Title: Welcome to ITApplications
1Welcome to ITApplications
- ITApps Induction Session
- Ian Harrison ITApps Programme DirectorRoom
270, email ian_at_dcs.bbk.ac.uk - ITApps www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/itapps/
- First module usually Introduction to Web
Authoring using XHTML and CSS - Lecturer (Saturday class) Gerard Luskin
- Lecturer (Monday class) Dionisis Dimakopoulos
2Getting Started
- Log-in using yourITS Username Password
- Password ITS Password in ITS labs OR
G3orgeB1rkbeck in DCS labs - Once logged on open Mozilla Filefox
- Enter URLhttp//www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/ian/induction
3Health Safety
- Fire alarm/drill check out instructions for
exit and assembly - Birkbeck has a strict No Smoking policy
- Strictly NO Visitors
- Report suspicious people to Main
Reception020-7631-6031 - Dial 555 for EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE
BBK Securityhttp//www.bbk.ac.uk/ef/ourservices/
4The ITApps Programme
- IT Applications Programme
- comprises a series of skills based, professional
development courses/modules (each module 15
credit points at NQF level 4/5) - http//www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/itapps/
- Current Awards
- Certificate of Higher Education in Information
Technology (8 modules) - Certificate of Higher Education in Web Design
Technologies (8 modules) - Certificate of Continuing Education in IT
Applications or Web Design (4 modules) - Short Courses (certificate of completion)
5ITApps Modules
- Introduction to Web Authoring using XHTML CSS
- Web Authoring using Dreamweaver
- Developing Multimedia Assets using Fireworks and
Flash - Multimedia Web Programming using Flash and
ActionScript - E-Commerce Applications
- JavaScript
- Fundamentals of Information Technology
- Introduction to Database Design (MySQL)
- Business Planning using Spreadsheets
- Web Programming using PHP
- Building Web Applications using MySQL and PHP
- ITApps Project
- http//www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/itapps/modules.html
6ITApps Fees
- 375/475 per module (higher fee applies if you
already have a degree or equivalent qualification
or are studying the module as a short course) - Certificate(s) of Continuing EducationSuccessful
completion of 4 modules - Certificate(s) of Higher EducationSuccessful
completion of CertCE 4 modules - http//www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/itapps/
7Foundation Degree in IT
- FdSc IT Programme
- undergraduate degree which takes 2 years and 2
terms to complete by part-time study. - designed to equip students with the practical and
transferable skills required by today's
employers. - provides the necessary academic and theoretical
knowledge to allow students to continue into the
final two years of BSc in Information Systems and
Computing. - FdSc IT Y1 shares some core modules with ITApps
- ITApps students can apply to transfer to Y2 of
the FdSc IT after successfully completing 4
modules - http//www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/courses/fdit/
8FD in Web Technologies
- FdSc Web Technologies
- undergraduate degree which takes 2 years and 2
terms to complete by part-time - aims to develop the knowledge, technical and
transferable skills needed by those working, or
seeking to work in areas related to the Web, new
media and the Internet. - covers web design and development, database
design and development, programming, information
systems and computer systems. - ITApps students can apply to transfer to the FdSc
WDT after successfully completing 4/8 ITApps
modules - http//www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/courses/fdwt/
9The ITApps/Fd Team
- ITApps/Fd Teams
- Programme Administrators Stacey Hine (ITA),
Leila Darwish (FdIT) and Tara Orlanes-Angelopoulou
(FdWT) - Programme Director (ITApps) Ian Harrison (Rm
270)email ian_at_dcs.bbk.ac.uk - Programme Director (FdIT) Jenny Pedler
- Programme Director (FdWT) Gordon McIntyre
- Number of external tutors/sessional lecturers who
work in IT and/or related industries - Other Support
- Systems Group in Department of Computer Science
and Information Systems (DCS) - IT Services (ITS) Group (Main College)
- My Birkbeck
10Department of Computer Science
- Department of Computer Science and Information
Systemshttp//www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk - leading centre of computing expertise,
specialising in information and knowledge
management, web technologies, computer
intelligence, bioinformatics and information
systems developmenthttp//www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/rese
11Department of Computer Science
- Taught programmes emphasise the use of
information technology in organisations. - Aim to empower people with the technical and
management skills required to succeed in a
competitive market place. - Learning Pathways in the School enable you to
enter as an ITApps/Fd student and leave with a
PhD - http//www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/courses/
12About DCS
- PC Labs on 4th floor of Malet Street Building
- Require Student ID Card (with photograph)
- Use it to gain access to DCS
- Needed for Security purposes
- Can be asked to leave any BBK building if you
cannot produce your student ID card - Upload a photo into your myBirkbeck profile or
send a passport-size photo together with a
completed id card application form to the student
centre. - See My Birkbeck website for further details
13About DCS
- Workstation rooms for classes and independent
study - DCS 403 - 407
- ITS 422/3, 536
- http//www.bbk.ac.uk/its/services/rooms
- Superior environment for superior students!
