Prospects for the UK economy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Prospects for the UK economy


EMU has been at least as much a political process as an economic one ... There was a desire for a tight EMU. Others saw EMU as a way of dealing with their own ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Prospects for the UK economy

Economics and Business ExchangeSupported by
Monetary Union in EuropeRay Barrell
Outline and Plan
  • Why do we have a Monetary Union in Europe
  • The origins of the project and the idea
  • The political and economic steps to union
  • Why was EMU designed like this
  • What is the role of the ECB
  • Why do we have a Fiscal Pact
  • Has EMU been a success
  • What has happened to inflation
  • Why has output growth been slow
  • What will happen when new members join
  • Does it matter that the UK is outside

The monetary union project
  • Plans and discussion for monetary union started
    in the late 1960s and early 1970s
  • Early plans were disturbed by events in the early
    1970s and were delayed
  • Inflation rates in Europe diverged
  • The Exchange Rate Mechanism was set up in 1978 to
    create a converging path to monetary union
  • The Maastricht Treaty in 1990 was designed to set
    up the conditions

The political economy of union
  • EMU has been at least as much a political process
    as an economic one
  • Germany was the most successful economy in post
    war Europe
  • Austria and the Netherlands were in effective
    monetary union with Germany from 1983
  • Political pressures fro union came as strongly
    from Netherlands and Belgium as France
  • There was a desire for a tight EMU
  • Others saw EMU as a way of dealing with their own
    political failings, and Italy and Spain saw it as
    a tool to induce structural change

Three Dimensions for Policy
  • Ensure high levels of output and sustainable
    trajectories for growth
  • Low and stable inflation
  • High inflation may be related to unstable
    inflation and is often unexpected
  • Contracts are hard to design in a world of
    unexpected inflation variability
  • Limit the scale of cycles and crises
  • Cycles have been becoming more damped
  • The risk of financial crises has not fallen

Enhancing growth and stability
  • Output depends on factor inputs and the
    efficiency with which they are used
  • Policy should increase supplies of factors
  • Increased competition increases efficiency
  • The national and international saving and
    investment balance determine real interest rates
  • Lower real interest rates increase capital and
  • Lower risk premia increase the level of capital
    per unit of output
  • Crafts and OMahony show core Europeans have 25
    more capital per head than the UK

Inflation and Risk
  • Lower inflation and output volatility reduces
    risk and affects decision making
  • Lower premia mean a lower cost of capital, more
    investment and a higher capital stock
  • Higher capital means more output for a given
    level of labour input
  • Exchange rate instability increases risk and
    reduces investment and output
  • Monetary union membership for the UK may raise
    inflation volatility and will reduce exchange
    rate volatility

Labour productivity in EU (person hour in ppp)
relative to the US
Productivity and growth
  • Output per person hour is higher in core Europe
    than in the US or the UK
  • Over the last 30 years the core Europeans have
    caught up with and overtaken the US
  • UK performance has improved marginally recently

Participation, hours and activity
  • Participation rates are lower in core Europe than
    the US or the UK
  • Hours are shorter in core Europe
  • Methods of constructing the national accounts
    differ significantly
  • Core Europe has a lead in output

The events of the 1970s
  • The collapse of Bretton Woods was triggered by a
    German refusal to accept the inflation rate
    determined by US policy
  • Outcomes varied across Europe, but German policy
    was much more successful
  • Germany kept inflation stable
  • The UK and Italy performed badly
  • It is not clear that floating exchange rates were
    a success

The ERM and the path to Union
  • Exchange rates became more stable in the 1980s
    with the ERM
  • Inflation began to converge but realignments were
  • Exchange rates became harder
  • Fiscal policy had been loose in the 1980s
  • The Maastricht Treaty put constraints on fiscal
  • Deficits were limited
  • Debts had a ceiling
  • The ERM crisis of 1992 to 93 made the process
    look unstable

Choosing the members
  • In the early 1990s plans involved a small
    membership with tight constraints
  • Fiscal constraints were the most important
  • Deficits had to be under 3 of GDP
  • The debt criteria disappeared
  • Exchange rate stability and interest rate
    convergence was required
  • These were not always imposed
  • Why was a deficit ceiling chosen, and what was
    wrong with the Golden rule

What is the constitution
  • The monetary constitution gives the ECB the right
    to choose its own inflation target
  • Is this a democratic deficit
  • What are the role of rules
  • The background to the ECB must be seen in German
    Ordliberalism (not Mill and utility) where rules
    constrain politicians
  • The three pillars of the constitution are price
    stability, competition and the constrained state
    with dispersed responsibility

EMU and the single market
  • The Common Market has always been more than a
    free trade area, and it involved integration of
    standards and rules
  • The single market has removed barriers to trade
    and to capital mobility
  • It was designed to enhance competition
  • Competition reduces rents and raises output
  • The first phase increased trade
  • The removal of the currency barrier was the last
    step and appears to have increased cross border
    capital mobility

Fiscal Pacts in EuropeBackground
  • Debt stocks rose to high levels by the early
    1990s raising real interest rates
  • Debt stocks rose because fiscal policy was
    expected to reduce unemployment
  • High unemployment was structural not cyclical and
    fiscal policy did not work
  • Lower debt was needed to help reduce real
    interest rates and raise equilibrium output
  • Labour market polices were needed to deal with
    structural unemployment

