Title: Bio
1Lecture 37
Father of Modern Chemistry"
- was the first prominent scientist to perform
controlled experiments and to publish his work
with elaborate details - He assembled what we would today call a
"research group"
4- described experiments using a new vacuum pump
- bell jar and sound of bell
- mouse in jar
- pressure - volume inverse relationship
5He was a shy man with deep religiousconvictions.
6Go over homework
7We talked about the kinetic molecular theory that
explained the properties of gas pressure
Where Mass is the number of atoms more particles
more pressure Velocity is the temperature more
temperature more pressure
8We Imagined a sheet being levitated by tennis
9Increase the temperature
- Increase the kinetic energy
Increase the pressure
10Heat balloon over hot water
11So how do we measure Gas pressure
Pressure gauge
- Movement of a 1)needle 2)marker as a spring or
3)material deforms
We use kpa
- The gas pushes against a spring or gas that
indicates the pressure in the vessel
13Open Monometer
Teeter totter
Instead of a spring or enclosed gas the open
manometer uses the weight of the air around us as
the apposing force
When the fluid is level then the gas inside
equals air pressure
14As we said last lecture,ambient air pressure
pushes against vapor pressure
- If
- ambient pressure vapor pressure
- Then Boiling of liquid
15What is ambient air pressure and what does it
consist of.
- Ambient air pressure is also called atmospheric
air pressure - 101 kpa
16So how much does the atmosphere over your head
The top of your head is 25 square inches and 14.7
pound per square inch so the air weighs 367.5
Guess how much 1 cubic meter of air weighs
1.3 kg
The air in your kid sisters room weighs more
than your kid sister
17Can a fish feel the water pressure all around it
If it weighs that much why cans we feel the
18atmospheric pressure
The weight of the atmosphere
- Air pressure compresses the mercury the same way
my hand compressed the water balloon sending it
upward - The air pressure is fighting against gravity
pulling down on the mercury
20Units on pressure
Write these numbers down
Pascals Millimeters of mercury Torr
- 1 atm 101 k pascals
- 1 atm 760 mm mercury
- 1 torr 1 mm mercury
- 1 atm 760 torr
Less dense makes balloon lighter than air
22when you cool a gas it gets becomes less
voluminous and more dense
23Drinking bird
24So the kinetic molecular theory describes how the
pressure applied by a gas is dependent on the
atoms or molecule's kinetic energy.
It all makes sense if we assume a 4 things
25assumptions when dealing with the
kinetic-molecular theory of gases
- the walls of the container are perfectly elastic
losing no energy in the collision - 2) Gas particles are in straight line motion
- 3) the molecules take up relatively no space
- 4) there are no forces of attraction or repulsion
between molecules - 5) The Kinetic energy of the particles increase
with temperature
26In an open container the pressure inside is only
as great as the atmospheric pressure
If the pressure inside is grater then high energy
atoms leave until pressure equality
27In a closed system the pressure increases because
the walls of the container contain the force of
the gas
28Do the can demo
29How does a Vacuum work
Creating a Pressure imbalance
30We discussed the fact that air pressure is all
around us
- air pressure is a combination of the weight of
Oxygen, nitrogen, Carbon dioxide, water
31Atmospheric pressure is the pressure from
everything in the air
32The pressure exerted by a trapped gas is both
the pressure of the gas and the water vapor
33When calculating the pressure of a system you
must take all these pressures into account.
34There are vapor pressure tables that tell what
pressure a given off by a particular amount of
water generates
35Partial pressures are like putting rocks in a
book bag. additive
36Dalton figured out that the pressure of a gas is
equal to the sum of all the little gasses that
make up the gas.
Daltons law of Partial pressures
37If you cool something down really cold the atoms
come together and everything slows down
At what temperature does all matter stop
38Jacques Charles studied the relationship between
temp, volume, pressure.
- He was hoping there was a direct relationship and
there was.
39Use bulb to generate graph
40But notice that the graph does not go through the
- At what temperature does the volume go to zero
Charles extended the graph and found that all
matter should have 0 volume at !!!!!!!
41Zero volume was at 273 degrees Centigrade
42Back in the 1650s there were two temperature
- Fahrenheit
- based on freezing point of water
- Celsius
- based on freezing and boiling point of water
43So Charles set up a solid mathematical
relationship between volume and temperature he
had to move the y axis so when volume was 0
temperature was 0
He made a new temperature scale you run all gas
law problems on and wrote a equation
44To do this the y axis was moved 273 degrees from
the basis of Celsius and the new temperature was
called Kelvin
The equation to predict vol from pressure is
called Charless Law
Dont memorize this
45To use the simple math equations for pressure
volume and temp you must use the Kelvin
temperature Scale where Kelvin equals to
Celsius 273 then
46So if we know the volume is 50cm3 at 200 Ko
degrees then what is the volume at 400 degrees
47Example 1What temp is need to change 30ml of a
gas at 14oC to 22ml
- Example 2
- What temp is need to change
- 1 ml of a gas at 20oC to 3ml of a gas