Title: Tutorial 4
1Tutorial 4
- Creating Special Animations
- Create an animation using a motion guide layer
- Create an animation using a mask layer
- Animate text blocks
- Animate individual letters within a text block
3Objectives (continued)
- Test animations using onion skinning
- Create nested movie clip symbols
- Learn how to use the Movie Explorer
4Creating Animation Using Special Layers
- Guide layer
- Contains graphic guides for content on other
- Mask layer
- Masks contents of an underlying (masked) layer
- Both special layer types can be used in
5Animation Using a Motion Guide Layer
- A motion guide layer is used with motion tweens
- Provides a path for an object in the guided layer
- Object follows path throughout the motion tween
- Creating a motion guide layer for a motion tween
- Create the motion tween on one layer
- Select the layer containing the motion tween
- Insert a motion guide in the layer above
- Draw a path for the object on the motion guide
- Attach the object to the end-points of the path
6Motion Guide Layer
7Adding a Motion Guide Layer to the Flounders Pet
Shop Banner
- Objective cause a fish to swim along a curved
- Use a motion guide layer to support the
- Fish follows a parabolic path in the animation
- Starts at lower left, rises to top, descends to
lower right
8Line Drawn with Pencil Tool
9Animation Using a Mask Layer
- One way to create an animation using a mask
- Create object that will be masked on one layer
- Add a new layer above it that will contain the
- Right-click the top layer
- Select Mask from the context menu
- Convert a layer to a mask using Layer Properties
- Objects on mask layer filled shape, text,
- Masking an object reveals underlying content only
10Masked Layer Example
11Animated Picture Masked with Text
12Adding a Mask Layer to the Flounders Pet Shop
- Objective add spotlight effect to text block
- Spotlight moves across Flounders Pet Shop text
- Major tasks
- Duplicate current scene in the file to create
Scene 3
- Modify Scene 3 to create the spotlight effect
13Oval Drawn to Mask Text
14Animating Text Blocks
- Techniques frame-by-frame and tweened animation
- Example text block moving across the Stage
- Converting text blocks to fills for shape
- Use Break Apart to convert text block to
individual letters
- Re-use Break Apart against letters to convert
them to fills
- Conversion from letters to fills is irreversible
- Example of a shape tween
- Fills representing letters are changed into an
oval shape
15Sample Shape Tween
16Adding Animated Text to the Flounders Pet Shop
- Objective add four text blocks
- Three out of four text blocks will be animated
- The And text block will not be animated
- Specifications for text block animations
- Tropical text block moves off sides to center of
- Fish text block moves off sides to center of
- And text block appears in center halfway through
- Aquarium Sale text block grows from halfway point
17Transform Panel
18Animating Individual Letters
- Allows for many interesting text effects
- Example 1 letters fall into place one at a time
- Example 2 letters of a word pulsate
- Creating most effects with individual letters
- Break a word into its individual letters
- Separately animate letters in their individual
- Motion tweens simplify animation of letters
- Requirement letter is a symbol residing in its
own layer
19Simple Letters Animation
20Distribute to Layers
- Distribute to Layers command
- Distributes selected objects to individual
- Original layer with grouped objects is emptied
- Name each new layer based on its new content
- Using the Distribute to Layers command
- Select objects you want to distribute to
individual layers
- Go to Modify ?Timeline ? Distribute to Layers
- Apply command and then rename the layers
21Creating a Complex Text Animation for the
Flounders Banner
- Objective animate letters in Flounders text
- Specifications for individual letters
- Break apart Flounders text
- Distribute letters to individual layers
- Alternate colors of letters between yellow and
- Letters at start are slightly faded and twice the
ending size
- Each letter is initially rotated at a -45 degree
- Letters will rotate into place one by one
- Letters fade in and decrease in size as they fall
in place
22Motion Tweens for Each Layer
23Individual Letters Animation
24Creating and Testing Animations Using Onion
- Onion skinning shows multiple frames at one time
- Helpful when creating frame-by-frame animation
- How Flash implements onion skinning
- Displays current frame plus two or more frames at
- Content of current frame appears in full color
- Contents of frames before and after appear
- Click Onion Skin button on Timeline to activate
- Use Edit Multiple Frames to apply group edits
25Onion Skin Options
26Complex Animation with Nested Symbols
- Nested symbols
- Contains instances of other symbols within its
- Purpose synchronize animation of object parts
- Application fish swims across stage, fin and
tails move
- Relationship among nested symbols
- Parent movie clips contains child movie clips
- Changes to the parent clip are passed on to the
child clip
- Example instances of fin and tail are nested in
fish body
27Example of Nested Movie Clip
28Creating a Nested Movie Clip for the Flounders
- Objective animate tail and fins of moving fish
- Suggestion used nested movie clip symbols
- Instances to group fish body, fin, and tail
- Overview of tasks
- Create frame-by-frame animations for the fin and
- Nest two fin movie clips and tail clip in the
fish body
- Insert nested movie clip into Fish Swimming scene
29Nested Movie Clip Instance Added to Stage
30Using the Movie Explorer
- The Movie Explorer panel
- Hierarchically displays all of a documents
- Provides convenient access to individual
- Open Movie Explorer from the Windows menu
- Primary options Show buttons and Find search box
- A few additional options available in options
- Go to Location moves playhead to keyframe of
- Print prints a list of the contents of the Movie
31Movie Explorer
32Movie Explorer Panel Displaying Text Blocks