ClientServer Architectures COMM1T Web Engineering Dr' Giles Oatley - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ClientServer Architectures COMM1T Web Engineering Dr' Giles Oatley


Clients are system components that make requests on other system components to ... internet applications e-mail, telnet, ftp, gopher, and even the Web are ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ClientServer Architectures COMM1T Web Engineering Dr' Giles Oatley

Client/Server ArchitecturesCOMM1T Web
EngineeringDr. Giles Oatley
Client-Servers n-tier Systems History C/S and
Object Orientation Java RMI CORBA OLE/DCOM
What is a Client/Server Architecture?
  • Put simply client/server (C/S) involvesClients
    are system components that make requests on other
    system components to provide specific
    servicesServers are system components that
    provide specific services when requested to do so
    by other system components

Examples of Client/Server Architectures
  • HTTP servers providing HTML web pages, Java
    applets, CGI scripts services etc. to web browser
  • FTP servers providing data files to FTP clients
  • Email servers providing email services to email
  • Database servers providing SQL-based services to
    client applications

Local Machine verses Networked C/S
  • All the previous examples had one aspect in
    common, they operate over a network of computers.
  • It is also possible to introduce a C/S
    architecture into applications that run on local
  • However, the potential of C/S is best realised
    over some form of computer network

n-tier Systems
1-tier System desktop PC and local database
2-tier System Any number of machines (clients)
connecting to a central repository (server)
Client System
Client System
  • Two-tier describes the way application processing
    can be divided in a client/server application.
  • A two-tier application ideally provides multiple
    workstations with a uniform presentation layer
    that communicates with a centralised data storage
  • The presentation layer is generally the client,
    and the data storage layer is the server.
  • Most internet applications e-mail, telnet, ftp,
    gopher, and even the Web are simple two-tier
  • Without providing a lot of data interpretation or
    processing, these applications provide a simple
    interface to access information across the
  • No problems because
  • NO choices between different tasks
  • NO redirecting of tasks to subordinate methods
  • NO searches through distributed databases
  • etc.

Displaying webpages Web browser on the client
side retrieves data stored at a Web server. The
display of static HTML pages requires very little
data manipulation, and thus there is very little
to fight over.
Form data
HTML documents
Web Browser
Web Server
Form data
HTML documents
Web Browser
Web Server
Form data validated, maybe rejected
Can maybe do this processing client-side
FAT CLIENT problem!!
Applet in direct communication with
database. Change our database slightly etc, will
require Complete of our application. Applet
Functionality tied directly into Business Logic.
Source code reuse .. And ACTUAL OBJECTS
REUSE.. SCENARIO if you are looking at building
a system for viewing bank accounts from the Web
and from an ATM machine, you really want the
users Web browser and the ATM machine to be
looking at the exact same data, especially if
they are looking at that data at the same
instant. Doing this with a two-tier system is
nearly impossible since each client ends up with
its own copy of the data. When one client
changes some data, other clients end up with old
data, resulting in a problem called dirty writes.
A dirty write is a situation in which someone
tries to modify data based on an old, out-of-date
copy of the database. If my spouse at an ATM
makes a withdrawal while I am paying bills at
home, I want to see that change happen. If we are
looking at copies of the original data, however,
I will end up paying a bill with money that my
spouse just withdrew! If a client, on the other
hand, is simply observing objects located in some
centralized location, it is always dealing with
the most recent information. When my spouse
withdraws that last 100, my Web browser is
immediately notified so that I do not act on
stale information. (Java makes things easier for
us by providing observer and observable classes).
if yes then two-tier
  • Does your application use a single database?
  • Is your database engine located on a single CPU?
  • Is your database likely to stay approximately
    the same size over time?
  • Is your user base likely to stay approximately
    the same size over time?
  • Are your requirements fixed with little or no
    possibility of change?
  • Do you expect minimal maintenance after you
    deliver the application?

else three-tier..
3-tier System Any number of machines (clients)
connecting to a central repository (server)
through an application server
Client System
Application System
Client System
  • A three-tier architecture adds to the two-tier
    model a new layer that isolates data processing
    in a central location and maximises object reuse.
  • We should isolate our database connection so
    that our presentation does not care anything
    about the way we store our data
  • Clients talk only to objects on the server
  • Database connectivity becomes an issue hidden
    within each server object. The presentation layer
    stops caring about where the database is, as well
    as if we are using a database at all
  • The client sees only middle-tier objects
  • Middle-tier (application server) handles data
    processing issues out of place in either of the
    other tiers
  • Populated by problem-specific objects commonly
    called business objects
  • Banking application the business objects are
    things like accounts, customers, and transactions
    that exist independently of how a user might see
    them (by ATM or Web browser).
  • (JDBC frees us from concerns related to
    portability among proprietary database APIs)

