Second Investment Course - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Second Investment Course


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Second Investment Course

Second Investment Course November 2005
  • Topic Four
  • Portfolio Optimization Analytical Techniques

Overview of the Portfolio Optimization Process
  • The preceding analysis demonstrates that it is
    possible for investors to reduce their risk
    exposure simply by holding in their portfolios a
    sufficiently large number of assets (or asset
    classes). This is the notion of naïve
    diversification, but as we have seen there is a
    limit to how much risk this process can remove.
  • Efficient diversification is the process of
    selecting portfolio holdings so as to (i)
    minimize portfolio risk while (ii) achieving
    expected return objectives and, possibly,
    satisfying other constraints (e.g., no short
    sales allowed). Thus, efficient diversification
    is ultimately a constrained optimization problem.
    We will return to this topic in the next
  • Notice that simply minimizing portfolio risk
    without a specific return objective in mind
    (i.e., an unconstrained optimization problem) is
    seldom interesting to an investor. After all, in
    an efficient market, any riskless portfolio
    should just earn the risk-free rate, which the
    investor could obtain more cost-effectively with
    a T-bill purchase.

The Portfolio Optimization Process
  • As established by Nobel laureate Harry Markowitz
    in the 1950s, the efficient diversification
    approach to establishing an optimal set of
    portfolio investment weights (i.e., wi) can be
    seen as the solution to the following non-linear,
    constrained optimization problem
  • Select wi so as to minimize
  • subject to (i) E(Rp) R
  • (ii) S wi 1
  • The first constraint is the investors return
    goal (i.e., R). The second constraint simply
    states that the total investment across all 'n'
    asset classes must equal 100. (Notice that this
    constraint allows any of the wi to be negative
    that is, short selling is permissible.)
  • Other constraints that are often added to this
    problem include (i) All wi gt 0 (i.e., no short
    selling), or (ii) All wi lt P, where P is a fixed

Solving the Portfolio Optimization Problem
  • In general, there are two approaches to solving
    for the optimal set of investment weights (i.e.,
    wi) depending on the inputs the user chooses to
  • Underlying Risk and Return Parameters Asset
    class expected returns, standard deviations,
  • Analytical (i.e., closed-form) solution True
    solution but sometimes difficult to implement and
    relatively inflexible at handling multiple
    portfolio constraints
  • Optimal search Flexible design and easiest to
    implement, but does not always achieve true
  • Observed Portfolio Returns Underlying asset
    class risk and return parameters estimated

The Analytical Solution to Efficient Portfolio
The Analytical Solution to Efficient Portfolio
Optimization (cont.)
The Analytical Solution to Efficient Portfolio
Optimization (cont.)
Example of Mean-Variance Optimization Analytical
Solution(Three Asset Classes, Short Sales
Example of Mean-Variance Optimization Analytical
Solution (cont.) (Three Asset Classes, Short
Sales Allowed)
Example of Mean-Variance Optimization Optimal
Search Procedure (Three Asset Classes, Short
Sales Allowed)
Example of Mean-Variance Optimization Optimal
Search Procedure (Three Asset Classes, No Short
Measuring the Cost of Constraint Incremental
Portfolio Risk
Main Idea Any constraint on the optimization
process imposes a cost to the investor in terms
of incremental portfolio volatility, but only if
that constraint is binding (i.e., keeps you from
investing in an otherwise optimal manner).
Mean-Variance Efficient Frontier With and Without
Optimal Search Efficient Frontier Example Five
Asset Classes
Example of Mean-Variance Optimization Optimal
Search Procedure (Five Asset Classes, No Short
Mean-Variance Optimization with Black-Litterman
  • One of the criticisms that is sometimes made
    about the mean-variance optimization process that
    we have just seen is that the inputs (e.g., asset
    class expected returns, standard deviations, and
    correlations) must be estimated, which can effect
    the quality of the resulting strategic
  • Typically, these inputs are estimated from
    historical return data. However, it has been
    observed that inputs estimated with historical
    datathe expected returns, in particularlead to
    extreme portfolio allocations that do not
    appear to be realistic.
  • Black-Litterman expected returns are often
    preferred in practice for the use in
    mean-variance optimizations because the
    equilibrium-consistent forecasts lead to
    smoother, more realistic allocations.

