Title: Graduate Study Opportunities
1Graduate Study Opportunities Department of
Pharmacy Practice
Purdue University School of Pharmacy and
Pharmacal Sciences, West Lafayette, IN
The Department of Pharmacy Practice offers Master
of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in
Pharmacy Administration and Clinical
Pharmaceutical Sciences. The department is
located in the R.E. Heine Pharmacy Building on
the main (West Lafayette) campus of the
University and also has facilities in Wishard
Memorial Hospital on the Indiana University
Medical Center campus in Indianapolis. The
graduate programs focuses on research that
contributes to advancements in practice,
education, and optimal use of medications and
pharmacy services. Clinical Pharmaceutical
Sciences Graduate degree programs in clinical
pharmacy educate M.S. and Ph.D. candidates as
clinical scientists who link the pharmacal
sciences and clinical pharmacy practice for
advanced medical research in clinical
pharmacotherapy, pharmacodynamics and
phamacoepidemiology Pharmacy Administration and
Health Outcomes The Graduate degree program in
pharmacy administration educates M.S. and Ph.D.
candidates as scientists who use principles
and concepts of the economic, management,
marketing, social, and behavioral sciences for
advanced research in drug use management,
pharmacoeconomics / health outcomes,
pharmaceutical policy. Career
Opportunities Pharmacists who have earned
graduate degrees through the Department of
Pharmacy Practice at Purdue have accepted
employment in academic institutions, pharmacy
practice, professional and trade associations,
the pharmaceutical industry, state and national
government agencies, and a wide variety of
management and research positions related to
health service delivery programs. Admission Visi
t our website at www.phpr.purdue.edu for
additional information. Contact us via email at
Graduate Students
Murtuza Bharmal
Hisham Al-Jadhey
Menaka Bhor
Sanjeev Balu
Graduate Faculty
Seema Dedhiyz
Nick Hagemeier
Anna Funkunaga
Rong Steph Huang
Steven R. Abel
David R. Foster
Bruce Carlstedt
Micheal Kays
Hemant Phatak
Mark Okafor
Charles Makin
Aroonrut Noi Lucksiri
No Picture Available
Kimberly S. Plake, Ph.D.
Michael D. Murray,
Holly L. Mason
Matthew M. Murawski, Ph.D.
No Picture Available
Anuja Roy
Sara Quinney
Yogesh Punekar
Suwanna Phattarabenjapol
Marko A. Mychaskiw, Ph.D.
Kenneth H. Summers, Ph.D.
Gail D. Newton, Ph.D.
Kevin M. Sowinski
Jayashri Sankaranarayanan
Xin Cindy Zhang
Bindi Shah
Hema Viswanathan
Joseph Thomas III, Ph.D.
James E. Tisdale