Title: Analysis of PostTensioned,
1- Analysis of Post-Tensioned,
- Continuous Span Bridges With GTSTRUDL
Abhijit Naik Jay A. Quiogue Chuong V. Ho Li-Hong
Sheng Office of Earthquake Engineering California
Department of Transportation
The majority of bridges in California are
post-tensioned, box-girder bridges and are,
therefore, of great interest to the California
Department of Transportation (Caltrans).
- Caltrans design engineers currently use Bridge
Design System (BDS) which is based on Plane Frame
Analysis using Moment Distribution.
BDS is the main tool for the design and analysis
of typical post-tensioned bridges. However,
extending its application to complex structures
requires considerable engineering judgement and
3Research Project
- Project Objectives
- To determine methods that accurately model the
effects of post-tensioning on continuous span
bridges and compare them with BDS. - To provide bridge engineers with an alternative
tool for analysis of these types of bridges using
GTSTRUDL. - To compare results from these models with the
readings from bridge instrumentation.
4Overview of Prestress
5Overview of Prestress
Effects of Prestress on a Simply-Supported Member
The support reactions are only due to the
self-weight of the member. There are no
reactions due to prestress since the member is
statically determinate.
Prestressing Cable
6Overview of Prestress
Effects of Prestress on a Continuous Member
For a continuous member, which is statically
indeterminate, support reactions depend on the
member deformation.
The continuous ends are restrained against free
rotation and the support reactions due to
post-tensioning may be associated with additional
moments that are required to enforce
compatibility of slopes. These moments are
generally called Secondary Moments.
7Overview of Prestress
Effects of Prestress on a Continuous Member
Total Moment Primary Moment Secondary Moment
Total Moments are used in Working Stress Design
to check service stresses.
For Ultimate Strength Design, the Secondary
Moment is treated as an external load with a load
factor of 1.0 in addition to the other applied
factored loads.
8Overview of Prestress
Concept of Secondary Moments
Secondary Moments should vary linearly between
the supports because the restraint forces causing
these moments occur only at supports.
9Research Project
Methods to Model Post-Tensioning Effects
- Method I
- The post-tensioning tendon (prestress) is not
explicitly modeled. - Instead the post-tensioning in the tendon is
converted to an equivalent distributed loading
acting directly on the superstructure.
- Method II
- The post-tensioning tendon (prestress) is
explicitly modeled. - The post-tensioning effect is imparted to the
superstructure through thermal loads that are
applied to the tendon elements.
10Input From BDS
Bridge Design System (BDS) Data
- Design prestress jacking force, Pjack
- Force coefficients, fci, based on friction losses
due to profile curvature and anchor set loss - Member eccentricities, ei
All the above data is based on a given cable
11Method I Equivalent Distributed Loading
Equivalent Distributed Loading
- Topics
- Assumptions
- Sign Conventions
- Concept
12Equivalent Distributed Loading
- Assumptions
- Concrete is assumed to remain elastic and
uncracked. - Post-tensioning tendons are assumed to be fully
grouted and bonded to ducts so that the
post-tensioning force is completely transferred
to the concrete. - Since the post-tensioning tendons are not
explicitly modeled the prestressing forces are
directly applied to the center of gravity of the
13Equivalent Distributed Loading
14Equivalent Distributed Loading
- Concept
- The structure is discretized into series of frame
15Equivalent Distributed Loading
- Assuming prestressing forces to act only
horizontally throughout the structure the - post-tensioning force acting along each element
is approximated by converting - it into a series of equivalent uniformly
distributed axial and moment loads.
- From equilibrium equations, the distributed axial
wxi and moment load wzzi acting - on each element i is given by
wxi ( Fi1 - Fi ) / li
wzzi ( Mi1 - Mi ) / li
16Equivalent Distributed Loading
- Resolving the prestressing forces into vertical
and horizontal components, the equivalent
uniformly distributed loads can be calculated
from equilibrium equations
wxi ( Fi1 - Fi ) / li
wyi ( Vi1 - Vi ) / li wzzi ( Mi1 - Mi -
Vi1 li / 2 - Vi li / 2 ) / li
17Equivalent Distributed Loading
- These individual elements are then assembled back
into the full structure. - In doing so, the concentrated forces from
adjacent elements acting on their - common node cancel each other, leaving only the
distributed loads and - concentrated forces at the two end nodes.
18Equivalent Distributed Loading
- The structure is then analyzed using GTSTRUDL.
- The resulting moments are the total moments
imparted on the structure due to prestress. - The secondary moments can then be determined by
- Secondary Moments Total Moments - Primary
19Method II Temperature Loading
Temperature Loading
- Topics
- Assumptions
- Sign Conventions
- Concept
20Temperature Loading
- Assumptions
- Concrete is assumed to remain elastic and
uncracked. - Post-tensioning tendons are assumed to be fully
grouted and bonded to ducts so that the
post-tensioning force is completely transferred
to the concrete. - As the post-tensioning tendons are explicitly
modeled, there is a loss while transferring the
applied prestressing forces to the center of
gravity of the superstructure due to interaction
within elements.
21Temperature Loading
22Temperature Loading
- Concept
- The superstructure is discretized into series of
frame elements.
- The tendon profile is discretized into a series
of truss elements.
- The truss elements are connected to the
superstructure at the nodal points by rigid links.
- The rigid links can be modeled as
- Member eccentricities for frame elements
- Rigid elements with very high stiffness
23Temperature Loading
- The post-tensioning force Fi at each node is
- Fi Pjack x fci
- where
- ai thermal coefficient of truss element i
- Ei modulus of elasticity of truss element i
- Ai area of the truss element i
24Temperature Loading
- The thermal loads on the truss elements bring
about a shortening effect in the tendon elements,
similar to that caused by a post-tensioning
- The structure is then analyzed using GTSTRUDL.
- The resulting moments are the total moments
imparted on the structure due to prestress. - The secondary moments can then be determined by
- Secondary Moments Total Moments - Primary
25Bridge Under Study
26Bridge Under Study
General Plan
27Bridge Under Study
General Plan
Typical Section
28Bridge Under Study
General Plan
Tendon Profile
29Bridge Under Study
Salient Features
It is a curved, continuous three-span,
cast-in-place, post-tensioned box-girder
bridge. The bridge is one of the two bridges
under the long-term structural performance
monitoring program. Monitoring systems include
accelerometers, strain gauges, pressure sensors
and displacement sensors that have been installed
at strategic locations. The bridge is the first
and the only bridge in California with strain
gauges embedded which can provide exceptionally
valuable information regarding the structural
health condition.
30Bridge Under Study
31Bridge Under Study
Location of Accelerometers
32GT STRUDL Input File
33GT STRUDL Input File
34GT STRUDL Input File
35GT STRUDL Input File
36GT STRUDL Input File
37GT STRUDL Input File
38GT STRUDL Input File
39GT STRUDL Input File
40GT STRUDL Input File
41GT STRUDL Input File
42GT STRUDL Input File
43GT STRUDL Input File
44GT STRUDL Input File
45GT STRUDL Input File
46GT STRUDL Input File
Undeformed Shape
Deformed Shape
54Future Study
- Other models under study for the West Street
Grillage Model
Plate Model
Compare the results from the various models to
the readings from the instrumentation and update
finite element models.
- Given a proper analysis procedure, all necessary
moments due to prestressing can be obtained using
GTSTRUDL. - The proposed methods yield comparable results to
Caltrans BDS except for axial force distribution
in middle spans. - Methods can now be extended to more detailed
models and verified with experimental results.
56Questions Comments Suggestions