Title: 8 Keys To Succeed In Digital Marketing
1 By-
Edison Info Systems
8 Keys To Succeed In Digital Marketing
2The heart of any online strategy begins with the
creation of the website for your business is your
essential base, the headquarters of your digital
business. Hence the idea of having a website
optimized for the user navigable and with a clear
goal in mind. A crucial aspect to complement your
site is the creation of the blog of the company,
if it is integrated to the web much better, where
you can publish the useful content for the users,
informing them about your company, your services
or you products can solve a problem or fill a
1. Website
3 2. Content
Content is the king of your website to work and
move forward your marketing strategy digital.
What is the content? To be found on search
engines like Google or Bing to generate attract
target consumers to build database to attract
potential users display information of value to
help them to solve or address a problem. What
kind of content? Based on the knowledge of its
particular market segment, the key is to create
information such as answers and solutions that
would be interested and help your target
consumers. The ideal is to create that content in
various formats such as articles, text, voice,
video, webinars, photographs, etc...
4After creating the website you have to optimized
the keyword of your website, what follows is to
spread that content. The previous process of
purchasing goods and services is checked in the
search engines. For us to be in the results of
those searches, there are two ways to promote our
website and content free(organic) and paid. The
first is to achieved by optimizing the content
using keywords and publish content frequently and
takes a certain period of time so that content
are index by search engines. The second involves
using advertising to pay and the links in the
initial results of the searches.
3. Search Engine Optimization(SEO)
5Any SME or company wishing to obtain a positive
strategy should consider doing online advertising
to your website, more or lesser extent. why
should I online advertise? Because internet gives
us the possibility of a greater range of
potential customers at a much lower cost than
traditional media known as advertising in print
media, on radio or t.v.
4. Online Advertising
6The social networks are a phenomenon that has
taken a central role in the strategy of
communication, diffusion, generation commitment
and attracting leads for companies or brands. It
is of such importance that this aspect will need
to draw a plan of action specific to social
media, which will serve to amplify the content of
our blog, build trust, listen, discuss, humanize
the brand, bring traffic to your website and
generate leads or potential customers. Success in
social media depends on the right approach you
5. Social Networks
7Let us first define what it means conversion
rate the percentage of shares that are expected
to perform the visitors to a website.
Formula Percent Conversion Conversions /
Numbers of visits
6. Conversions
8 7. E-mail Marketing
- The e-mail marketing is according to statistics
most effective tool at the time of conversion. - Why use a plan for e-mail marketing?
- To
- Stay in the minds of potential customers longer.
- Building trust.
- Build positioning as an expert in your contact.
- Generate sales.
- Guidelines to implement a plan of e-mail
marketing - Select the appropriate platform.
- Start building your database.
- Create content and calendar content.
- Program frequency and sending information.
9The measurement and analysis of digital marketing
consist not implement Google Analysis and take a
look from time to time. For this measurement and
analysis help improve my results, the process is
more complex, and is done in four steps 1.
Defining Objectives. 2. Implement measurement
tools. 3. Set a control panel. 4. Analyze,
measure, implement, corrective actions.
8. Measurements, Analysis and Control
10 Contact Us
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