Title: FBA Coaching with Chris Green CEO of FBAPower
1FBA Coachingwith Chris GreenCEO of FBAPower
- Part 2
- If you were scouting with me, where would we go?
2Already Gone Through PAC
- How do I sell on Amazon?
- What is FBA?
- How do I use FBA?
- What tools programs do I use?
3FBAPower FBAScout Support
- Support email info_at_fbapower.com
- Watch the Videoshttp//fbapower.com/home/fbapower
-videos/ - FBAPower support staff happy to help
4Where to find inventory - BOOKS
- Book sales
- Thrift stores
- Garage sales
- Estate sales
- http//booksalefinder.com/
5Books MediaPros
- Cheap to acquire
- Leads to high margins
- Low cost of investment in inventory
6Books MediaCons
- Most competitive category - most scanners still
consider themselves book sellers and have not
made the transition to FBA Everything Else - Limited places - if not in major metro area,
thrift stores may not be as pentiful - Book sales and library sales are only on certain
dates of the year - More work per unit- finding singles
7Where to find inventory Everything Else
- Retail stores
- Closeout stores
- Discount Clubs (Costco, Sams, BJs)
- Pharmacy
- Grocery store
8Retail Arbitrage Pros
- Many places to acquire inventory
- Some open 24/7
- Not as competitive
- Less work per unit - finding multiples
- Easy to list multiples
- Easy to replenish
- Opportunity to create new listings
9Retail ArbitrageCons
- Higher product cost per unit
- Higher inventory costs
- Can lead to lower margins
- Can be considered higher risk
10Side Note Creating Listings
- Skip McGrath has posted about how he creates new
listings in the MST forums with great success. - Skip uses the same strategies that I tought him
and Im teaching you here. - How to prevent competitors from listing on your
newly created Amazon product page.
11How to Make a Unique Amazon Product
Page(Prevents competition from piggy-backing on
your listing and driving price down)
12Where to Buy Bar Codes
13So, Where Would We Go First?
- Closeout stores like Big Lots
- Already lower price
- Constantly putting out new inventory
- Cities with multiple stores go to them all!
14Clearanced Items First
- Almost all stores have a clearance section
- Prices already lower than regular price
- Items may be seasonal, slow moving, or old models
- Doesnt matter on Amazon product is either in
demand or not. If it is, buy it! - Talk to store manager to get additional discount
15Stores that you dont think of
- Many stores sell a variety of items that they are
not known for. - What I say Kohls, TJMaxx, or Burlington Coat
Factory, do you think of a place to buy toys? - Each of these stores (and many others) sell
products other than their primary category. - They will often have a big sale to move items
that have been sitting for too long.
16Exclusive Products
- Example Toys R Us Target
- Both get exclusive toys you can only buy them
from Toys R Us or Target - Toys are advetised on national TV creating demand
- Not everyone lives near a store
- Amazon buyers PREFER to buy from Amazon
17Exclusive Products
- If retailer exclusive, then you know that Amazon
wont sell it directly less competition - Exclusives can have long term value
- Think of collectors who want a complete set of
toys they need the exclusives - If they dont live near a store, they buy online
18Exclusive Products
Sales Rank 30,000
19Exclusive Products
Sales Rank 7,000
20House Brands
- Example Craftsman at Sears
- Example Ryobi at Home Depot
- Same principles as exclusives demand exists
that prefers Amazon but Amazon does not sell the
item (until you do!)
21General Retail Store Strategies
- Avoid commodity items
- Example Newest Fisher Price toys Amazon likely
sells (unless a low cost makes it worthwhile) - Look for items that you may have never heard of
just because no demand in store, doesnt mean no
demand on Amazon
22General Retail Store Strategies
- Stores in rough parts of town can have great
stuff - Slower sales means merchandise sits on shelves
longer - Good items that are sold out elsewhere are
sitting on the shelf - Other scanners dont go to them go where your
competition doesnt go!
23There is no List of good products
- Its not the items, but the characteristics of
the items that make them winners - Consider brand, cost, margin, competition
- Importance of learning to read FBAScout data
- Pixar effect Cars came out in 2006
- Still strong demand for toys from Cars
- Toy Story 1 came out in 1995!
24FBACoaching Parts 3,4 5
- Part 3 How to buy lower than your competition
retailer secrets - Part 4 There is always gold, lazy scanners,
advanced FBA - Part 5 Open questions. Send them in ahead of
time. No time limit Ill answer them all!