GUI learns everything about an account from an
account business object instead of from the
database. This object will have a data store
interface, for accessing the database.
Client System
Application System
Two-tier Client
maps to
Three-tier Client
Business Object
Object Observer
restores from
sends updates to
The observer relationship as implemented in the
Java API
Persistence Pattern I will survive.. Life
after death (well, after Ive logged off)..
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C/S and Object Orientation
C/S and Object-Orientation
  • The idea of client and server falls naturally
    into the Object-Oriented paradigm
  • In O-O, objects interact through messages and we
    can regard the sender of the message as the
    client object, while the receiver of the message
    can be regarded as the server object
  • In turn the server object could itself become the
    client of another object interaction and vice

An Example
  • A Library object requires the details of a
    specific Book object held within a Stock object
    of available books.The Library object is acting
    as a client, requesting a service from the Stock
    object which is acting as a server to the
    Library. In turn, the Book object servers its
    details first to the Stock object (now acting as
    a client), with the Stock object returning the
    Book details to complete its server

Generic C/S Interaction
  • Client Side Tasks1. Client contacts the
    server2. Client awaits a response from the
    server3. Client requests a service from the
    server4. Client awaits the results of this
    service from server5. Client disconnects from
    the server
  • Server Side Tasks1. Server awaits a contact
    from a valid client2. On contact, the server
    connects to the client3. Server awaits request
    from connected client4. Server provides
    service5. Server disconnects from the client6.
    Back to task 1

Generic C/S Interaction
  • Client contacts the server
  • Need to uniquely address the server
  • On a local machine you can use the namespace of
    the system (ie. an object reference)
  • On a network there is a need for a uniform,
    consistent and understandable addressing. For
    example, Internet IP addresses and URLs,

Generic C/S Interaction
  • Client awaits a response from server,Client
    disconnects from the server
  • Need a mechanism for providing a connection
    dialog (protocol) between client and server (eg.
    for handshaking)

Generic C/S Interaction
  • Client requests a service from the server,Client
    awaits the results of this service from server
  • Need a mechanism for transporting data across the
  • If client and server are on a local machine this
    is relatively straightforward (via object
  • If the client and server are located on
    heterogeneous computer architectures there exists
    the potential for having to provide data
    translation mechanisms between these
    architectures. For example RMI or CORBA (see

Generic C/S Interaction
  • Server awaits a contact from valid client
  • Need a mechanism for both the client and the
    server to link with the underlying network. For
    example TCP/IP transport layer,
    connection-oriented verses connectionless links,
    sockets etc
  • Need a mechanism to provide security against
    invalid clients

Generic C/S Interaction
  • On contact, the server connects to the client,
    Server disconnects from the client, Server
    awaits request from connected client
  • Server must operate with or at least understand
    the same dialog protocol as the client
  • Server must understand the data sent from/to the

Generic C/S Interaction
  • Server provides service
  • Single-tier C/S involves the server directly
    providing the requested service
  • n-tier (multi-tier) C/S involves the server
    indirectly providing the requested service via
    interaction with further servers. For example,
    RMI and CORBA architectures (see later)
  • n-tier C/S will involve a much increased degree
    of complexity within the interaction, but will
    typically enable a greatly increased level of

Generic C/S Interaction
  • Back to Task 1
  • Once the service is completed, the server returns
    to awaiting a contact from another client
  • However this one-to-one approach is very
    inefficient and negates a major advantage of the
    C/S architecture, that of one server, multiple

One Server, One Client
  • Obviously, if a server could only service a
    single client at anyone time then we negate the
    benefit of allowing multiple clients to request
    services from the same server
  • To overcome this we allow a single server to
    provide services to multiple clients at the same

One Server, Multiple Clients
  • One server continually awaits contacts from
    multiple clients.
  • As a server accepts a client connection, it
    spawns an object to deal with the service
    requested by the client and returns to awaiting
    contact immediately
  • The spawned object then deals directly with the
    client involved, hence we see a delegation from
    the original server to the spawned object
  • This we can refer to as a multi-threaded server
    as each service request is effected by using a
    separate thread

