Title: Warm up
1The Morning Show
2Todays Special
- Library tomorrowPlease bring your book to school!
4Warm -up
Using three pieces of spaghetti cover the letter
M to make as many triangles as you can.
5 Solution 1
6Solution 2
7- Inserting Pics into PP
- Save the image as a jgp or
- gif. Sony Mavica saves as a jpg.
- Insert, Picture, From file.
- Navigate to the folder where you save the image.
- Click on Insert.
- Click and drag on screen to move or resize.
8Applications for Classroom
- Teacher
- Quickly show individual solutions to large groups
- Save solutions to discuss at a later date
- Have available for portfolios or to show absent
students - Print notes and use as a record keeping tool.
- Students
- Journaling Include image to enhance explanation
for solving problems - Record of solutions and strategies
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2 4 5 6
Data for moon phases for 11/1999
11 2 4
Moon Phases November, 1999
12Weather and Clouds
13Clouds What's fluffy, white, and floats up
high,Like piles of ice cream in the sky?And
when the wind blows hard and strong,What brings
the rain?What brings the snow?That showers down
on us below?
14Wind Pictures Look! There's a giant stretching in
the sky,A thousand white-maned horses flying
by,A house, a mother mountain with her hills, A
lazy lady posing in her frills,cotton floating
from a thousand bales,And a white ship with
white sails. See the old witch fumbling with her
shawl,White towers piling on a castle wall,the
bits of soft that break and fall away,Airborne
mushrooms with undersides of gray -Above, a
white doe races with her fawnOn the white grass
of a celestial lawn.Lift up your lovely heads
and lookAs wind turns clouds into a picture
book. Mary O'Neill
15Lets check out the weather around the world!
16It Looked Like Spilt Milk
17But it was a horse riding in the wind.
18Other examples
- Frog or Toad
- Spider Performance
- We Love Fall
- Exploring Money