Please take care of your environment its there
for you. - Any problems, report to SG (DCS) or ITS
14Lab Etiquette
- Respect for other students and staff
- Arrive on time
- NO eating or drinkingin Labs
- Coffee breaks andlunch by agreement
- Coffee usually 15mins _at_11.00 and 14.30 (Saturday
classes)and _at_ 6.30pm (Evening Classes) - Lunch usually between 12.30 and 13.00 (30mins - 1
- Student area and Toilets (near entrance to
School) - NO use of mobile phones (switch off or turn to
silent mode)
15ITApps Contacts
- ITApps Programme Administrator
- Stacey Hine itapp_at_dcs.bbk.ac.uk
- To book modules, admin queries, etc.
- Tutors/Sessional Lecturers for help with
study/content . - Discussion Board help/advice from peers
- Book individual surgery appointments
- IN, WA, FI Gordon McIntyre gordon_at_dcs.bbk.ac.uk
- DT Jenny Pedler jenny_at_dcs.bbk.ac.uk
- Problems with assessment
- Ian Harrison Chair of Exam Board
- Email ian_at_dcs.bbk.ac.uk
- Last resort contact the Programme Director
- ITApps Ian Harrison ian_at_dcs.bbk.ac.uk
16Communication Channels
- Primary Communication is via Email
- Use personal email address, need to update your
Profile in MyBirkbeckhttp//www.bbk.ac.uk/mybirk
beck/ - Telephone, Letter
- Teaching via Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)
Blackboard - In class human-human interaction, 1-2-1,
17Problems with a class
- Discuss this with your Class Tutor in the first
instance. - Use Class Forum on discussion board to get
help/advice from peers. - IN, WA, FI Book a surgery appt with Gordon
McIntyre (1600-1730 during term) - Email gordon_at_dcs.bbk.ac.uk
- DT Book a surgery appt with Jenny
Pedler(1600-1730 during term) - Email jenny_at_dcs.bbk.ac.uk
- Dont just turn up and expect to meet with
tutors. Their workload is heavy. So do email for
an appointment.
18DCS and ITS Computer Networks
- Two separate computer networks
- Birkbeck Main College (ITS)
- Department of Computer Science (DCS)
- Login ITS Network using your
- username and ITS password
- Login to DCS Network using your
- username and School password
- Two separate student file servers (I N)
19BBK (ITS) Computer Network
Student Files N Drive
Login username ITS password
20Dept (DCS) Computer Network
Department Network (domain DCSNT)
Dept Password
Login username Dept password
Student Files I Drive
21ITS v DCS Networks
- Important to understand - two separate networks
managed separately by (i) ITS and (ii)
Department of Computer Science (DCS). - SAME username but DIFFERENT passwords!
- Different password rules! Easier to change DCSNT
password to be similar to your ITS password. - If you forget your ITS password can get help
http//www.bbk.ac.uk/its/ - However, your DCS password can only be reset
during working hours
22ITS v DCS Networks
- Different drive allocations
- File space in ITS (BBK) located on N drive
- File space in Department (DCS) located on I
drive - Usually use C drive at home/office.
- Flash drives (recommended for back-up)
- You are responsible for backing up your files.
ITS/DCS do not guarantee to maintain files
between sessions. - Anything on C drive may be automatically
removed! - No applications can be installed on workstation
23BBK (ITS) Computer Network
Login username ITS password
- Details on e-mail/letter from ITS
- Use to Log-in to VLE (Blackboard)
- Use to Log-on in BBK Workstation rooms
- Use to set up FTP for publishing to your student
web space
24Dept (DSC) Computer Network
Login username Dept password
- Use to Log-on in DCS Workstation rooms (Rooms
403-407) - Log-on to the DCS network
- Use ITS Username
- Temporary Password ask your tutor
- Note Passwords are case sensitive
- Folder and filenames on mixed Unix/Windows
networks must NOT contain spaces.
25 - The My Birkbeck web site pulls together a range
of information you'll need to help you study at
Birkbeck. - The My Birkbeck Helpdesk is situated by the
main entrance in Torrington Square. Offers
face-to-face advice, information and access to
support services across the college. Full
details are on the My Birkbeck website.
26 1. Select My Birkbeck Profile
2. Log-in using your ITS Username and Password
3. Check your details, includingyour email
27Blackboard (VLE)
- Blackboard http//www.ble.ac.uk/
- VLE Virtual Learning Environment
- Accessible anywhere
- VLE contains
- Module content hands-on exercises, reading,
quizzes, discussion boards - Assignments links to TMA and FMA, Dropboxes for
electronic submission, return of feedback. - Evaluation and Suggestion Surveys
- Log-in to the VLE using your
- ITS username and ITS password
28Accessing VLE-1
Open Web Browser (Firefox) and enter URL of
VLE http//www.ble.ac.uk
29Accessing VLE-2
30Accessing VLE-3
31Accessing VLE-4
32ITApps Assessment
- TMA Tutor Marked Assignment
- Work on this during course
- 25 of total marks
- Usually submit the TMA in session 5
- FMA Final Marked Assignment
- Work on this after course finished
- 75 of total marks
- Submit by specified deadline
- Electronic Submission of TMA FMA files
- Late submission allowed up to 21 days AFTER
deadline, but capped at 40 UNLESS you have
acceptable mitigating circumstances,
33ITApps Assessment
- Overall PASS MARK 40.
