa, fessum -tired
horreum, horrei n. barn
interficio, interficere, interfeci-kill
ita vero-yes
14 nolo, nolle, nolui- not want
15novus, nova, novum - new
- Innovator, nova, novel, novice, renovate
16numero, numerare, numeravi - count
- Enumerate, number, numeral, numerical,
17nullus, nulla, nullum-no, not any
18ordo, ordinis, m.- line, row
- Coordinate, extraordinary, inordinate, ordain,
order, ordinal, ordinance, ordnance, preordain,
19possum, posse, potui- be able
- Omnipotence, plenipotentiary, posse, possible,
potent, potentate, potential
20retineo, retinere, retinui- keep
21ruo, ruere, rui- rush
22se- himself, herself, itself
sum, esse, fui - be
23traho, trahere, traxi-drag
- Abstract, attract, contract, distraught, entreat,
portray, retrace, subtrahend, trace, tract,
traction, tractor, train, trail, trait, treat,
treatise, treatment, treaty
24vita, vitae f. life
- revitalize, vital, vitamin
25 volo, velle, volui- want
- benevolence, involuntary, malevolence, volition,
volunteer, willy-nilly
26vulnero, vulnerare, vulneravi - wound