Title: Atul Blue Fortuna Andheri East
1Atul Blue Fortuna
Andheri East
Atul Blue Fortuna Price Details
BHK Salable Size Carpet Size Basic Rate Basic Rate Total Cost
1BHK 705 SQFT 458 SQFT 13900 98 Lac 1.18 Cr
1BHK 736 SQFT 478 SQFT 13900 1.02 Cr 1.23 Cr
1.5BHK 874 SQFT 568 SQFT 13900 1.21 Cr 1.45 Cr
1.5BHK 927 SQFT 598 SQFT 13900 1.29 C 1.55 Cr
2BHK 1079 SQFT 701 SQFT 13900 1.5 Cr 1.70 Cr
2BHK 1110 SQFT 721 SQFT 13900 1.54 Cr 1.75 Cr
2BHK 1143 SQFT 737 SQFT 13900 1.59 Cr 1.80 Cr
2BHK 1205 SQFT 783 SQFT 13900 1.67 Cr 1.90 Cr
3Atul Blue Fortuna
- Amenities Parking on 2 podium levels and
basement Double-storey height entrance lobby
Well-planned driveway Clubhouse Garden open
spaces Swimming pool Gym
4Location Advantage
- Andheri East is one of the prominent localities
in Mumbai .The largest and most densely populated
suburb of Mumbai, Andheri started developing as
early as 1915. This locality, situated on the
west of Mumbai, on the Salsette Island, has the
busiest railway station in the country. Andheris
contribution to the country as a major industrial
hub cannot be denied. Both the sections Andheri
East and Andheri West have a number of industrial
and commercial centres.
5About Atul Builders
- Atul Projects India Ltd. (APIL) is a prominent
player in real-estate construction and leasing.
The Company started out under the entrepreneurial
leadership of Mr. Nathalal Delvadia in 1970, and
has been creating landmarks ever since. Under the
leadership of its current CMD, Mr. Atul Patel,
Atul Projects India Ltd. has been continuing to
scale impressive heights. The Company is
dedicated to creating upgraded lifestyles with
high-quality, yet high value-for-money
properties. Towards this end, APIL has completed
over two hundred landmark projects spanning the
arenas of residential, office, retail and
hospitality spaces across Mumbai, and a few
projects in Pune, Rajkot and Dubai. The Company
also leases out commercial properties, from
individual units to large corporate buildings for
multi-national conglomerates.
6About DiscountedFlats