Why do we need Fiscal Pacts
  • Governments need fiscal pacts with their people
    to enhance growth
  • The assurance of no excessive borrowing reduces
    expected real interest rates
  • Lower borrowing reduces the risk premium
  • It lowers the risk of default
  • it reduces the pressure for higher inflation to
    be used to reduce the debt burden
  • The UK has a Fiscal Pact between the people and
    the state based on the Golden rule
  • Does the golden rule have any basis in economic
    theory or it is just a guideline

Why does EMU need a Pact
  • In Monetary Union the gains from fiscal expansion
    are mainly in the home country
  • Spillovers are shared by all members
  • Increased real interest rates are shared, and in
    the long run reduce output everywhere
  • The costs of higher inflation are shared because
    of the pressure of the risk of debt default are
    shared everywhere
  • Default risks lie with the country and the
    lenders not the Euro Area

EMU and monetary target independence
  • The ECB has the constitutional remit of
    maintaining price stability
  • It started with a range of 0-2 per cent but was
    clear that this was not centred at 1.0
  • It now has a target of close to but below 2.0
  • How can 2 per cent be price stability
  • Why does price stability matter
  • Longer term contracts are secure
  • Second round effects from oil seem limited
  • What are the achievements

Monetary Policy
  • Monetary policy is handled to the ECB
  • It has goal and instrument independence
  • It is not clear that it is fully effective
  • Policy under the Bundesbank was clear
  • Behaviour was constant over 25 years,
  • Inflation and its volatility were the lowest in
    the G7
  • Real exchange rate volatility was low
  • ECB behaviour is clearly different
  • It appears to have less response to deviations of
    inflation above and below target

Euro Area Inflation Expectations
  • Since oil price began to rise
  • US inflation expectations up 0.7 pp on average
    p.a. over next 10 years, and 1 pp over next 5
  • Euro Area expectations up just ΒΌ pp
  • Exchange rate developments
  • The decline in the dollar raise US inflation
  • Monetary policy regimes
  • The US may be expected to be more accommodating
  • Different cyclical positions

Has EMU been a success?
  • We need to judge EMU on growth, stability and
  • Has inflation been near target
  • Has the exchange rate been stable
  • Has growth been satisfactory
  • We also need to ask what else has been going on,
    and how this affected individual countries ands
    the Union as a whole
  • Globalisation and trade agreements
  • Technical change and new products

Inflation performance
Fiscal policy has the SGP worked
Why and where has growth been weak
  • Growth has been weak in Germany and Italy and
    recently in the Netherlands
  • Performance in France has been OK and robust in
    Spain and Finland
  • Overall growth has been weak but this may not be
    because EMU has been set up

Misalignments and the effects of entry
  • Overvalued currencies on entry would have caused
    slower growth
  • Germany and Italy were overvalued, Netherlands
    and Spain undervalued
  • Growth differentials partly reflect adjustment
  • Germany controlled policy until 1999, and it was
    designed to reduce volatility there
  • EMU will have raised perceived volatility in
    Germany but reduced it elsewhere
  • All these should net out leaving growth for EMU

Technical progress and productivity growth
  • Germany has had slow growth in labour
  • blamed on inflexible labour markets
  • Other countries in EMU are similar
  • The US has had a wave of technical progress
    raising labour productivity
  • The US moved first with new products, and its
    education system and labour market were more
    suited to these developments

Trade and globalisation
  • World trade agreements have changed potential
    output in EMU
  • Italy has been badly hit by the ATC because of
    its production structure
  • Italy has had very major fiscal consolidation
    over the last decade

Products and processes
  • The world economy has been going through a period
    of product innovation after decades of process
  • EMU may have slow growth because of the design of
    its institutions
  • Long term attachments between firms and workers
    with extensive on the job training are different
    from the US pattern
  • EMU styles may be better for process innovation
    and it may be unwise to change
  • We may have seen waves of catching up and falling
    behind because of these difference

Will expansion make EMU more difficult to sustain
  • Estonia, Lithuania and Slovenia may join this
    year if inflation and budget deficits allow them
    to do so
  • Why are they joining and will it change anything
    in this case not much
  • Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary will join by
    2010 Poland is half of NMS
  • For given inflation in core Europe they mat raise
    the required inflation target by 0.06 initially
    and 0.2 perhaps in 2010
  • These expansions will be easier to manage than
    the inclusion of Italy and Spain at the outset

Does it matter that the UK is outside EMU
  • The SMP and economic integration is not complete
    without UK membership
  • The costs to EMU are likely to be small
  • The costs to the UK may exist
  • It is not clear that the UK will be more stable
    and grow more outside EMU but costs of staying
    outside will be low
  • Real exchange rate stability is less likely
    outside and this is the major factor affecting
    investment risk premia

Conclusion what will happen to EMU
  • Exchange rate regimes fall apart slightly more
    often than countries do
  • The economic benefits are clear, but the
    political will has to remain
  • It is not clear that Italy would find life any
    more comfortable outside EMU, but devaluation and
    inflation can help when you have structural
  • EMU may be a better option than a repetition of
    1933 to 1945

Economics and Business ExchangeSupported by
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