Title: Skippyjon Jones and the Ninjas
1Skippyjon Jones and the Ninjas
- by Pamela, Alicia, and Anthony
2One afternoon Skippyjon Jones was practicing
karate in the living room.
3Mama Junebug Joneswas not happy about this.
4Stop doing karate on the furniture right now
karate cat, commanded Mama Junebug Jones. He
did not stop so mama sent him to his room and
told him to stay out of his closet. He went in
and started jumping on his big boy bed.
5He went to his closet and opened the door slowly
and to his surprise he saw he was in Japan.
6He saw the Los Chimichangos had been captured by
the evil ninja.
7He decided to come up with a plan to rescue his
8I will change into a ninja super hero!
9Then Skippyjon fought the evil ninja and saved
the Los Chimichangos!!!
10The Los Chimichangos were so happy that they
danced and sang a song!
11They danced and sang until they all fell asleep.
12Mama Junebug and the girls wanted to see why
Skippy was so quiet so they tiptoed to his room
and peeked around the corner. Skippy was curled
up on his big boy bed sleeping with a plastic
ninja sword. Mama said Isnt he the cutest
little karate kitty?