Title: Presentation of Industrial Scrap Metal Recycling
1What is Recycling?
Recycling is a term used to describe a series of
activities that includes collecting recyclable
materials that would otherwise be considered
2What does the Recycling Symbol Mean?
gt The first top arrow stands for the collection
of recyclable products for processing. gt The
bottom right arrow stands for the recyclables
being processed right into recycled products. gt
The bottom left arrowhead is the most vital. It
represents when the consumer actually buys a
product with recycled material.
3What are some things I can Recycle and some items
that I cannot Recycle
I can Recycle these things gt Iron gt Copper gt
Aluminium gt Ferrous Recycling gt Non Ferrous gt
Plastic gt Brass Scrap gt Computers
I can not Recycle these things gt Ceramics gt
Windows gt Light Bulbs gt Mirrors gt Spray Cans
4Our Address Details
Address Aaromet Metal Recycling3208 W 63rd
StreetCleveland Ohio 44102 Contact Us
(216)-961-5050 Website http//www.aarometmetalre
EmailMichelle Haslett (Manager)aaromet_at_hotmail.c
omJeff Godles (Assistant Manager)aaromet_at_hotmail
.comRachel Pavella (Accounting)rachelp0704_at_hotma
il.comJoseph Krash (Sales)josephkrash_at_hotmail.co
Hours of OperationMonday to Friday 800 Am
500 PMSaturday 800 AM 100 PMSunday
800 AM 100 PM