Title: 2004 AGRIP Spring Conferece
1Renting-A-Risk ManagerA Five-Year Retrospective
- 2004 AGRIP Spring Conferece
- Santa Barbara, California
- March 23, 2004
- Donna Abersman, Chuck Clemente,
- Robin Flint, Bob Marinelli
- Alliance of Schools for Cooperative Insurance
Programs (ASCIP) - Poms Associates
2Part IRARM Program Overview
3Guess What Has.
- 10 Arms
- 5 Bright Minds
- 9 College degrees, including 2 Masters Degrees
- Certificates/Designations in ARM, CPSI, Haz Mat
- Expertise in Property, Liability, Health Care,
Workers Compensation, Benefits, etc, etc - 5 Can-Do Attitudes and the ability to deal with
all types of personnel including Board Members,
MO, CBOs - 74 Years of Professional Risk Management
Experience, including 38 years of school
4You Guessed It.The ASCIP/Poms RARM Team!
- Which RARM and what expertise would you choose?
5Need for RARMS JPA Point of View
- JPA Point of View
- Meeting member needs
- Controlling costs
- Using RARM districts as focus or test groups,
e.g. VIPS
6Need for RARMS JPA Point of View
- Developing new products services for entire JPA
- Keeping internal staff small
- Flexibility in staffing
- Expanding specialized expertise
7Need for RARMsDistrict Point of View
- Augmenting permanent staff
- Replacing permanent RMs
- Justifying hire of permanent RM
- Avoiding liability and negative press
- Reducing costs
8Need for RARMS District Point of View
- Inclusion in special programs
- Discounted premiums
- Enhancing image and visibility of business, MO,
risk management operations
9Program Design
- Campus based
- Dedicated person
- District ownership of RARM
- and designation of duties
- Prix Fixe menu
- A la carte menu
- Work Comp
- Benefits
- In-house trainer
- Use of Facilities
10Program Design
- Cost sharing of RARM services between RARM and
non-RARM districts - Cooperation among RARM user districts
- Flexibility (hours)
- Sharing of expertise
- Training Strengths
- Consulting
- Use of RARM expertise by JPA as needed
11Hiring Considerations
- Competency level for hiring based on most
difficult function to be performed - Retention considerations
- Salary considerations
- JPA Subsidy
- Skill sets
- Personal
- Technical
12 Part IITales from the Trenches
13Managing Risks Within the District
- District Programs
- District Facilities
- District Losses and History
14Compliance Plans
- Responding to Standards Mandates
- Cost Savings
- Disseminating information to JPA and other RARM
15Special Projects
- Playground Grants
- Safety Incentive Program
- Health Wellness
16Mandated Cost Reimbursement
- Technical assistance with cost recovery
- Comparison of RARM with
- district employee or outside consultant
- Case study - cost recovery
17Bridging the GapAdministration vs.
- Training
- Communication
- Inspections
- The Risk Manager as a Facilitator Helper
18Importance of Liaison Role
- Accessing internal resources coordination
- Accessing community resources
- Accessing JPA resources
19Getting Money(aka Grant Funding)
- Governmental grant funding
- JPA Funding
- grants
- Premium discounts
- Taking advantage of (or using resources of)
20Part IVThe Good, the Bad and the Not-So-Good
- The RARMs Point of View
- The Administrators Point of View
- The JPAs Point of View
21Part V - ConclusionWhy We Would Do It Again
- The Bottom Line
- District Savings
- Ex-Mods Premiums
- Cost Avoidance Fines, etc.
- Benefits to the JPA
- Marketing
- Member Loyalty
- Fiscal Considerations
- Contribution to RM Community
22The Bottom Line, Cont.
- Difficulty in quantifying however.
- Cost Avoidance
- Revenue Enhancement
- Loss Reductions
- Tales from the Trenches
23The ASCIP/Poms RARM TeamSo Many Good
Parts!Which part would you like to rent?