Title: Disease Principles: Onset, Detection, and Symptoms
1Disease PrinciplesOnset, Detection, and
- Curtis W. Thorpe, M.D., M.P.H.
- Medical Consultant
- Office of Family Health Services, VDH
2Disease changes can go undetected Acute
vs. Chronic Disease Flu vs. arthritis vs.
cancer Lengths of incubation periods
3Examples of slow, chronic changes, while we are
sitting in the room Colon Polyp Prostate
enlargement Cervical Dysplasia Arthritis
Hypertension Adult Onset Diabetes Elevated
Cholesterol Arterial Plaques Skin Changes
4Not so classic Chronic Diseases
- Epilepsy
- Sickle Cell Anemia
- Chronic Disabilities
- Tuberculosis
- Hepatitis B
- Importance of Screening early detection
5 Prevention PrinciplesOnset, Detection, and
- Primary Prevention Avoidance, Delay
- Secondary Prevention disease onset,
asymptomatic, screen and intervene - Tertiary Prevention Rehabilitation, return to
normal life, avoiding institutionalization
- Prevention must be tempered with genetic
pre-disposition. - Issues with race and gender
- What diseases are present in
- other family members?
7New Born ScreeningSickle Cell Anemia
- Primary Prevention Genetic
Counseling - Secondary Prevention Sickle
Cell Screening - Tertiary Prevention Preventing
8Immunizations Haemophilus Influenzae
- Primary Prevention Immunization
- Secondary Prevention
- ? Presence of bacteria
- Tertiary Prevention Treatment as
9 Environmental Hazards Lead Screening
- Primary Prevention Remove Lead based paint
- Secondary Prevention Blood test
- Tertiary Prevention Treatment as needed to
prevent complications
10 Environmental Hazards Asbestos
- Primary Prevention Avoid asbestos exposure
- Secondary Prevention Serum Osteopontin Levels
- Tertiary Prevention Treatment of Mesothelioma,
lung complications
11Early Cell Changes Cervix, Pap Smear
- Primary Prevention Limit number of
- sex partners
- Secondary Prevention Pap Smear
- Tertiary Prevention Treatment as
- needed such as colposcopy
12Fetal DevelopmentNeural Tube Defects
- Primary Prevention Counseling, Folic Acid
before pregnancy - Secondary Prevention Maternal serum
alpha-fetoprotein - Tertiary Prevention Treatment
13Maternity Care Urinary Tract Infection
- Primary Prevention Diet, Prophylactic
antibiotics - Secondary Prevention Urinalysis, Urine Culture
- Tertiary Prevention Antibiotics
14 Infectious Disease Prevention Tuberculosis
- Primary Prevention Avoid exposure
- Secondary Prevention Skin testing
- Tertiary Prevention Medications
15Injury and Trauma Automobile Accidents
- Primary Prevention Safe Driving, avoiding
alcohol - Secondary Prevention Seat belts, Air
Bags - Tertiary Prevention EMS Systems
16Metabolic DiseasesDiabetes Mellitus, Type II
- Primary Prevention Weight control, regular
exercise - Secondary Prevention Blood tests
- Tertiary Prevention Controlling hyperglycemia
17Cardiovascular DiseasesHeart Attack, Stroke
- Primary Prevention Nutrition, Exercise
- Secondary Prevention Blood tests, blood
pressure checks - Tertiary Prevention Controlling blood pressure
and cholesterol levels
18Cancer Prevention Breast Cancer
- Primary Prevention avoid estrogen
- Secondary Prevention
- self-breast exam, mammography
- Tertiary Prevention cancer treatment
19Cancer PreventionLung Cancer
- Primary Prevention avoid smoking cigarettes
- Secondary Prevention ? Blood tests,
? Chest X-Rays - Tertiary Prevention Treatment
20Cancer PreventionProstate Cancer
- Primary Prevention ? Part of aging process,
effects of testosterone - Secondary Prevention PSA Blood Tests, Digital
Rectal Exams - Tertiary Prevention Treatment
21Avoiding DisabilitiesHip Fracture
- Primary Prevention healthy bone density,
hormones, Depo Provera - Secondary Prevention Bone Scan
- Tertiary Prevention Hip replacement
22Disease Prevention comes from healthy
lifestylesand regular medical visits
23Remembering chronic diseases
- Healthy lifestyles may not be part of our
routines, especially with no symptoms - Remember to keep doctors appointments
24Promote Healthy Behaviors
- Eating low fat, high fiber diets
- Physical activity, regular exercise
- Avoiding physical injury and trauma
- Responsible sexual behaviors
25Early Detection Practices
- Blood Pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol levels
- Cancer Screening
26Promote Healthy Environments
- Smoke-Free Policies in Workplaces and Schools
- Lead free Paint in Homes
- Reduction of Allergens and Air polluntants in
Schools and Worksites - School and Work Site exercise programs
- Healthy Menu Selections in Schools
and Restaurants
27Achieving Healthier Communities
- Promote Health through Faith based organizations
- Professional Education Initiatives
- Work with Community Coalitions and Task Groups
- Work place Health Initiatives
28Major Community Areas
- Virginia Arthritis Project (VAP) and Healthy
Aging - Virginia Asthma Control Project (VACP)
- Cardiovascular Health Project (CVHP) - heart
disease and stroke - Comprehensive Cancer Prevention and Control
Project (CPCP) - Virginia Cancer Registry (VCR)
- Diabetes Prevention and Control Project (DPCP)
- Tobacco Use Control Project (TUCP)
- Health Promotion for People with Disabilities
Project (HPPDP)
- Good working relationships between public health,
private medicine, and community advocates - Need to have consistent and simple health
messages for the public that do not conflict - Continuing professional education
30Money to be Made in Health Promotion and
- Over the counter miracle drugs
- Fat burning diet pills
- Exercise equipment
- Advertised prescription drugs
31Our Goals?
- To have a long and healthy life
32Our Goals?
- Time to be happy with those we care about