Title: Past, Present, and a Possible Future
1Past, Present, and a Possible Future
- A Look At
- Westfield Academy and Central School
- Ripley Central School
- Elementary Programs
- Presented by
- Mrs. Karen D. Krause, PK-6 Principal, RCS
- Mrs. Suzette D. Benson, K-5 Principal, WACS
2What Programs and Practices Have Been Eliminated
Due to Cuts?
- SPARK/Gifted Talented Program
- Teaching Positions
- Decreased Staff Development Opportunities
- Administrators Assuming Multiple Duties
- Teaching Positions
- Decreased Staff Development Opportunities
- Administrators Assuming Multiple Duties
- Gifted Talented Program
3What Programs and Practices Have Been Eliminated
Due to Cuts?
- SRO(Resource Officer)
- Teachers Have to be Shared K-12
- Teachers Have to be Shared K-12
- Part-time Elementary Computer Teacher
4What Do Our Programs Currently Look Like?
- Ongoing Analysis of the Curriculum
- Excellent K-12 Music Program
- -skills-based development in the primary
intermediate grades - Veteran Staff
- Cross Curricular Planning Instruction
- Consistent Faculty Staff
- District Committees/Teams
- -Shared Decision Making
- -Technology
- -Wellness (and more)
5What Do Our Programs Currently Look Like?
- Curriculum Collaboration
- -Across Grade Levels
- -Between Buildings
- District Committees/Teams
- -Shared Decision Making
- -Technology
- -Wellness (and more)
- AIMSweb K-3/Intiating RtI
- RtI (Response to Intervention)
- Three Tier Instruction Model
- AIMSweb K-6
- -Benchmarking
- -Progress Monitoring
- -Strategic Monitoring
- -Intensive Intervention
6What Do Our Programs Currently Look Like?
- MSAT (Masonic Student Assistance Team)
- Step Up to Writing
- Foreign Language Introduction (Grade 5)
- On-site Speech/OT/PT
- Full-time School Psychologist K-12
- Part-time Elementary Social Worker
- CASS (Creating a Safe School) Character Education
Program - Step Up to Writing
- Ripley Writes Program (3-8 Creative Writing)
- AIE (Arts in Education) Field Trips
Presentations - On-site Speech/OT
7What Do Our Programs Currently Look Like?
- Headstart Program
- Off-site UPK Program
- ELL Teacher/Services
- Full-time, On-site Social Worker
- Full-time School Psychologist PK-12
- On-site UPK Program
- Homework Study Hall (Grade 6)
8What Do We Worry About if Current Trends Persist?
- Decreased Staffing
- Declining Enrollment
- Larger Classes with Diverse Needs
- Lack of Funding for Programs
- Difficulty Recruiting Quality Teachers/
- Decreased Staffing
- Declining Enrollment
- Larger Classes with Diverse Needs
- Lack of Funding for Programs
- Difficulty Recruiting Quality Teachers/
9What Do We Worry About if Current Trends Persist?
- Decreased Funding for Equipment Supplies
- Loss of More Non- Mandated Instructional Programs
- Building Maintenance /Improvements
- Too Many Shared Duties Resulting in Increased
District Liability
- Decreased Funding for Equipment Supplies
- Loss of More Non- Mandated Instructional Programs
- Building Maintenance /Improvements
- Too Many Shared Duties Resulting in Increased
District Liability
10If Money Were No Object, What Changes Would We
Recommend For Our Programs?
- Full-Time Curriculum Coordinator
- Reading Coordinator to Oversee Instruction
- Realignment of Special Education
- Increased Quality Professional Development
- Introduction of Second Language(s)
- ELL Teacher/Services
- Full-Time Curriculum Coordinator
- Full-time CSE/CPSE Chairperson
- Full-time CSE/CPSE Secretary
11If Money Were No Object, What Changes Would We
Recommend For Our Programs?
- Increased Technology/ Supplies Equipment
- Dedicated Elementary Technician Training
- Building Improvements
- Reinstate Gifted Talented Program
- Reading Coordinator to Oversee Instruction
- Realignment of Special Education
- LGI (Large Group Instruction Room)
- Increased Quality Professional Development
12If Money Were No Object, What Changes Would We
Recommend For Our Programs?
- Expansion of Non- Mandated Programs
- Elementary Guidance Counselor
- Increased Technology
- Dedicated Elementary Technician Training
- Building Improvements
- Gifted Talented Program
13A Merger of Ideas. . . And a Commonality of Needs.
- Enhanced Curriculum
- State-of-the-Art Technology
- Expansion of Existing Programs
- Specialized Teachers
- Improved Buildings Grounds
- Realigned Adminstration/Staff
- Efficient Use of Resources Across the Board
14 - People with goals succeed because they know
where they are going. -
Earl Nightingale