Title: Fiesta Lesson Plans
1Fiesta Lesson Plans
- Save the PowerPoint template to the student
directory. First remove this instruction slide. - During the reading of the book to the class, the
teacher will complete the alphabet slides with
students. Save. - Students should then open the template and save
to their personal directories. - The During Fiesta slide will then be done on an
individual basis. The students will list at
least three things that they like or would like
to do during Fiesta. - On the last slide, compare the celebrations of
Fiesta and Fourth of July. Have students type
next to the star to note similarities and
differences. - There is a rubric on the last slide if you want
to use it.
2Fiesta Lesson Plans Extensions
- The students can then be directed to open
Kidspiration and complete a web of the different
events that happen during Fiesta, as well as the
reasons that we celebrate Fiesta. They may also
color the events that they have attended in a
different color. This may be done as a class or
individually. This may be printed out if desired. - The students may also open an additional
Kidspiration and web their ideas of how Fiesta
shows Americans love of freedom, individualism,
and inventiveness.
3FIESTA !!!!!
Based on the book Fiesta from A to Z the ABC's
of San Antonio's celebration by Linda Sulser and
Jeanne Schaefer
1.2(B) compare the observance of holidays and
celebrations, past and present 1.13(D) explain
how selected customs, symbols, and celebrations
reflect an American love of individualism,
inventiveness, and freedom
4F is for flowers
- Brightly colored flowers have always been an
important part of FIESTA. We even decorate the
Battle of Flowers floats with -
5H is for heroes
- Fiesta is San Antonios celebration to remember
the men and women who helped win freedom for
6K is for kings
- The two kings that reign over San Antonio help
to raise money for good things. They also visit
schools and other places. One Kings name is
7P is for parades
- During Fiesta there are three major parades. The
Battle of Parade, the Texas Cavaliers
River Parade and the Fiesta Flambeau Parade.
8W is for women
- At the first Fiesta in 1891, women drove
decorated horse-drawn carts around Alamo Plaza
and threw real at each other to
symbolize the Battle of the Alamo. This is why
it is called the Battle of Flowers Parade.
9During FIESTA these are the things I like to do
10Compare Fiesta to Fourth of July
11RUBRIC 1 2 3 4
I didnt finish I finished most of my presentation I finished all of my presentation. I finished all of my presentation and added extra!
I didnt get very many answers right I got most of my answers right. I got all of my answers right! I got all of my answers right and added extra information.
I didnt know how to work the computer very well. I could do most of the things on the computer I did all of the things on the computer I was supposed to do! I did all of the things I was supposed to do and added extra!
I didnt remember the reasons we celebrate Fiesta. I remembered some of the reasons we celebrate Fiesta. I remembered all of the reasons we celebrate Fiesta! I remembered all of the reasons we celebrate Fiesta, and added extra!