Fat and Thin C/S Models
  • A fat server, thin client model has the majority
    of the application data processing occurring at
    the server-side of the link (eg. when using CGI
    server scripts)
  • A fat client, thin server model has the majority
    of the application data processing occurring at
    the client-side of the link(eg. when running Java
    applets on the local machine)
  • Which is better depends upon specific
    circumstances, however, if you overload the
    server then the level of client servicing can be
    reduced. Typically, it is sensible to only
    perform on the server the minimum of necessary
    work and expect the client to allow for this

Java JDBC Java Database Connectivity RMI
Remote Method Invocation Servlets, Sockets CORBA
Java and Client/Server
  • Java provides an extensive set of objects to deal
    with client/server approaches to application
  • These reside in the (for
    basic network support)java.rmi. (for RMI
    support)java.servlet. (for producing
    extensible servers)org.omg.CORBA. (for
    providing CORBA support)org.omg.CosNaming. (for
    providing an IDL naming service) (for
    providing stream support for C/S sockets)

Java C/S Mechanism
  • Java implements C/S using the TCP/IP protocol
    more commonly referred to as the Internet
    protocol (it is more complicated than this but a
    full treatment of Internet protocols are beyond
    the scope of our module)
  • To achieve network connections between clients
    and servers, Java uses the concept of a Socket (a
    software device for encapsulating the intricacies
    of the underlying TCP/IP network protocol)

Java C/S Mechanism
  • Through TCP/IP, Java can locate server and client
    objects across the network using IP addresses
    and/or URLs(Please refer to the Java
    documentation for a description of the and classes)
  • Sockets are a connection-oriented approach to
    linking servers and clients (you may wish to
    consult the Java documentation to look at the
    alternative to this, connectionless linking)

  • A Socket is a high level abstraction of the
    connection mechanism utilised by TCP/IP (which is
    quite complicated)
  • Any host that is involved in the TCP/IP network
    must provide a number of socket ports (identified
    by a unique number in the range 0 - 65534).
    Sockets we create are then bound to one of these
    port numbers
  • Other hosts can then connect to a specific hosts
    bound sockets using this unique port number.
    Typically, the port numbers 1 - 1023 are reserved
    for common services, eg. port 21 for FTP
    services, 80 for HTTP services etc
  • The full URL for a socket port can be constructed
    using the form ltinternet addressport numbergt,
    eg. The FTP service on the Universitys ISIS
    server is at URL

Local Machine TCP/IP Addressing
  • The local machine is typically set to be
    addressed using the name localhost. This is
    typically bound to the IP address
  • This will work on any machine that has been set
    up for a loopback network (ie. not a real network
    but a way of faking such)
  • If the idea of the localhost is not operating on
    the local machine, you must use the individual
    machine names allocated for each workstation when
    addressing (For instance, in the cell you are
    using for tutorials, the name can be found on the
    desk edge underneath each monitor)
  • localhost should work on the SCET Sun and NT
    network and should also work on your home Windows
    95/98 set-ups (unless you use a network, then you
    will again need the name of your workstation). If
    in doubt, first try localhost and/or IP address

Creating a Java Server
  • contains a class ServerSocket that
    handles requests from clients to connect upon a
    TCP/IP port number supplied as a parameter to
    the constructor of the ServerSocket
  • Calling the ServerSocket.accept( ) method results
    in the run state of the thread within which this
    method is called to suspend until a valid client
    attempts to connect

Creating a Java Server
  • Once a valid client contacts the ServerSocket,
    the ServerSocket.accept( ) method returns with a
    reference to a class
  • This Socket object can then provide both a object (by calling
    Socket.getInputStream( ) ) and a object (by calling
    Socket.getOutputStream( ) ). These stream objects
    can then be used to pass data directly between
    the client and the server (as per any normal
    stream operation in Java)
  • Once you have finished with a connection between
    the client and the server you must call the
    close( ) method for any streams you have been
    using and the close( ) method of the Socket
    object. When the ServerSocket is no longer
    needed, you must also call its close( ). Failing
    to do any of this could result in you using up
    valuable system resources unnecessarily.

