Title: Tracking Application For Pilgrims Monitoring TAPM
1Tracking Application For Pilgrims Monitoring
- Supervisor Dr. Anis Koubaa
- Student Fatimah Al-amri and Maha bin Khanien
1 5 Dec 2009
- Problem and Motivation
- Background
- Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)
- Localization
- Tracking Applications of WSN
- TAPM Analysis and Design
- TAPM tools
- Implementation
- Conclusion and future works
3Problem and Motivation
4Problem and Motivation
- In Al-Hajj , retrieval of missing pilgrims by
Civil Defense is very challenging . - use of a wireless sensor network for retrieval of
a missing pilgrims will be much easier. - Each pilgrim has hand sensor device.
- to locate the position of pilgrims .
- to give the path of pilgrim.
- to monitor the health status.
6Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)
- composed of a large set of nodes scattered in an
environment, interacting with the physical world. - Sensor node
- collect the specified data (e.g. temperature,
movement) . - transmits data from node to another, towards
basestation(processes, analyses). - Sensor device
- low processing speed
- Limited power
- Small memory
- Small Bandwidth
Sensor device
- Determining the location of the sensor node based
on other sensor nodes with known ,fixed
locations(beacon node) . - Localization Algorithm
- Distances Estimation, where the target node
measure and estimate its distances from the
beacon nodes . - E.g. Received Signal Strength(RSS)
- Position Estimation, the target node obtains its
position based on the estimated beacon distances. - E.g. Bounding Box(Min-max) algorithm
8 Bounding Box Algorithm
9Tracking Applications of WSN
- Tracking
- trace the roaming paths of moving objects in the
area in which sensors are deployed. - Tracking vs. localization
- Localization involves determining the location of
the sensor node based on other sensor nodes with
known locations. - Tracking mobile targets involves finding out the
location of mobile targets based on wireless
sensor nodes with known positions
10TAPM Analysis and Design
TAPM Database
11TAPM Analysis and Design
1.Pilgrim Monitoring
Connect to network
Pilgrim node will send its location periodically
receive current position of all pilgrims
2.Direct search
send query to the network
request send to pilgrim
receive current position of lost pilgrim
return current position
3.Indirect search
send query to database
TAPM Database
return last position of pilgrim last path
12TAPM Analysis and Design
4.Change periodic update time of pilgrim location
send periodic time
request send to pilgrim
5.Display the rate of congestion
TAPM Database
sends query to the database
return rate of congestion on all area
13TAPM Design
- TAPM Architecture
- Pilgrim node
- Detector nodes
- Basestation
- PC
- Database
14TAPM Design
- Database design to store different types of
information - Personal information .
- Location information .
- Health status information .
15TAPM Tools
16TAPM Tools
- TinyOS
- a small, open-source, energy-efficient operating
system. - Network embedded systems C Programming languages
(NesC). - TelosB mote
- data collection via USB.
- low consumption of power. useful to
track pilgrim. - sense with light, temperature and humidity
simulate temperature, pressure and heart rate
of pilgrim .
17TAPM Implementation and Testing
18TAPM Implementation and Testing
- Two types of programming
- Mote programming
- Programming telosb mote in Cygwin environment
. - Java programming
- Takes data from the mote via the connector
then uses the Java2D technology to draw.
19TAPM Implementation and Testing
BaseStation mote ID 0
Detectors mote ID 2-15
Pilgrim mote ID 21 22
20TAPM Implementation and Testing
Send information to basestation
Send request
Send response
1-convert RSSI to distance 2-applay bounding
box algorithm
21TAPM Implementation and Test
- Java programming
- Create menu that displays the following services
- Tracking Service.
- Direct Search Service/Update.
- Indirect Search Service/Search.
- Display rate of congestion Service.
- Settings Service.
22Tracking Service
Java application shows the positions of pilgrims
in GUI
Pilgrims calculate their positions then send
result to BaseStation
23Direct Search Service/Update
here Civil defense man enters ID of lost pilgrim
Current position of lost pilgrim
24Indirect Search Service
Number of last location
All pilgrim information will display
Last location and path will display in the map
25Settings Service
Here Civil defense man enters ID of pilgrim and
time period
Request Send to pilgrim
After time update
26Statistics service
The rate of congestion will display according to
number of pilgrim in the holy place
Holy place name
27Conclusion and Future works
28Conclusion and Future works
- A WSN is a wireless network that use sensors to
monitor physical environment - TAPM depends on WSN to provide three major
services which are - Follow up the movement of pilgrims .
- Search for current location of specific pilgrim.
- Search for last location of specific pilgrim and
the path that this pilgrim was moved through it.
29Conclusions and Future works
- We suggest to use specific mote that used in
medicine application to monitor the health status
for pilgrims. - Finally, we hope that our system will be deployed
and the pilgrims will benefit from it.
30The End
- SupervisorDr. Anis Koubaa
- Student Fatimah Al-Amri and Maha
bin Khanien