BL Mean-Variance Optimization Example
  • Recall the implied expected returns and other
    inputs from the earlier example

BL Mean-Variance Optimization Example (cont.)
  • These inputs can then be used in a standard
    mean-variance optimizer

BL Mean-Variance Optimization Example (cont.)
  • This leads to the following optimal allocations
    (i.e., efficient frontier)

BL Mean-Variance Optimization Example (cont.)
BL Mean-Variance Optimization Example (cont.)
  • Another advantage of the BL Optimization model is
    that it provides a way for the user to
    incorporate his own views about asset class
    expected returns into the estimation of the
    efficient frontier.
  • Said differently, if you do not agree with the
    implied returns, the BL model allows you to make
    tactical adjustments to the inputs and still
    achieve well-diversified portfolios that reflect
    your view.
  • Two components of a tactical view
  • Asset Class Performance
  • Absolute (e.g., Asset Class 1 will have a return
    of X)
  • Relative (e.g., Asset Class 1 will outperform
    Asset Class 2 by Y)
  • User Confidence Level
  • 0 to 100, indicating certainty of return view
  • (See the article A Step-by-Step Guide to the
    Black-Litterman Model by T. Idzorek of Zephyr
    Associates for more details on the computational
    process involved with incorporating
    user-specified tactical views)

BL Mean-Variance Optimization Example (cont.)
  • Suppose we adjust the inputs in the process to
    include two tactical views
  • US Equity will outperform Global Equity by 50
    basis points (70 confidence)
  • Emerging Market Equity will outperform US Equity
    by 150 basis points (50 confidence)

BL Mean-Variance Optimization Example (cont.)
  • The new optimal allocations reflect these
    tactical views (i.e., more Emerging Market Equity
    and less Global Equity

BL Mean-Variance Optimization Example (cont.)
  • This leads to the following new efficient

Optimal Portfolio Formation With Historical
Returns Examples
  • Suppose we have monthly return data for the last
    three years on the following six asset classes
  • Chilean Stocks (IPSA Index)
  • Chilean Bonds (LVAG LVAC Indexes)
  • Chilean Cash (LVAM Index)
  • U.S. Stocks (SP 500 Index)
  • U.S. Bonds (SBBIG Index)
  • Multi-Strategy Hedge Funds (CSFB/Tremont Index)
  • Assume also that the non-CLP denominated asset
    classes can be perfectly and costlessly hedged in
    full if the investor so desires

Optimal Portfolio Formation With Historical
Returns Examples (cont.)
  • Consider the formation of optimal strategic asset
    allocations under a wide variety of conditions
  • With and without hedging non-CLP exposure
  • With and Without Investment in Hedge Funds
  • With and Without 30 Constraint on non-CLP Assets
  • With different definitions of the optimization
  • Mean-Variance Optimization
  • Mean-Lower Partial Moment (i.e., downside risk)
  • Alpha-Tracking Error Optimization
  • Each of these optimization examples will
  • Use the set of historical returns directly rather
    than the underlying set of asset class risk and
    return parameters
  • Be based on historical return data from the
    period October 2002 September 2005
  • Restrict against short selling (except those
    short sales embedded in the hedge fund asset

1. Mean-Variance Optimization Non-CLP Assets
100 Unhedged
Unconstrained Efficient Frontier 100 Unhedged
One Consequence of the Unhedged M-V Efficient
  • Notice that because of the strengthening CLP/USD
    exchange rate over the October 2002 September
    2005 period, the optimal allocation for any
    expected return goal did not include any exposure
    to non-CLP asset classes
  • This unhedged foreign investment efficient
    frontier is equivalent to the efficient frontier
    that would have resulted from a domestic
    investment only constraint.
  • The issue of foreign currency hedging will be
    considered in a separate topic

Mean-Variance Optimization Non-CLP Assets 100
Unconstrained M-V Efficient Frontier 100 Hedged
Comparison of Unhedged (i.e. Domestic Only) and
Hedged (i.e., Unconstrained Foreign) Efficient
A Related Question About Foreign Diversification
  • What allocation to foreign assets in a domestic
    investment portfolio leads to a reduction in the
    overall level of risk?
  • Van Harlow of Fidelity Investments performed the
    following analysis
  • Consider a benchmark portfolio containing a 100
    allocation to U.S. equities
  • Diversify the benchmark portfolio by adding a
    foreign equity allocation in successive 5
  • Calculate standard deviations for benchmark and
    diversified portfolios using monthly return data
    over rolling three-year holding periods during
  • For each foreign allocation proportion, calculate
    the percentage of rolling three-year holding
    periods that resulted in a risk level for the
    diversified portfolio that was higher than the
    domestic benchmark