Creating a Java Server
  • For example, a code snippet may includeimport // Java network packageimport // Java I/O packageServerSocket
    theSS // Server socket objectSocket aSocket //
    Socket objectInputStream anIStream // Input
    stream (ie. to read data from client)OutputStream
    anOStream // Output stream (ie. to send data to
    client)// Continued on next slide

Creating a Java Server
  • while(!completed) try theSSocket new
    ServerScoket(3790) // Bind to port number
    3790 aSocket theSSocket.accept( ) // Wait for
    client, ie. keep listening anIStream
    aSocket.getInputStream( ) anOStream
    aSocket.getOutputStream( ) // Do stuff with the
    streams to service the client anIStream.close(
    ) anOStream.close( ) aSocket.close( ) // All
    finished catch(IOException ioe) // thrown
    by ServerSocket.accept( ) // ... thrown by
    getInput/OuputStream( ) // thrown by close( )
  • // Server completed
  • try theSSocket.close( )
  • catch(IOException ioe) // thrown by
    ServerSocket.close( )

Creating a Java Client
  • Using a Socket object, the client can request a
    connection to the server provided as a parameter
    to the constructor of this Socket
    object Socket(ltInternet addressgt, ltport
    numbergt)(Note, the Socket constructor throws an
    IOException which must be caught)For example,
    to connect to a server running on ISIS and bound
    to the port number 3790aSocket new
  • The creation of the new Socket object assumes
    that there is a valid server listening at the
    provided URL and port number. If not, then an
    IOException is thrown

Creating a Java Client
  • Once a connection has been established using the
    newly created Socket object, the client can use
    the getInput/OutputStream( ) method to provide
    streams over which communication can occur
  • Again, ensure you close down any streams and
    sockets used when the client no longer needs to
    communicate with the server

Multi-Threaded Server
  • To effect a multi-threaded server, you should
    fork a new thread upon which a new Socket object
    created from ServerSocket.accept( ) will operate.
    A good approach is to provide an additional
    object that wraps the Socket object and can run
    on a separate thread from the ServerSocket
  • Typically this is not an issue at the client-side
    of the link as a client only requests one service
    (but it could be possible to have a
    multi-threaded client as well)

Further Resources for Java C/S
  • Refer to the relevant sections of the Java
    Tutorial for more examples of developing C/S Java
  • Refer to the relevant Java API documents that
    cover the packages involved in C/S (see previous
  • A very good text on the subject of Java network
    programming isJava Network Programming,
    Elliotte Rusty Harold, OReilly, 1997

Remote Method Invocation
What is Remote Method Invocation?
  • In simple terms, Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
    allows a local object to directly call the
    methods of an remote object located on a remote
    host as if that remote object existed in the
    namespace of the local object
  • This is typically achieved by contacting the
    remote object through some form of computer
    network architecture (eg. over the Internet using

RMI Schematic
Remote Services
Local Object
Remote Object
Local object calls remote methods
Exposed Methods - public void m1( ) - public
int m2( ) etc.
Local object calls remote methods
Local Object
RMI mechanism
An n-tier architecture
RMI is an n-tier C/S Architecture
  • Since there is now no direct client to server
    interaction, we are now considering an n-tier
    architecture (multi-tier architecture)
  • This will increase the underlying complexity of
    the architecture, but will help to alleviate some
    of the possible disadvantages of the single-tier
    architecture (for example, an n-tier approach can
    help to hide implementation issues of services
    provided by a server such as database access)

RMI Mechanism
A layered approach
Remote Object
Object Reference
Remote Object Stub
  • A stub represents a proxy for the remote object
    on the client machine
  • Each stub provides the interface description for
    methods made visible to the RMI mechanism by the
    remote object
  • Therefore a stub can be seen as a blueprint for
    visible sections of the remote object

Remote Object Skeleton
  • A skeleton represents the remote object blueprint
    that resides on the remote host
  • It provides the direct mechanism for accepting
    client requests, forwarding them to the actual
    remote object and sending any results back to the
  • Both the skeleton and the stub must be loaded
    dynamically at run-time

Stub and Skeleton Creation
  • Typically, an RMI mechanism will provide a tool
    for creating stubs and skeletons automatically
    from a description of the remote object
  • In Java this tool is called rmic and is
    distributed as part of the Java API (found inside
    the ../jdk/bin directory)
  • The rmic tool is run using the Java class file of
    the remote object as a parameter, and produces
    two further class filesltremote_objectgt_stub.cla

RMI Registry
  • The RMI mechanism requires the inclusion of a
    registry that will hold a mapping from the remote
    object reference on the remote machine and a
    unique name that clients can use when connecting
    across the network
  • In Java, this registry is created by a tool
    called rmiregistry. The tool is run as a
    background process and waits for remote objects
    to bind with it so they can be made available to
  • The rmiregistry tool is part of the Java API and
    ca n be found in the ../jdk/bin directory

