Title: Optics and Photonics Services Buy New-Span
1Optics and photonics Services Buy New-Span
2About Us
- New Span Opto-Technology Inc. (New Span) is a
High Technology Corporation located in Miami,
Florida. New Span is developing and marketing
advanced technologies and sensors to support
various defense, homeland security, and
commercial applications.
3Our Products
- Thin Film Reflectometer
- Skin OCT
- OCT Scanner
- OCT Dermatology
- Flat Top Beam Shaper
- OCT Spectrometer
- OCT Labview
- Optics Education Kit
- Laser Beam Profiler
4Thin Film Reflectometer
- New Span offer different types of Optical Thin
Film Reflectometers at affordable prices. These
Reflectometers provide you offers lower cost
solution for quantifying multi-layer coating film
thickness in seconds.
5Skin OCT
- Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an emerging
imaging technology based on light reflection. It
provides real-time images with up to 2-mm
penetration into the skin and a resolution of
approximately 10 nm. The normal skin and its
appendages have been studied, as have many
diseases. The method can provide accurate
measures of epidermal and nail changes in normal
6 OCT Scanner
- OCT scanning is the most sophisticated tool
available for assessing eye health and managing
eye conditions.
7OCT Dermatology
- If you need any information related to this
product then please visit here -
8Flat Top Beam Shaper
- New-Span offer different types of Flat-Top Beam
with different types of shapes
9OCT Spectrometer OCT Labview
- New Span develop best quality OCT spectrometer
and labview at affordable prices.
10Optics Education Kit
- New-Span offer different types of education kits
which include optics educational kit, fiber kit,
lasers measurement, single photon counting, and
more also.
11Laser Beam Profiler
12- If you need more information
- related to our products
- then please visit
- on our website
- www.new-span.com