Title: Energy Models
1Energy Models
3What is a Model?
- A stylized, formalized representation of a
systemto probe its responsiveness
4Classification of Energy Models
- Energy systems boundaries (energy sector vs.
economy, demand vs. supply, (final) energy demand
vs. IRM) - Aggregation level (top-down vs bottom-up)
- Science perspectives Natural (climate),
Economics (typical T-D, demand), Engineering
(typical B-U, supply),Social science (typical
B-U, demand)Integrated Assessment Models (all
of above)
5System Boundaries in Models
- Demand (final vs. intermediary)
- Supply (end-use vs. energy sector)
- Energy system?economy?emissions ?impacts
?feedbacks(?) - Aggregation leveltop-downbottom-up
6Energy Systems Boundaries
7(Component) Models of Energy Demand
- Bottom-up (MEDEE, LEAP, WEM)focus on
quantitiessimulation (activities?demand) and/or
econometric (income, price ?demand)many demand
and fuel categories - Top-down (ETA-MACRO, DICE, RICE)focus on
price-quantity relationships (cf econometric B-U
models) and feedbacks to economy (equilibrium)
higher energy costs less consumption (GDP) T-D
because offew demand and fuel categories - Hybrids (linked models, solved iteratively, (e.g.
8(Component) Models of Energy Supply
- Bottom-up (MESSAGE, MARKAL)
- Top-down (ETA-MACRO, GREEN)
- Varying degrees oftechnology detailemissions
(species)regional and sectorial detail - Increasing integration (coupling to demand and
macro-economic models)
9Energy Models Commonalities of Supply and Demand
- Optimization (minimize supply costs, maximize
utility of consumption) - Forward looking (perfect informationforesight,n
o uncertainty) - Intertemporal choice (discounting)
- Single agent (social planner)
- Backstop technology
- Exogenous changedemand (productivity, GDP
growth)technology improvements (costs, AEII)
10Energy Economy Environment Systems
Boundaries of 3 ModelsMESSAGE, ETA-MACRO, DICE
? ETA-MACRO and MESSAGE Degree of technology
11Top-Down -- Ex. DICE
12A Simple Top-down Energy Demand Model
13Bill Nordhaus DICE Model Overview
Remaining damage
14Bill Nordhaus DICE Model Illustrative Result
15DICE Model - Analytically Resolved (99 of all
solutions by 2100). Source A. Smirnov, IIASA,
abatement costs
damage costs
16DICE Assumptions Determining Results
- Modeling paradigm-- utility maximization (akin
cost minimization)-- perfect foresight (akin no
uncertainty)-- social planner (when-where
flexibility, strict separation of equity and
efficiency) - Abatement cost and damage functions,calibrated
as GWP vs. GMTC (C) - Discount rate (for inter-temporal choice,
5)matters for damages (long-term) vs abatement
costs (short-term) - No discontinuities (catastrophes)
17Attainability Domain of DICE with original
Optimality Point 2100
Source Smirnov, 2006
18DICE Attainability Domain and Isolinesof
Objective Function Surface
Percent of max. of objective function.Note the
large indifference area
Source Smirnov, 2006
19Attainability Domain, Objective Function, and
Thermohaline Collapse Risk Surfaces
Risk Surface of Thermohaline collapse(years of
exposure 1990-2100)climate sensitivity 3 ºC
Source Smirnov, 2007
20Attainability Domain, Objective Function, and
Thermohaline Collapse Risk Surfaces
Risk Surface of Thermohaline collapse(years of
exposure 1990-2100)climate sensitivity 3.5 ºC
Source Smirnov, 2007
21Attainability Domain, Objective Function, and
Thermohaline Collapse Risk Surfaces
Risk Surface of Thermohaline collapse(years of
exposure 1990-2100)climate sensitivity 4 ºC
Source Smirnov, 2007
Nordhaus and Boyer, Warming the WorldEconomic
Models of Global Warming, MIT Press, Cambridge,
Mass, 2000. Online documentation and .xls and
GAMS versions of model http//www.econ.yale.edu
23Bottom up Ex. MESSAGE
24Structure of a typical Bottom-up model
- Demand categories (ex- or endogeneous) time
vectors, e.g. industrial high- and
low-temperature heat, specific electricity,... - Supply technologies (energy sector and end-use)
time vectors of process characteristics, energy
inputs/outputs, costs, emissions,.. - Resource supply curves (costs vs quantities)
- Constraintsphysical balances, load
curvesmodeling e.g. build-up ratesscenarios
e.g. climate (emissions) targets
25Example MESSAGE (Model of Energy Supply Systems
Alternatives their General Environmental
- Model structure
- Time frame (horizon, steps)
- Load regions (demand/supply regions)
- Energy levels (primary to final)
- Energy forms (fuels)
- Model variables
- Technologies (conversion) main model entities
- Resources (supply curves modeling scacity)
- Demands (exogenous GDP, efficiency, and
lifestyles) - Constraints (restrictions, e.g. CO2
emissions)ultimately determine solution (ex.