Object Reference on Client Machine
  • The result of a connection between the client and
    remote object when using the RMI mechanism is a
    local reference to an object within the namespace
    of the connecting client that effectively proxies
    the remote object
  • This proxy reference allows direct access to the
    methods made visible by the remote object
  • Any call to these methods by the client will
    result in an indirect call to the equivalent
    method held in the actual remote object, hence a
    remote method invocation

Data Transfer within RMI Mechanism
  • As a consequence of the RMI mechanism, data can
    be passed between the client and the remote
    object as simple method parameter passing and any
    method data return statements
  • Hence, with RMI we can overcome the difficulties
    shown by single-tier C/S with respects to data
    transfer between client and server
  • In Java, this mechanism is achieved by
    serialising objects passed as parameters to and
    data returned from methods (thus objects involved
    in this form of transfer require implementation
    of the serializable interface)

Java RMI Remote Objects
  • Require an interface that provides each of the
    methods the remote object will make
    visibleeg.import java.rmi. // To use the
    Java RMI packagepublic interface LibraryRO
    extends Remote public int addUser(int id,
    Member aMember) throws RemoteException // All
    remote methods must throw a RemoteException//T
    his remote interface will allow a remote object
    to provide visibility to an addUser( ) //method

Java RMI Remote Objects
  • Each remote object must implement its visible
    interface and extend the UnicastRemoteObject
    class from the java.rmi packageeg.import
    java.rmi.import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteOb
    ject // Needed by RMI remote objectspublic
    class LibraryROImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject
    implements LibraryRO public LibraryROImpl
    throws RemoteException super( ) // MUST
    provide at least a default constructor for RMI to
    work // Implement the addUser( )
    method // Install an appropriate security
    manager for the running VM // Bind with the
    RMI registry

Java RMI Remote Objects
  • At some stage prior to binding the remote object
    to the RMI registry, an appropriate security
    manager must be installed for the VM within which
    the remote object is running. This is usually
    created from the class RMISecurityManager
    RMISecurityManager( ))

Java RMI Remote Objects
  • Binding the remote object to the RMI registry
    involves the Java Naming classNaming.rebind(ltna
    me associated with remote objectgt, ltremote object
    referencegt)This will throw an Exception
    exception which must be caughteg. within the
    LibraryROImpl class example we usetry
    Naming.rebind(LibraryRO, this)catch(Except
    ion e)

Java RMI Clients
  • The RMI client needs a reference to the proxy for
    the remote object, and must install an
    appropriate security manager into its VM as per
    the remote object VM (see earlier)
  • This is achieved using the Java Naming class
    method lookup( ) which takes as a parameter that
    provides the location and name of the remote
    objects RMI registry using the URL form (as a
    string or a URL object)rmi//lthost
    addressgtltportgt/ltremote object namegt

Java RMI Clients
  • The Naming.lookup( ) method returns an object
    reference of class java.lang.Object, thus to use
    the reference it must be cast to the class of the
    remote object interfaceeg.aLibraryRO
    raryRO)// Remember, LibraryRO was the name
    given to our remote objects interfaceThis
    lookup( ) method also throws an Exception
    exception which must be caught

Java RMI Clients
  • From the point that the reference to the remote
    object proxy is acquired, the client can simply
    access the visible methods of the proxy as per
    any normal Java addUserResult
    aLibraryRO.addUser( )

Additional Java RMI Tools
  • After writing your remote objects and the clients
    that will use these objects you must provide the
    stubs and skeletons associated with the remote
  • Java provides the tool rmic which produces
    these for you from the remote object classes
  • Also, the rmiregistry tool must be run as a
    background process on the server to provide the
    remote object name mapping to remote object
    references. This tool must be run before creating
    the remote objects and before trying to connect

Java RMI Advantages
  • Hides the complexity of the underlying TCP/IP
    network and its associated data transfer from the
    interacting objects as simple Java parameter
    passing and data return statements
  • Provides direct security management as per the
    Java security model
  • Allows the application of distributed computing
    within the scope of the Java language

Java RMI Disadvantages
  • Requires the management of the various stubs and
    skeletons within the distributed application
  • Only provides inter-operation between objects
    running within Java VMs and is therefore only
    appropriate for homogeneous distributed computing

Heterogeneous Distributed Computing
  • In contrast to homogeneous distributed computing,
    an heterogeneous approach to distributed
    computing system involves components that are
    produced using dissimilar programming languages
    and dissimilar operating environments.
  • Thus heterogeneous systems will pose particular
    difficulties during inter-operation of computer
    components (such as data transfer, component
    synchronisation etc.)

