Title: Tissue Conditioning
1Tissue Conditioning
This presentation includes images and text from
the UCLA/APC/Ivoclar Educational Curriculum
2- Tissue Conditioning
- Oral hygiene
- Rest
- Occlusal Correction
- Resilient liner
- Surgery, if necessary
Traumatic ulcers secondary to denture trauma
Candida infection
3- Improve health prior to new dentures
- Repeat until tissues appear healthy
Inflamed oral mucosa
Healthy oral mucosa
4Oral Hygiene
- Plaque
- Inflammation Edema
5Oral hygiene
- Demonstrate brushing
- All denture surfaces
- Massage tissues
- Soft brush
- 2x day
- 30 sec - 2 minutes
6Tissue Rest
- Lytle (1957, 59)
- Abused tissue
- Removed dentures (48 - 72 hrs.)
- Inflammation reappeared when dentures replaced
7Kydd et al (1974)
- Tissue loaded (Denture)
- Change in shape
- Recovery affected by age
- 10-30 years 90 had immediate
- 72-88 years 61 recovery after 10 min
- Some took 4.5 hr
8Prior to Making Impressions
- Provide Rest
- Remove overnight
- Finger massage
- Tooth brushing of mucosa
9Reluctance to Removing Denture
- Slight inconvenience (1-3 days) now will affect
the new denture - Fit
- Comfort
- For many years to come
10Occlusal Correction
- Most overlooked cause of tissue irritation
11Occlusal Correction
- Lytle
- Poor occlusion
- caused
- Poor tissue health
12Occlusion Correction Principle
- If joint or muscle problems are found during
initial exam - Correct the occlusion prior to making new dentures
13Initial Exam
- Check occlusion
- Palpate muscles joints
- Attempt centric jaw manipulation
14Occlusal CorrectionClinical remountOcclusal
15Missing Denture Teeth, Asymmetry
16Correcting Occlusion Prevents
- Difficulty taking jaw relations records
- Perpetuating problems caused by denture wear,
ridge resorption - Perpetuating previous errors
17Occlusal CorrectionAdd acrylic to occlusal
- Improves vertical dimension
- Improves balance
- Permanently changes denture
18Adding acrylic to improve occlusion
19Occlusal CorrectionSoft Mouthguard
- Acts as occlusal splint
- Avoids cost of processed splint
- Reversible
20Temporary Resilient Liners
- Lynal (Dentsply)
- Viscogel (Dentsply)
- Mollosil (Buffalo Dental)
- Coe-Soft (GC America Inc.)
- FITT (Functional Impression Tissue Toner-Kerr)
- Tru-Soft (Bosworth)
- Hydro-cast (K-C Dental)
21Manufacturers Directions
22- Indications
- Discomfort
- Abused tissues
- Lack of retention
- Loss of vertical dimension
Papillary hyperplasia
Loss of vertical dimension
23- Clean denture prior to application
- Ultrasonic bath with cleanser
24Thickness 2mmOtherwise not resilientAlters
vertical dimension May require relief of
25Reducing Denture
26Remove Glossy Denture Surface
- Where conditioner terminates on the denture ( at
least 6mm over flange) - Improves conditioner adherence
- Minimizes separation, leakage microbial
- Manufacturer recommendations
- 10cc powder 4 ml liquid
- Can mix thicker
- Dont make thinner
28Mix Consistency
- Honey
- Strop, not stir
- Greater thickness - stiffer
- Mix carefully - bubbles
29Applying Temporary Liner
- Apply in smooth, even layer
- Dont trap air
30Applying Temporary Liner
- Smooth over flange
- Wont adhere to saliva
- Sticky - be neat
31Seating Denture
- Treat one denture at a time
- Treat least stable denture first
- Most stable denture used to orient position via
32Seating Denture
- Patient closes lightly
- Assess occlusal contacts
- Move/tilt denture to orient
33Problems with Relined DenturesAltered OVD
34Developing Liner Contours
- Border mold after 2-3 min.
- Allow patient to talk while setting
35Developing Liner Contours
- Remove gross excess early (cotton swab)
- Leave intraorally 8-10 min.
36- Verify Occlusal Vertical Dimension (OVD)
- Check midline, incisor length
- Wait 10, remove evaluate
37Initial Trimming
- Minimal
- Leave unless gross excess
- Use hot scalpel blade
- No burs
- Hold by teeth, not liner
38Finish Polish
- Patient return in 1-2 days
- If discomfort, use PIP
- Trim with acrylic burs
39Finish Polish
- Polish all surfaces with pumice
- Patient can brush now
40Patient Education
- Explain temporary nature
- Do not brush for first day
- No commercial cleaners
- Denture in water over night
41No tissue resolution 10 - 14 days
- Consider systemic conditions
- Medical consult
- Surgical treatment
- Biopsy
42After 4-6 weeks Becomes rigid as plasticizer
leeches out Breakdown - irritationColonization
- infection
- Coarse, infected liners cause more problems than
poor fitting dentures
43Note deterioration
- Life span of the material
- 4-6 weeks depending upon oral hygiene
- Do not to soak the denture in denture cleansers
44Resilient Liner Hygiene
- Cleansers with bleach will alter liner (Protec)
- Teach patient to brush gently
- soft brush
- Remove at night
- keep in moist environment
- not immersed
45Tissue ConditioningCombination of treatments
may be necessary
46All Patients
- Clean denture for patient
- Education
- Denture brushing
- Brush, Massage tissues
47All Patients
- Tissue Rest
- 8 hours/day
- 24 hours prior to final impressions
48Moderate - Severe InflammationPain or Looseness
- Adjust Base
- Over extended - adjust
- Under extended - limited extension with liner
- Impingements
- Correct occlusal disharmonies
- Tissue soft liner
49Change liner in 1-4 weeks
- Depends on severity of tissue irritation
- Good tissue health prior to new dentures
- If tissues healthy, no treatment
- Variety of protocols, depending on problems
- First patient
- If healthy - duplicate denture try resilient
liner - If unhealthy - line existing denture