26Basic Structure of MESSAGE(recall energy balance
Energy levels
Pro duction
Con version
Cogen eration
Energy forms
27A Reference Energy System of a B-U Model (MESSAGE)
Additional by 2020
28Representation of Technologies
- Installed capacity (capital vintage structure)
- Efficiency (1st Law conversion efficiency)
- Costs
- Investment
- Fixed OM
- Variable OM
- Availability factor
- Plant life (years)
- Emissions
per unit activity (output)
29Linear Programming
Production inputs (e.g. Capital, Labor)
Resource constraintse.g. capital and labor
x1 lt L
Demand constraintsupplydemand
Cost function
Source Strubegger, 2004.
30Linear Programming
Solution Space (Simplex)
Optimum Solution at Simplex Corner(defined by
constraints objective function)
Source Strubegger, 2004.
Eric V. Denardo, The Science of Decision Making.
A Problem-based Approach Using Excel. Wiley,
2002.Good introduction and CD with excel macros
and solvers.(see Arnulf or Denardo at ENG for a
browse copy)
32SummaryT-D and B-U Models
33Top-down vs. Bottom-up Different Questions and
- T-D How much a given energy price
(environmental tax) increase will reduce demand
(emissions) and consumption (GDP growth)? - B-U How can a given energy demand (emission
reduction target) be achieved with minimal
(energy systems) costs?
34US Mitigation Costs
35Top-down vs. Bottom-up Strengths and Weaknesses
- Top-down (equilibrium) transparency,
simplicity, data availability prices
quantities equilibrate- ignores (externalizes)
major structural changes (dematerialization,
lifestyles, TC) - Bottom-up (status-quo) detail, clear decision
rules- main drivers remain exogenous (demand,
technology change, resources)- quality does not
matter- invisible costs?
e.g. IPCC TAR(intro and summary and implications
on CC mitigation costs) http//www.grida.no/clima
te/ipcc_tar/wg3/310.htm http//www.ipcc.ch/ipccre
37Integrated Assessment Models
38IIASA-WEC Global Energy Perspectives Hybrid IA
- Top-down, bottom-up combination (soft-linking)
- Top-down scenario development (aggregates)
- Decomposition into sectorial demands (useful
energy level) - Alternative supply scenarios
- Iterations to balance prices quantities
(macro-module) - Calculation of emissions (no feedbacks)
39IIASA-WEC Integrated Scenario Analysis
40IIASA GGI Climate Stabilization Scenarios
- Capturing uncertainty 3 baselines (demand,
technology innovation and costs), stabilization
targets - Energy, agriculture, forestry sectors and all
GHGs - Spatially explicit analysis (11 world regions,
106 grid cells) - Stabilization targets Exogenous
- Methodology Inter-temporal cost minimization
41GGI IA Framework
Spatially explicit scenario drivers Population,
Income, POP and GDP density(land prices)MESSAGE
Exogenous drivers for CH4 N2O
emissions N-Fertilizer use, Bovine Livestock
Data Sources Fischer Tubiello,LUC
MESSAGE System Engineering Energy Model
Data Sources Obersteiner Rokityanskiy, FOR
Bottom-up mitigation technologies for non-CO2
Data SourcesUSEPA,EMF-21
Black Carbon and Organic Carbon Emissions
Data Sources Klimont Kupiano,TAP
Data sources Fischer Tubiello, LUC
Data Sources Obersteiner Rokityanskiy, FOR
42Biomass Potentials
Dynamic GDP maps (to 2100)
Dynamic population density (to 2100)
Development of bioenergy potentials (to 2100)
Consistency of land-price, urban areas, net
primary productivity, biomass potentials
(spatially explicit)
43Scenario Characteristics (World, 2000-2100)
2000 A2r B2 B1
Demand (FE), EJ 290 1250 950 800
Technological change - Low Medium High
Energy Intensity Impr., /year -0.7 -0.6 -1.2 -1.7
Carbon Intensity Impr., /year -0.3 -0.3 -0.6 -1.5
Fossil energy (PE), EJ 340 1180 690 340
Non-fossil energy (PE), EJ 95 1080 1050 1160
Emissions (Energy), GtC 7 27 16 6
ppmv (CO2-equiv) 370 1390 980 790
Stabiliz. levels - 1090-670 670-520 670-480
Historical development since 1850
44Emissions Reduction MeasuresMultiple sectors
and stabilization levels
45Costs Energy-sector (left), and Macro-economic
(right) vs Baseline and Stabilization Target
46Costs of Different Baselines and Stabilization
Deployment rate of efficiency and low-emission
47Emissions and Reductions by Source in the
Scenarios(for an illustrative stabilization
target of 670 ppmv-equiv)
48Emissions Reduction MeasuresPrincipal
technology (clusters) and stabilization targets
Improvements incorporated in baselines
Emissions reductions due to climate policies
49Emission Reduction MeasuresPrincipal technology
(clusters) and stabilization targets
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
74(2007) Special Issue Available via
ScienceDirect or via http//www.iiasa.ac.at/Rese
51Integrated Assessment Models What they can do
- Full cycle analysis Economy Energy
Environment - Multiple scenarios (uncertainties)
- Multiple environmental impacts (but aggregation
only via monetarization) - Cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness analysis
- Value and timing of information (backstops)
52Integrated Assessment Models What they cannot do
- Resolve uncertainties (LbD)
- Optional hedging strategies vis à vis
uncertainty (?stochastic optimization) - Resolve equity-efficiency conundrum(?agent
based, game theoretical models) - Address implementation issues(e.g. building
codes, C-trade, RD, technology transfer)
53From Models to Reality.