Heterogeneous Distributed Computing
  • There are a number of well developed approaches
    to solving the problems of heterogeneous
    systemsSockets (As we have already seen)CGI
    Scripts (server-side scripting approaches)Connect
    ivity Drivers (eg. ODBC, JDBC)IDL (Interface
    definition langauges)ORBs and CORBA (Object
    Request Brokers and Common Object Request Broker

JDBC drivers Type 1 These drivers use a
bridging technology to access a database. The
JDBC-ODBC bridge that comes with the JDK 1.1 is a
good example of this kind of driver. It provides
a gateway to the ODBC API. Implementations of
that API in turn do the actual database access.
Bridge solutions generally require software to be
installed on client systems, meaning that they
are not good solutions that do not allow you to
install software on the client. Type 2 These
drivers are native API drivers. This means that
the driver contains Java code that calls native C
or C methods provided by the individual
database vendors that perform the database
access. Again, this solution requires software on
the client system.   Type 3 These drivers provide
a client with a generic network API that is then
translated into database specific access at the
server level. In other words, the JDBC driver on
the client uses sockets to call a middleware
application on the server that translates the
client requests into an API specific to the
desired driver. As it turns out, this kind of
driver is extremely flexible since it requires no
code installed on the client and a single driver
can actually provide access to multiple
databases.   Type 4 Using network protocols built
into the database engine, type 4 drivers talk
directly to the database using Java sockets. This
is the most direct pure Java solution. In nearly
every case, this type of driver will only come
from the database vendor.
  • While it is beyond the scope of this module to
    investigate and apply the actual intricacies of
    CORBA systems, it is important that you gain an
    understanding of the operation of distributed
    systems implemented using CORBA
  • Please refer to the OMG (Object Management Group,
    a group of companies which has become the major
    contributor to the CORBA standard) web-site for
    an introduction to the ideas relating to CORBA at
  • In particular you are required to use this
    resource for appreciating CORBA at the
    introductory level, understand the reasons for
    wishing to adopt CORBA within heterogeneous
    distributed computing systems and gain an
    appreciation of the advantages and disadvantages
    of adopting CORBA.

OLE Object Linking and Embedding
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Acknowledgements All nice pictures from Code from Chris Knowles
(http// Nice
book Database Programming with JDBC and
Java George Reese, OReilly
  • (v. briefly) find information about
  • Investigate
  • ASP see presentation
  • CGI
  • PHP all over the web..
  • Try Java code in JBuilder
  • Continue with Javascript
  • More tutorial questions..

  • CGI
  • /home/webeng/public_html/scripts
  • Full permissions on files in that  directory (ie
    create,delete copy, list) but not on the
    directory itself.To copy a script into that
    directory, for examplecp
    /home/webeng/public_html/scriptsTo make
    avaiable ovr the webchmod 755

  • ASP
  • More tutorial questions..
  • Name your database webeng.mdb

  • Interesting article
  • Shows some issues of FAT/THIN CLIENTS
  • Programming issues (JavaScript-PHP)
  • http//
  • PHP JavaScript World Domination Series Storing
    data in the client.
  • One of the things that all programmers love is to
    write a program which writes another program. On
    the web we have two different programming
    environments the client (browser) and the
    server. Due to the HTTP protocol definition we
    can write a program on the server which writes
    another program to be executed on the client.
    Let's pick PHP (of course) for the server and
    JavaScript for the client. We'll show you in this
    article how you can use this scheme to store data
    in the client and then minimize the data
    transfered between the server and the browser for
    interactive applications like a chat room, a news
    system or whatever you want.
  • We have been trying to develop an HTTP chat room
    in PHP for a while. HTTP is not a good protocol
    for chatting but it is firewall/proxy immune, can
    use the potential of PHP and there's no need for
    Java Applets. We have had two main problems with
    the chat room first since IE doesn't support the
    PUSH method, we needed to make it a "pull"
    application, (the client refreshes itself) which
    is unnatural for a chat application. We decided
    to make the client refresh time variable, the
    server will generate the refresh time as a
    function of the number of messages received in
    the server in the last x minutes. The second
    problem was deeper since the idea is to refresh
    the client we would need the server to send all
    the messages each time, we observed that this
    implied heavy transfers and our benchmarks in a
    simulated simplified chat room model showed that
    this was the main cause of delays in the chat.
    This article deals with that second and deeper
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