- If you Fail a module with mark between 30-39 you
can apply to resubmit at next deadline. - If your mark is less than 30 then you have to
RETAKE the module. - DEFERRALS
- Can apply to DEFER FMA but you have to be able to
provide documentary evidence of the mitigating
circumstances that prevented you submitting your
work on time. - If you fail to submit at the next deadline you
will be awarded 0 and be required to RETAKE the
34ITApps Assessment
- Please do NOT ask tutors to extend deadlines as
they are not authorisedto do so! - Full Details of the ITApps Assessment process and
FMA submission deadlineshttp//www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk
- Plagiarism is claiming the work of others as your
own. - Plagiarism is regarded as serious infringement
and you may be asked to leave the university. - Do not copy work from internet, other students,
books, tutors UNLESS you attribute any work that
is not your own to the originator.
- Your work is checked out for plagiarism using IT
tools. - Providing you clearly reference work done by
others that you have included in your coursework
you will not be penalised. Indeed including
components developed by others is encouraged as
it mirrors how IT systems are efficiently built. - See the Plagiarism module in the VLE (under
Self-enrolled Courses).
37How am I doing?
- Review learning points after completing exercises
- Feedback from peers during group exercises
- Feedback from tutors on TMA
- Keep a Learning/Development Log
- Individual help from tutors/at surgery
38Study Help
- Birkbeck Student Union offer a series of academic
support sessions to help you with your studies - http//www.bbk.ac.uk/su/skills
- http//www.bbk.ac.uk/su/skills/cotherresources/
- http//www.bbk.ac.uk/su/support/advice/index_html
- Centre for Learning and Professional Development
provides a series of courses designed to develop
your personal and/or professional skills and
improve your learning experience (part of
MyBirkbeck website)http//www.bbk.ac.uk/mybirkbe
ck/services/facilities/support - Links provided in the Blackboard (Study Skills
on main LH menu)
- How can I purchase hardware and software with
student/educational discounts? - Adobe Creative Suitehttp//www.adobe.com/uk/educ
ation/students/studentedition/ - Microsoft Products http//www.software4students.c
o.uk/ - Open Office http//www.openoffice.org/
- How can I get technical support?
- Systems Group in Department (DCS)
sg_at_dcs.bbk.ac.uk - IT Services (ITS) in Main College
its-helpdesk_at_bbk.ac.uk - What about viruses, security, rules for use of
computers etc? -
40Security Tips
- The US Computer Emergency Readiness Team (CERT)
produces a number of security tips. These provide
simple, non-technical advice on how to deal with
most of the issues that anyone using the internet
at work or at home will encounter. For example
"Recognizing and avoiding spyware", "Avoiding
social engineering and phishing attacks",
"Understanding patches" and "Protecting your
privacy". - http//www.us-cert.gov/cas/tips/index.html
41Disability Support
- http//www.bbk.ac.uk/disability/
- Disability co-ordinator Mark Pimm
- Central point of contact at Birkbeck.
- Manages the disability service at Birkbeck
- Can provide individual help/support. BUT
- If you do need support you need to MAKE US AWARE
(as the College does not release this information
to us) - Talk with your tutor or if you prefer make appt
tosee the Programme Director - Note Once you talk to us, we will do all we can
to help. But we have to inform the Disability
42DCS Websites
- ITApps www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/itapps/
- ITApps Assessmenthttp//www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/itapps
/assessment - Department of Computer Science
http//www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/ - DCS - Contacts http//www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/support
- DCS - Computer Information (requires username
School DCSNT password)http//www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk
/intranet/compinfo.pdf - DCS - Computer Support (requires username
School DCSNT password) http//www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk
43Other Websites
- Blackboard http//www.ble.ac.uk/
- Birkbeck http//www.bbk.ac.uk
- My Birkbeck http//www.bbk.ac.uk/mybirkbeck/
- BBK PC Labs http//www.bbk.ac.uk/its/services/roo
ms - US CERT Security tipshttp//www.us-cert.gov/cas/
tips/index.html - Disability Support http//www.bbk.ac.uk/disabilit
y/ - BBK SU Study Skills http//www.bbk.ac.uk/su/skill
s - CLPD Study Help http//www.clpd.bbk.ac.uk/student
s/Study - Careers Advice http//www.bbk.ac.uk/mybirkbeck/se