Title: AOK- A LED Manufacturer In China
1AOK- A LED Manufacturer In China
Welcome to www.aokledlight.com
2An led street light manufacturer should
preferably provide discounts and warranties. It
is thus that street lights can be installed by
all classes of people who would otherwise
consider outdoor lighting as a frivolity.
3- The LED High Bay Light plays a major role in
balancing both lighting power as well as ecology
as it reduces carbon emission. These kinds of
places have huge consumption of electricity and
an LED bay light always cut downs the bill while
illuminating the whole place with powerful
lights. This mode of lighting has higher lifespan
in comparison to CFL bulbs. Replacements of these
bulbs are not necessary.
4LED Street Light 280W
LED Street Light 240W
An led street light manufacturer should
preferably provide discounts and warranties. It
is thus that street lights can be installed by
all classes of people who would otherwise
consider outdoor lighting as a frivolity.
5LED Flood Light 120W
LED Flood Light 280W
For commercial purpose, powerful lights are used
and these are well known to be LED flood lights.
These lights produce high intensity of light with
less consumption of electricity, that too at a
maintainable budget.
6Contact Information
NO.150 Minjiang Main Road
Cangshan District Fuzhou China
FJ350008 Tel 86-591-83820886,88209641.83
820836 Fax 86-591-88209642
Email info_at_aokledlight.com