Title: Jeroen Tromp
1Computational Seismology
Jeroen Tromp
2Governing Equations
Equation of motion
Constitutive relationship (Hookes law)
Boundary condition
Initial conditions
Earthquake source
3Classic Tools
- Semi-analytical methods
- Layer cake models reflectivity/discrete wave
number - Spherically symmetric models normal modes
- Asymptotic methods
- Ray theory
- WKBJ theory
- Coupled modes
4Strong Form
- Velocity-stress formulation (first-order PDEs,
) - Second-order finite-difference method
- Fourth-order finite-difference method
- Challenges
- Boundary conditions
- Numerical dispersion anisotropy
5Strong Form
- Pseudospectral methods
- Challenges
- Boundary conditions
- Parallel implementation
6Weak Form
- Weak form valid for any test vector
- Boundary conditions automatically included
- Source term explicitly integrated
Finite-fault (kinematic) rupture
7Finite Elements
Mapping from reference cube to hexahedral
Volume relationship
Jacobian of the mapping
Jacobian matrix
- Challenges
- Numerical anisotropy dispersion
- Mass lumping/implicit time stepping
8Spectral Elements
Degree 4 GLL points
The 5 degree 4 Lagrange polynomials
GLL points are n1 roots of
General definition
Note that at a GLL point
Representation of functions on an element in
terms of Lagrange polynomials
Gradient on an element
Integration of functions over an element based
upon GLL quadrature
- Integrations are pulled back to the reference
cube - In the SEM one uses
- interpolation on GLL points
- GLL quadrature
Degree 4 GLL points
11The Diagonal Mass Matrix
Representation of the displacement
Degree 4 Lagrange polynomials
Representation of the test vector
Weak form
Diagonal mass matrix
- Integrations are pulled back to the reference
cube - In the SEM one uses
- interpolation on GLL points
- GLL quadrature
Degree 4 GLL points
12Parallel Implementation
Regional mesh partitioning
Global mesh partitioning
n x m mesh slices
13Southern California Simulations
14June 12, 2005, M5.1 Big Bear
153D Regional Forward Simulations
Periods gt 6 s
379 km
June 12, 2005, M5.1 Big Bear
Qinya Liu
16Periods gt 2 s
Komatitsch et al. 2004
17Soil-Structure Interaction
railway bridge
Stupazinni 2007
18Soil-Structure Interaction (0.33 Hz)
Stupazini 2007
19Soil-Structure Interaction (1 Hz)
Stupazini 2007
20Recent Current Developments
- Switch to a (parallel) GEOCUBIT hexahedral
finite-element mesher - Topography bathymetry
- Major geological interfaces
- Basins
- Fault surfaces
- Use ParMETIS or SCOTCH for mesh partitioning
load-balancing - 2D mesher solver are ready (SPECFEM2D)
- Currently developing SPECFEM3D solver (elastic
poroelastic) - Add dynamic rupture capabilities
212D SEG model
Model Construction Meshing
Nissen-Meyer Luo
222D SEG mesh
Model Construction Meshing
Nissen-Meyer Luo
23SEM Simulation
2D SEG model (deep explosive source)
Komatitsch Le Goff
Nissen-Meyer Luo
24SEM Seismograms
Komatitsch Le Goff
Nissen-Meyer Luo
25Global Simulations
PREM benchmarks
Dziewonski Anderson 1981
26New V4.0 Mesh
- Four doublings
- below the crust
- in the mid mantle
- two in the outer core
- Note two-layer crust
Michea Komatitsch
27SEM Implementation of Attenuation
Anelastic, anisotropic constitutive relationship
Equivalent Standard Linear Solid (SLS)
Attenuation (3 SLSs)
Memory variable equation
Unrelaxed modulus
Physical dispersion (3 SLSs)
Modulus defect
28Effect of Attenuation
30Effect of Anisotropy
3111/26/1999 Vanuatu shallow event50 s - 500 s
- PREM benchmarks include
- Attenuation
- Transverse isotropy
- Self-gravitation (Cowling)
- Two-layer crust
326/4/1994 Bolivia Deep Event10 s - 500 s benchmark
- PREM benchmarks include
- Attenuation
- Transverse isotropy
- Self-gravitation (Cowling)
- Two-layer crust
33PKP Phases15 s - 500 s