(No Transcript)
Foreign Diversification Potential (cont.)
  • Ennis Knupp Associates (EKA) have provided an
    alternative way of quantifying the
    diversification benefits of adding international
    stocks to a U.S. stock portfolio
  • EKA concludes that international diversification
    adds an important element of risk control within
    an investment program the optimal allocation
    from a statistical standpoint is approximately
    30-40 of total equities, although they
    generally favor a slightly lower allocation due
    to cost considerations.

Foreign Diversification Potential One Caveat
  • During recent periods, it appears as though the
    correlations between U.S. and non-U.S. markets
    are increasing, reducing the diversification
    benefits of non-U.S. markets.
  • While this is true, the fact that these markets
    are less than perfectly correlated means that
    there is still a diversification benefit afforded
    to investors who allocate a portion of their
    assets overseas.

More on Mean-Variance OptimizationThe Cost of
Adding Additional Constraints
  • Start with the following base case
  • Six asset classes Three Chilean, Three Foreign
    (Including Hedge Funds)
  • No Short Sales
  • 100 Hedged Foreign Investments
  • No Constraint on Total Foreign Investment
  • No Constraint on Hedge Fund Investment
  • Consider the addition of two more constraints
  • 30 Limit on Foreign Asset Classes
  • No Hedge Funds

Additional Constraints 30 Foreign Investment
Additional Constraints 30 Foreign Investment
No Hedge Funds
2. Mean-Downside Risk Optimization Scenario
  • Start with Same Base Case as Before
  • - Six Asset Classes Three Domestic, Three
  • - Fully Hedged Foreign Investments No Short
  • - No Constraint on Foreign Investments
  • - No Constraint on Hedge Funds
  • Downside Risk Conditions
  • Threshold Level 2.93 (i.e., annualized return
    from Chilean cash market)
  • Power Factor for Downside Deviations 2.0

Mean-Downside Risk Optimization Non-CLP Assets
100 Hedged
Unconstrained M-LPM Efficient Frontier 100
Additional Constraints 30 Foreign Investment
Additional Constraints 30 Foreign Investment
No Hedge Funds
3. Alpha-Tracking Error Optimization Scenario
  • Start with Same Base Case as Before
  • - Six Asset Classes Three Domestic, Three
  • - Fully Hedged Foreign Investments No Short
  • - No Constraint on Foreign Investments or Hedge
  • Optimization Process Defined Relative to
    Benchmark Portfolio
  • Minimize Tracking Error Necessary to Achieve a
    Required Level of Excess Return (i.e., Alpha)
    Relative to Benchmark Return
  • Benchmark Composition Chilean Stock 35
    Chilean Bonds 30, Chilean Cash 5 U.S. Stock
    15 U.S. Bonds 15 Hedge Funds 0
  • Notice that Benchmark Portfolio Could Be Defined
    as Average Peer Group Allocation

Alpha-Tracking Error Optimization Non-CLP Assets
100 Hedged
Unconstrained a-TE Efficient Frontier 100 Hedged
Additional Constraints 30 Foreign Investment
Additional Constraints 30 Foreign Investment
No Hedge Funds
The Portfolio Optimization Process Some Summary
  • The introduction of the portfolio optimization
    process was an important step in the development
    of what is now considered to be modern finance
    theory. These techniques have been widely used
    in practice for more than fifty years.
  • Portfolio optimization is an effective tool for
    establishing the strategic asset allocation
    policy for a investment portfolio. It is most
    likely to be usefully employed at the asset class
    level rather than at the individual security
  • There are two critical implementation decisions
    that the investor must make
  • The nature of the risk-return problem
  • Mean-Variance, Mean-Downside Risk, Excess
    Return-Tracking Error
  • Estimates of the required inputs
  • Expected returns, asset class risk, correlations
  • Portfolio optimization routines can be adapted to
    include a variety of restrictions on the
    investment process (e.g., no short sales, limits
    on foreign investing).
  • - The cost of such investment constraints can be
    viewed in terms of the incremental volatility
    that the investor is required to bear to obtain
    the same expected outcome
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