Title: Chapter 23: Statement of Cash Flows
1Chapter 23 Statement of Cash Flows
Intermediate Accounting, 11th ed. Kieso,
Weygandt, and Warfield
2Chapter 23 Statement of Cash Flows
After studying this chapter, you should be able
- Menguraikan tujuan laporan arus kas.
- Identifikasi klasifikasi arus kas.
- Membedakan laba bersih dg arus kas bersih dari
kegiatan operasi. - Membandingkan metode langsung dan tidak langsung
utk menghitung arus kas bersih dari kegiatan
3Chapter 23 Statement of Cash Flows
- Menentukan arus kas bersih dari kegiatan
investasi dan pembiayaan. - Menyiapkan Laporan Arus kas.
- Mengidentifikasi sumber informasi utk Laporan
arus kas. - Mengidentifikasi masalah khusus dlm menyiapkan
laporan arus kas. - Menjelaskan penggunaan neraca lajur dlm
menyiapkan laporan arus kas.
4Manfaat of the Statement of Cash Flows
- Membantu para investor, kreditor, dan pihak
lainnya dlm menilai hal2 sbb - Kemampuan entitas utk menghasilkan arus kas
dimasa depan. - Kemampuan entitas utk membayar dividen dan
memenuhi kewajibannya. - Penyebab perbedaan antara laba bersih dan arus
kas bersih dari kegiatan operasi. - Transaksi investasi dan pembiayaan yg melibatkan
kas dan non kas selama suatu periode.
5The Cash Flow Statement
- The cash flow statement provides information
about - the cash receipts (cash inflows), and
- uses of cash (cash outflows) during the period
- Inflows and outflows are reported for
- operating activities,
- investing activities, and
- financing activities during the period
6Statement of Cash Flows Concept
Cash Pool
7Preparing a Statement of Cash Flows
- There are two methods of preparing the statement
of cash flows - the indirect method and
- the direct method
- The indirect method derives cash flows from
accrual basis statements. - The direct method determines cash flows directly
for each source or use of cash.
8Statement of Cash Flows Indirect Method Concept
Earned Revenues
Operating cash flow
Expenses Incurred
9The Statement of Cash Flows Indirect Method
10Direct Method Operating Activities
- From sales of goods or services
- From returns on loans (interest) and returns on
equity securities (dividends)
- To suppliers for inventory
- To employees for services
- To government for taxes
- To lenders for interest
- To others for expenses
11Investing and Financing Activities
- For the direct and indirect methods the sections
reporting investing andfinancing activities are
the same. - The net inflows or outflows for each section
(under the two methods) are identical. - The operating activities are reported differently.
12Format of the Statement of Cash Flows Indirect
Cash flows from operating activities Net
Income XXX Adjustments (to arrive at
cash flow from operations) XX (List of
individual inflows and outflows) Net cash flow
from operating activities XXX
Cash flows from investing activities (List of
individual inflows and outflows) XX Net
cash flow from investing activities XXX
Cash flows from financing activities (List of
individual inflows and outflows) XX Net
cash flow from financing activities XXX
13Major Classes of Cash Receipts and Payments
14Formula to Compute Cash Receipts from Customers
15Formula to Compute Cash Payments for Operating
16Indirect Method Special Items
- Note the following adjustments to net income in
deriving operating cash flow - Loss on sale of assets is added to net income
- Gain on sale of assets is deducted from net
income - Discount on bonds payable (as amortized) is added
to net income - Premium on bonds payable (as amortized) is
deducted from net income
17Format of the Statement of Cash Flows Direct
Cash flows from operating activities Cash
receipts (individually) Inflows XXX Cash
payments to suppliers (separately) outflows
( XXX) Net cash flow from operating
activities XXX
Cash flows from investing activities (List of
individual inflows and outflows) XX Net
cash flow from investing activities XXX
Cash flows from financing activities (List of
individual inflows and outflows) XX Net
cash flow from financing activities XXX
18Direct Method Concept
Cash flow from operations
19Cash Flow Statement Direct Method
Cash receipts from customers Revenue from
credit sales Decrease in A/Rec balances
- Increase in A/Rec balances
20Cash Flow Statement Direct Method
Cash payments to suppliers Cost of goods sold
Increase in inventory - Decrease in
inventory Decrease in accounts
payable - Increase in accounts payable
21Cash Flow Statement Direct Method
Cash payments for operating and other
expenses Operating expenses Increase in
prepaid expenses - Decrease in prepaid
expenses Decrease in accrued
expenses payable - Increase in accrued
expenses payable
22Reporting Significant Non-Cash Transactions
- Transactions not involving cash inflows or cash
outflows are non-cash transactions. - They are not reported in the body of the cash
flow statement. - If material, they are reported as notes to the
statement or in a supplementary schedule to the
financial statements. - Example Issue of bonds (payable) for purchase of
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