Title: CHAPTER 9 Stocks and Their Valuation
1CHAPTER 9Stocks and Their Valuation
- Features of common stock
- Stock valuations
- Constant dividend growth model
- The behavior of dividends and their PV
- The model
- Applying the model when ggtr, g0 and glt0
- Future stock price
- Dividend yield and capital gain
- Non-constant growth model
- Preferred stock
2Facts about common stock
- Represents ownership
- Ownership implies control
- Stockholders elect directors
- Directors elect management
- Receives cash flow in the form of dividend
- Managements goal Maximize the stock price
3Dividend growth model
- Value of a stock is the present value of the
future dividends expected to be generated by the
4Constant growth stock
- A stock whose dividends are expected to grow
forever at a constant rate, g. - D1 D0 (1g)1
- D2 D0 (1g)2
- Dt D0 (1g)t
5Constant growth stock
- If g is constant, the dividend growth formula
converges to
6What happens if g gt rs?
- If g gt rs, the constant growth formula leads to a
negative stock price, which does not make sense. - The constant growth model can only be used if
- rs gt g
- g is expected to be constant forever
7If rRF 7, rM 12, and ß 1.2, what is the
required rate of return on the firms stock?
- Use the SML to calculate the required rate of
return (ks) - rs rRF (rM rRF)ß
- 7 (12 - 7)1.2
- 13
- D0 2 and g is a constant 6,
8What is the stocks market value?
- Using the constant growth model
9What would the expected price today be, if g
-5?, if g0?
- When g-5 D11.9, P1.9/(135)10.56
- When g0, The dividend stream would be a
10Computing other variables
- Computing Ks
- Computing D
- Computing g
11What is the expected market price of the stock,
one year from now?
- D1 will have been paid out already. So, P1 is
the present value (as of year 1) of D2, D3, D4,
12Future stock price
- What is the expected market price of the stock
P2, two years from now? - What is the expected market price of the stock
Pn, n years from now?
13The growth rate of stock price
- What is the change of stock price from P0 to
P1 and from P1 to P2 - What is the change of stock price from Pn to
Pn1 - What is the expected market price of the stock
P2, two years from now? - P2 P1 (1g) P0 (1g)2
14Dividend Yield and Capital Gain
- P0D1/(r-g)
- k(D1/P0)g
- Total returndividend yield Capital gain
- g is capital gain for constant growth stock
15What is the expected dividend yield, capital
gains yield, and total return during the first
- Dividend yield
- D1 / P0 2.12 / 30.29 7.0
- Capital gains yield
- (P1 P0) / P0
- (32.10 - 30.29) / 30.29 6.0
- Total return (rs)
- Dividend Yield Capital Gains Yield
- 7.0 6.0 13.0
16Supernormal growthWhat if g 30 for 3 years
before achieving long-run growth of 6?
- Can no longer use just the constant growth model
to find stock value. - However, the growth does become constant after 3
17Valuing common stock with nonconstant growth
18Nonconstant growthWhat if g 0 for 3 years
before long-run growth of 6?
19Preferred stock
- Hybrid security
- Like bonds, preferred stockholders receive a
fixed dividend that must be paid before dividends
are paid to common stockholders. - However, companies can omit preferred dividend
payments without fear of pushing the firm into
20A preferred stock has an annual dividend of 5,
what should the preferred stock price be if
discount rate is 10?