Art for Sale

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Art for Sale


... including pieces by the famous artists VanGogh, Miro, DaVinci, and Rembrandt. ... Northwest Coast artists distort figures in nature by using only essential parts ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Art for Sale

Art for Sale
  • Instructional Theory into Practice
  • By Serifatu Alaka

  • Your art brokerage firm has been contacted by
    a rich entrepreneur. She made millions of dollars
    developing computer games, but her real interest
    is art. Currently she owns a vast European art
    collection including pieces by the famous artists
    VanGogh, Miro, DaVinci, and Rembrandt. However,
    her recent travels to the Pacific Northwest have
    piqued her interest in the cultures of that area.
    She has decided to add three pieces from that
    region to her collection. It is your job to
    research the art of the Tlingit, Haida,
    Tsimshian, Kwakiutl, and other tribes of the
    Northwest Coast and to select three pieces from
    that culture to add to her collection.

  • Your client makes a habit of spending her money
    wisely and has therefore approached several
    different firms with this task. Select three
    artworks one that reflects the Northwest Coast
    natives' religious beliefs one that communicates
    social status and one that is functional.
    Prepare a presentation that will persuade your
    client to contract with your brokerage firm.
    Include the following in your presentation
  • A brief history of the people and art from the
  • A map of the Northwest Coast region indicating
    where the main tribes live
  • A chart showing how the artists used the elements
    of art
  • 4. A spreadsheet indicating pricing trends and
    how your art selections compare

  • Northwest Coast Natives lived in villages in
    plank houses. They used canoes to hunt, fish,
    trade, visit, and make war. Art was not thought
    of as something extra, but as an important part
    of everyday life. The people lived in an
    environment created by the artisans in their
    village. Northwest Coast symbols adorned oil
    bowls, pipes, masks, combs, the outside of their
    houses, and their canoes.
  • Their sculpture and graphic arts were the
    "written" record of the people. One purpose for
    creating the art was to make the spiritual world
    visible and present to the people. The Northwest
    coast people believed in animism, an early form
    of religion.
  • Another purpose for creating art was to make
    the social system visible. Emblems were used to
    distinguish different social groups and to
    symbolize their history and privileges. They were
    shown on many material possessions, from
    ceremonial robes to totem poles. Often these
    possessions were given away in a ceremony called
    a potlatch.

Background cont
  • A third reason for the Northwest Coast people
    creating art was to decorate functional objects,
    such as food baskets, canoe paddles, eating
    utensils, and wooden boxes to store blankets and
  • Northwest Coast artists distort figures in
    nature by using only essential parts (i.e., eyes,
    joints, ears, and feathers) and rearranging
    (splitting) these parts within the design. (Can
    you think of a 20th century artist that is known
    for doing the same thing?) Sometimes the artist
    put faces in body spaces, ovoid joints, or at the
    base of an arm, leg, or tail. They also stylized,
    or simplified shapes as opposed to picturing them
    in a realistic fashion. Animal and human designs
    represented either totems or spirits.

Some questions to consider about Northwest Coast
Art elements as you progress through this
  • What main colors do they use?
  • How is their use of line unique?
  • What shape is most commonly used?
  • How do they use space?
  • What texture patterns occur most often in their

The Process
  • Include the following steps in your process
  • Establish the roles each of your team members
    will assume historian, graphic designer, and
    broker. Select a name for your brokerage firm and
    design a logo for it.
  • Learn about art brokerage by visiting Art Tips
    for Collectors.
  • What does an art broker need to know?
  • How does an art broker determine the "fair market
    value" of an art piece?
  • What is an acceptable commission for an art
    brokerage firm to charge?

  • 3. Keep a team project journal to record your
    thoughts, questions, information you find in your
    search, and where you go to find that
  • 4. Prepare a brief history of the people and the
    art from the Northwest Coast region. First,
    brainstorm in your team everything you know about
    that culture. Next, develop questions that would
    lead you in your search for information, such as
  • What was the topography of their land like and
    how did that affect their society?
  • What was their social structure?
  • What were some traditions specific to that
  • What were their relations with surrounding
  • 5. Create a map showing where the main tribes in
    the area lived.

  • 6. View examples in the resources listed below.
    Ask yourself the following questions
  • What was the purpose for creating the art
    religious significance, illustrating social
    status, or functional?
  • What do you know about the artists who created
    these works?
  • 7. Create a chart showing how five typical
    artists used the elements of art (line, shape,
    space, form, color, and texture) to create their
  • 8. Create a spreadsheet recording the current
    pricing trends of masks, totems, jewelry,
    sculpture, and prints. Based on the data, create
    a graph of these pricing trends. Once you select
    art pieces to recommend to your client, indicate
    where the selections fall on the graph. Provide
    your client an explanation for their relationship
    to the mean price.
  • If your selections cost more than the mean, why
    should it be worth more than the mean?
  • If your selections cost less than the mean, are
    you getting a deal or is it lacking quality in
    some aspect?

  • 9. Select the 3 art pieces you recommend for
    your client. Remember to represent each of the
    purposes for art in your final group of pieces -
    religious significance, illustrating social
    status, or functional. Record your reasoning in
    your journal to use later in your presentation.
  • 10. Download and print copies of the images you
  • 11. Prepare a presentation persuading the client
    to choose your firm based on your professional
    knowledge and understanding of the Northwest
    Coast culture and art, and your ability to
    critique this art.

ResourcesVisit these places to get information
about the Northwest Coast natives and their art.
  • Galleries
  • The Northwest Connection tells the brief history
    of the Northwest Coast people in addition to
    featuring stunning examples of contemporary work.
    Be sure and check out the "symbols" link.
  • Northwest Coast Tribal Art features both
    traditional and more "avant" works.
  • Northwest Page offers a collection of Northwest
    Coast stamps.
  • Island Art Publishers offers a view of the
    Northwest Coast terrain and wildlife through
    artists' eyes.
  • Visit the Douglas Reynolds Gallery in Vancouver,
    British Columbia for fine examples of Northwest
    Coast art.

  • The Seattle Art Museum hosts a student tour that
    will give you great background information on the
    Northwest Coast people.
  • Visit The Royal British Columbia Museum to view
    historic totem poles.
  • In the Galleries provided by the Alaska State
    Museum includes exhibitions on Alaska's native
    peoples and natural history of the area.
  • Pacific Northwest Coast Gambling Game features a
    traditional Northwest game with game pieces and
  • The American Museum of National History reveals
    an outstanding example of a Haida Canoe.
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