Title: Cities fascinating destinations
1Cities - fascinating destinations
- Main Entry city Pronunciation 'si-tE
- Function noun
- Form(s) plural cities
- Usage Middle English citie large or small
town, from Medieval Latin civitat-, civitas. -
- Meaning an inhabited place of greater size,
population, or importance than a town or
2Do you know these famous cities?
Vatican City
3Do you know these famous cities?
New York
4What do you know about these cities?
Salvador, Brazil
Seoul, South Korea
Kyoto, Japan
New Orleans, USA
5Now look at Passages, page 18
- Which cities do the sentences describe?
6Listening 1. Which city are they talking about?
2. What are some interesting features of each
- Seoul
- one of ten largest
- metropolitan areas,
- Cosmopolitan,
- unique spicy food,
- noodles,
- BBQd beef,
- very old,
- combination of old and
- new architecture,
- Efficient subway system,
- discount shopping.
- Salvador
- very old,
- founded by Portuguese,
- Third largest,
- population of 2 million,
- Built into a cliff,
- Overlooks bay,
- On two levels -
- elevator between levels,
- Beautiful beaches,
- African influence in music,
- food and dance,
- Special kind of dancing,
- Great nightlife,
- Street festivals
7Describing a city
Description 3. Size. 4. Appearance.
2. Location
1. Which city?
- Culture
- 7. Festivals/events
- 8. history
Cuisine 5. Food. 6. drinks
Leisure 9. Tourist activities 10. Sightseeing