Title: 2006 ECommerce Incubator
12006 E-Commerce Incubator The Decision to Partici
pate / The Arts Experience Email and Website Mark
eting Case Study for Luna Negra Dance Theater
2It helped us think strategically and put all
the elements of our marketing plan into place.
- Maryam Arai, Marketing Manager
, Luna Negra Dance Theater
3Who We Are
Luna Negra Dance Theater creates, performs and
teaches contemporary dance by Latino
choreographers. The company's distinctive style
artfully blends ballet and contemporary dance
movements strongly flavored by Latin and
Afro-Caribbean dance forms.
4Engage Now!
- The Decision to Participate The Arts
- Project Goals
- Deepen engagement with ticket buyers
- Increase attendance at performances
- Turn ticket buyers into repeat patrons and donors
5Engage Now!
- The Decision to Participate The Arts
- Challenges
- Little insight into who is our audience
- Difficult to fit tasks into workload
- Very low click through under 1
6Engage Now!
- The Decision to Participate
- Strategies and Tactics
- Develop e-communications plan/schedule to ensure
effective frequency and relevancy of messages
- Revamped newsletter
- Improve organization, shorter copy, and include
- Average click through rates - Old 0.8 New
7- Old E-newsletter
- No call to action above the fold
- All internal links
- Heavy type
8- New E-newsletter
- Multiple calls to action above the fold
- Brighter/cleaner design
- More color
- Active imagery
9Engage Now!
- The Decision to Participate
- Strategies and Tactics
- Develop e-communications plan/schedule to ensure
effective frequency and relevancy of messages
- Targeted messaging
- Targeted email lists
10Engage Now!
- The Decision to Participate
- Strategies and Tactics
- Develop e-communications plan/schedule to ensure
effective frequency and relevancy of messages
- Sent out email preference update in June 2006 and
had 151 email subscribers update their
preferences that month
- Offer to be entered in a ticket drawing
11Engage Now!
- The Arts Experience
- Tactics
- Re-designed website to be consistent with brand
image and create more audience interest and
- Added more specific information about
performances and about the company
- Sent out email announcing new website and asked
for feedback from patrons on an impression page
12- Old Website
- No active imagery
- Poor layout/ navigation
- Copy heavy, doesnt feel interactive
13- New Website
- Easy navigation
- Active imagery
- Good use of color
- Call to action
14- New Website
- Each page features clean layout, good use of
color and different active images
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
17Engage Now!
- The Arts Experience
- Patron Impressions
- Beautiful. Congratulations. It is almost as
beautiful as Luna Negra.
- The new site looks fantastic! Nice to see Luna
Negra doing so well!
- It is much better.. Good job