Title: Wireless Operators in a Shared Spectrum
1Wireless Operators in a Shared Spectrum
- Mark Felegyhazi, Jean-Pierre Hubaux
- EPFL, Switzerland
- Infocom06, Barcelona, Spain
- April 26, 2006
2Spectrum utilization
measured power dB
frequency GHz
D. Cabric, S. M. Mishra, D. Willkomm, R. W.
Brodersen, and A. Wolisz, A Cognitive Radio
Approach for Usage of Virtual Unlicensed
Spectrum, 14th IST Mobile and Wireless
Communications Summit, June 2005.
3Problem formulation
- today, cellular operators own separate
frequencies - operate wireless / cellular networks in an
unlicensed spectrum - BUT, problem of interference
- power control of the pilot signal
4System model (1/2)
- two operators A and B
- set of base stations BA and BB
- base stations are placed on the vertices of a
grid - each base station of A has the same radio range
rA (relaxed later), same for B - base stations emit pilot signals on the same
channel, with the radio ranges rA, rB - full coverage by combination of the two
operators coverage - maximum power limit PMAX ? RMAX
- if
- devices have omnidirectional antennas
5System model (2/2)
- a set of users uniformly distributed in the area
- free roaming
- users attach to the base station with the best
pilot signal - operators want to cover the largest area with
their pilot signal
where the channel gain
6Power control game
- static game G (P, S, U)
- operators ? Players
- pilot signal radio range ? Strategy
- Utility coverage area of their own pilot signal
minus the interference area
- where ?i is the cooperation parameter of player
i - cooperativeness
- agreement
- power price
- Let
- Best response of player i to strategy sj of
player j - Nash equilibrium
- Nash equilibrium strategies are mutual best
responses to each other.
Pareto-superiority A strategy profile
is Pareto-superior to a strategy profile
if for any player i we have with strict
inequality for at least one player.
M. Felegyhazi and J.-P. Hubaux, Game Theory in
Wireless Networks A Tutorial, EPFL Technical
report LCA-REPORT-2006-002, April 2006.
8Best response values
best response of player i
radio range of player j (rj)
9Mutual best responses Nash equilibria
radio range of player i (ri)
Nash equilibrium
radio range of player j (rj)
10Pareto-superior Nash equilibria
- (NEMIN,A,B0)
11Repeated game (1/3)
- Punisher strategy Play RMIN in the first time
step. Then for each time step - play RMIN, if the other player played RMIN
- play RMAX for the next ki time steps, if the
other player played anything else
12Repeated game (2/3)
- cooperation utility
- deviation gain
- defection utility
utility of player j (Uj)
time steps (t)
13Repeated game (3/3)
- Cooperation is enforceable A Nash equilibrium
based on RMIN is enforceable using the Punisher
strategy if - If the above condition holds, the punishment
interval is defined by
where ? is the discounting factor
Note Similar result to the Folk-Theorem
14Generalization of the problem
? base station might have different positions and
- Hardness result Finding the maximum utility of a
player for general values of radio ranges is
Corollary Finding Nash equilibria in the power
control game for general values of radio ranges
is NP-complete.
- Coexistence is a main problem in shared spectrum
networks - Power control of the pilot signal to cope with
interference - Single stage game
- various Nash equilibria in the grid scenario,
depending on ?A and ?B - Repeated game
- RMIN (cooperation) is enforceable with
punishments - General scenario arbitrary ranges
- the problem is NP-complete