Title: Who Wants to be a Millionaire- Stargirl
1Who Wants to be aMillionaire-Stargirl
2Question 1 How many porcupine neckties does Leo
have total at the end of the book?
A. 2
C. 4
D. 11
B. 3
3Question 2 Why does Stargirl change her name so
C. She likes the sound of new names
A. Thinks her name is like a shirt
D. She never changes her name
B. She hates her name
4Question 3 What is one thing that makes Stargirl
different from everyone else?
C. She plays a tuba for a students birthday
A. She likes bugs
D. She plays a ukulele for a students birthday
B. She is a straight A student
5Question 4 What is Stargirls original birth-name?
A. Angelina
C. Stargirl
D. Susan
B. Susana
6Question 5 How do other students show admiration
for Stargirl when she becomes the most popular
girl in school?
A. They follow her home
C. They started being more like her
D. They dont admire her
B. They give her gifts
7Question 6 What is one thing that Leo shows
courage by doing?
C. He stands up to the teachers
A. He goes on stage
D. He does the school TV show
B. He hangs out with Stargirl
8Question 7 Why does Leo break-up with Stargirl
towards the end of the book?
C. She breaks up with him
A. He doesnt
D. He is too busy
B. He doesnt like her
9Question 8 When Stargirl came back to school from
the contest she won, what happened?
A. She didnt come
C. Nobody came
D. She didnt want the award
B. She didnt get the award
10Question 9 What is the changing point of
A. Leo gets another tie
C. Stargirl changes her identity
D. There is no changing point
B. Stargirl runs away
11Question 10 Why was Stargirl so sad when she was
A. She didnt like the name Susan
C. She wanted to be Stargirl again
B. Everyone still hated and ignored her
D. Everyone liked her too much
12Question 11 What happened on Hot Seat when they
were filming?
C. Stargirl never showed up
A. It went perfectly
D. Everything got ruined and the episode was
never showed
B. They never filmed it
13Question 12 How was Stargirl a role model for the
high school after she left?
A. It became the only high school with a ukulele
in the band
C. It became more unique, like Stargirl
B. There became a club where you have to be nice
to at least 1 person a day
D. All of the above
14Question 13 When Stargirl became Susan, why did
she wear a sign that said TALK TO ME AND ILL
A. Even though she changed, others still had the
same attitude towards her
C. She was crazy
D. She didnt like others
B. She had free time
15Question 14 How is Stargirl different at the
Octillio Ball?
A. She came in a limo
C. Her attitude towards it
B. She didnt have anyone to go with
D. The way she danced
16Question 15 How does Leo change from the
beginning of the book, to the end of the book?
A. He meets new friends
C. He moves away
D. He becomes an adult
B. He becomes more tolerant of others
17I Think the Answer is A
18I Think the Answer is B
19I Think the Answer is C
20I Think the Answer is D
21I Think the Answer is Dont Know
22Audience A
23Audience B
24Audience C
25Audience D
26Audience Draw
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29Congratulations you leave with 32,000. Thanks
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