Title: Food Photographer Dubai - Alex Jeffries Photography Group
1Food Photographer Dubai
Alex Jeffries Photography Group
Reliable and Professional high quality food
photography solutions.
Call 050 857 2843
2About Us
- We at Alexjeffriesphotographygroup with team of
Professional photographer in Dubai, UAE offering
corporate, interiors, food and commercial
photography in Dubai, UAE. - High end photography and studio equipment as well
as professional software for photo editing will
guarantee you superior quality of pictures. - We are also a photo contributor to istockphoto
which have set the highest industry standards for
photography. - A professional Dubai photographer with over many
years of experience in photography, photo editing
and graphic design.
3Why choose Alex Jeffries Photography Group
- We create high quality images.
- We have a good website.
- We communicate clearly with you.
- We understand and know well the local market.
- We are a Photography company that offers a full
turn-key process. - We are clear and transparent about the clients
and brands we have worked with and the work we
do. - We provide full 360 turn-key professional
photography and video solutions from products to
people to fashion.
4Our Services
We create beautiful images that are perfectly
composed and, if necessary, perfectly retouched.
- Commercial Photography
- Interiors Photography
- Food Photography
- Fashion Photography
- Architecture Photography
- Portrait Photography
- Product photography
- Corporate Photography
- Photography Classes In Dubai
- Web Video Dubai
- Video Production Photography
- iPhone Portfolio Photography
5Food Photographer Dubai
We create fresh, mouth-watering food images that
you can almost taste.
6Food Photography
- Alex Jeffries Photography Group provide reliable
and professional high quality food photography
solutions. - We have shot at some of the very best hotels,
restaurants and hospitality groups. - We are regularly the chosen Photography company
for the great Taste of Dubai festival. - Alex has recently been invited by Hilton
Worldwide Group to shoot their annual Food and
Beverage Masters event, at the newly opened
luxury Conrad Hotel.
7Contact AlexJeffriesPhotographyGroup for Better
Photography Solutions
Contact - Alex Jeffries
Photography Group - Kelly Harvarde
/ Alex Jeffries - Building
one, floor six, - emaar square,
downtown burj khalifa - PO
Box 40604 -
Dubai - United
Arab Emirates - alexj_at_alexjeffriesphot
ographygroup.com -
971050 857 2843